26 April 2020 10:52
Kamar besar tapi ac kurang dingin. Dapet kamar di lantai 3. Mungkin karena pake airy. Serem banget. Sepi. Langit2 lorongnya udah pada mengelupas. Dikamar juga. Lift macet. Capek naik turun tangga. Mana area tangga serem banget lagi. Dah kayak di film2 horror
Resepsionis ramah.
20 Maret 2020 3:39
Not easy to get to this hotel, need to go thru alley. Seems not managed well, expired sugar and creamer, damaged bed, etc. Sorry to say. You must improve!
04 Oktober 2019 11:08
Kamar kurang terawat, air di toilet kurang lancar, tetapi tempat dekat dengan bandara dan pantai Kuta
25 Juli 2019 7:45
This was the best value hotel I've ever stayed in at just 72,000 IDR/night with breakfast. The room was clean and contained a nice balcony, big TV, refrigerator, big bathroom with bidet, desk, and delicious breakfast. There were many mosquitos in the room. There wasn't always warm water. The shower water smelled like sulfur. The pool was too cool since it is always in the shade.
13 Mei 2019 21:05
Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, staffnya ramah, ada parkiran motor, aman, kamarnya bagus, harganya lumayan murah, wifinya josss deket kemana mana terutama yang naik motor bisa kemana aja kalau bawa mobil cukup ribet ya karna banyak jalan satu arah jadi harus masuk jalan yang bener karna jalan hanya dapet di lewatin satu mobil saja kalau motor ga masalah karna jalan satu arah hanya untuk mobil motor bisa masuk keluar dari mana mana yang penting ada jalannya bukan jalan buntu.
25 April 2019 1:35
Fasilitas lengkap dan sesuai standar airy. Setiap hari dikasih snack dan kamarnya bersih. Recommended banget buat yang cari hotel murah dengan kualitas ga murahan.
24 April 2019 8:42
Untuk kategori budget hotel masih tergolong OK. Awalnya dapat kamar yg menghadap barat, panas dan pengap, sudah mencoba menyalakan AC selama 1 jam tapi suhu kamar tidak turun. Saya complain ke resepsionis, minta pindah kamar dan permintaan saya dipenuhi dengan baik
27 Januari 2019 12:19
Hotel dgn suasana yg santai, sepi, nyaman bgt nginep di ni hotel. Gk cmn luarnya yg bagus, dalemnya juga oke. Apalagi ada lampu tidurnya 4 lampu
09 Desember 2018 13:43
It is in ViHan Suite Tuban, not hard to find. Place is nice with "that" price. I mean the style, the room. Only when I came to the first room, the AC was not realy cold and the lock didn't work (it was manual lock). Then moved to another room, still the AC wasn't really cold. But the lock did work though. There's no lift, had to go through the stairs. Our room was on the 3rd floor by the way (LoL). Water was a bit stinky. The rest were fine. Room was clean, bathroom was clean. We got free snacks from Airy (lol). Nice!
Ah, they use satelite channels too, for the TV. Which is nice.

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