13 September 2023 18:26
Kamar bersih, ac dingin, ada balkon jugaa, nyamannnn banget nginap disini
8 hari 7 malam dengan harga yg WORTH IT di daerah seminyakk
Karyawan helpfull banget, semua bli nya baik hati dan ramaaahhhh!
Next kalau ke bali bakal nginap kesini lagi
LOKASI strategissss
Thank you nikhilaa
27 Agustus 2023 3:48
We had booked the suite for 5 nights. However, the room turned out not to be as big as expected. There were 2 shower heads, the large one did not work, mold was also present in the bathroom.
Air conditioning present and works well!
Room is cleaned every day.
26 Juli 2023 7:10
Saat check tgl 16 juli 23 jam 18.00 kamar blum siap, kami harus menunggu di lobby. Padahal itu sudah lewat jauh dari waktu check in. Resepsionisnya laki2 jutek, ga ramah sama sekali. Kolam renang kecil sekali.
12 Juli 2023 8:03
Beberapa peralatannya kurang terawat, kamar lebih sempit dari yang terlihat di foto, tapi cukup bersih, dapat pemandangan balkon juga, ya lumayanlah.
08 Juli 2023 0:49
For the price it's brilliant best we have found since coming to bali over the last 12 years, this place is so clean and comfortable and great location, pool is also lovely on the roof top! 10/10 and breakfast was lovely! Well done guys ️
09 Juni 2023 1:50
Had a staycation couple days ago, the room was good, well cleaned, bathroom was clean, and they got us as we requested. We had a balcony. Pool was nice with rooftop view.

They had mini store at lobby, the staff was helpful.

Our stay was worthy with the price we got.
23 Mei 2023 9:53
Budget hotel in good location on Seminyak Bali, very quiet and have reasonable price for late check out
29 April 2023 0:56
Lokasi hotel strategis tapi jauh dari keramaian jadi tidak macet
Murah tapi bersih hotelnya, nyaman.
Minus parkiran sedikit.
One of the best budget hotel in Bali.
25 April 2023 8:18
Lokasi nya tidak jauh dari Raya Petitenget, tersedia parkir yang cukup meskipun tidak banyak dengan fasilitas free valet, kamar cukup lega dengan balkon, meskipun fasilitas kamar belum lengkap tapi sudah cukup nyaman, untuk makanan breakfast bisa ala carte atau buffet sesuai kebijakan hotel dengan melihat jumlah tamu yang mengambil paket breakfast, terdapat kolam renang di rooftop yang bisa buat anak kecil juga, recomended
10 Februari 2023 15:45
The staff was kind and polite, the room is clean and comfortable, they have rooftop with swimming pool and restaurant, the city view also great, close area with mart, cafe, bar, etc.
09 Februari 2023 16:23
It was a clean room in general, but the towels were dirty with stains and the sink wash dented cracked from the inside. Cool view of the pool! Air conditioning works fine, water heater too. But the main star is walking distance to club and bars around here! (shishi, potato head, ling2, shooters, the forge, etc)
28 Januari 2023 10:41
Jangan kesini bawa mobil, mobil saya rusak diparkir security hotel tidak ada pertanggung jawaban dari pihak hotel. Security juga tidak mengakui kesalahannya.
22 Januari 2023 13:58
Kamar nya sempit banget, akses jalan juga sempit, macet, pelayanan nya Lambat, kurang. Gak rekomen deh
21 November 2022 11:07
Room is bare but clean, located close to main street petitenget. Service was good too, had a late flight and could hold the room til 6pm for a reasonable price.
18 November 2022 14:30
Kami tahu harga murah tidak bisa menuntut janji apa-apa, tapi sebagai entitas bisnis yang bernama hotel harusnya bisa memberi pelayanan yang setidaknya bisa menarik tamu untuk menginap kembali
05 November 2022 10:22
Staff nya ga friendly, masa saya ketemu ama temen harus taruk ktp di receptionis

ini hotel udah kayak penjara ketatnya.kalian pikir tamu itu kriminal? Yg cuma mau ketemua temen aja taruh ktp di lobby.tolong ya manajemen hotel ini diperbaiki
05 September 2022 17:05
Budget hotel which is close to Petitenget, easy access to shops and restaurants. 10 mins walk to beach. Rooms are small and basic and have no refrigerator. But it was clean and comfortable.
05 Agustus 2022 13:00
Saya ketiga kalinya menginap di hotel ini
dulu namanya airy premier
kamarnya bersih
sprei dan bantalnya bersih.wangi
toiletnya cukup bersih
pelayanannya ramah
harganya murah tapi prima
lokasinya cukup strategis untuk daerah Seminyak
08 Juli 2022 18:12
Kamar terlalu kecil buat perjlanan dengan keluarga tdk ada kulkas dlm kamar. Sarapan lumayan tdk dg buffet. Kamar mandi juga kecil. Tdk ada lemari atau meja krn barang2ku bnyak jadi menempatkan barang aku taro di kolong tmpat tidur.semangat yg sudah pesen hotel ini
09 Juni 2022 6:47
Low price hotel with high quality services. Rooftop pool available with city view of seminyak, bali.
09 April 2022 6:34
Very similar vibe to grandmas hotel with sliiightly a bit of bigger space. Luggage desk is too small. Bathroom is tiny.
Room is a bit damp.
Chair is filthy.
Pillow is too hard.
Provides water kettle but no.cups, let alone tea and coffee.
No hairdryer
No fridge
Called to ask for salt, dont even have salt in the whole freaking building.
Ac is nice. Clean but worn out.
They supply you with 2x250ml water but you need to buy yr own smwhere else if need more.
02 Februari 2022 1:33
Selalu nginep dsini klo ke Bali. Entah itu short atau long stay. Karena posisi hotelnya ada dtengah2. Mau kemana2 deket. Nyari makan atau convinience store juga deket. Nyari taksi atau taxol jg ga ribet alamatnya. Staffnya ramah dan baik. Kebersihan kamar selalu dijaga dengan baik. Tidak mengecewakan.
28 Januari 2022 0:01
A very nice stay near where everything is in Petitengget, staff was very helpful there's good parking space and the view was great. Has a rooftop pool with a view to the sea!
28 November 2021 19:38
Jadi dapet kamar dsni seharga 375rb 4 malem yg artinya semalam cuma sekitar 90rban hahaha.kamarnya enak, tiap hari di bersihin room service.posisi strategis di Seminyak

cuma sejak pandemi resto tutup, jadi exclude sarapan deh.but overall nyaman kok
17 November 2021 2:11
Such a nice budget hotel in seminyak, easy access to go to shopping and place to hang out with friends.
15 Maret 2020 23:52
Hotel yg nyaman, bersih, tenang, kamar nya cukup luas ada balkon dan disediakan jemuran di balkon.kolam renang bersih ada kolam untuk anak dan dewasa.menu breakfast rasanya lumayan dan pilihan menu jg lumayan variatif untuk ukuran hotel budget.
29 Februari 2020 8:48
Lokasi sangat mudah ditemukan.kamar bersih, kamar mandi juga bersih.dikamar tersedia snack dan air mineral.kolam renang luas, kita bisa melihat sunrise atau sunset dari sini.banyak spot pofo ala2 tentunya. 2malem nginep disini, next akan kesini lagi deh.
29 Februari 2020 5:13
Really liked the room, cozy and bed is very comfy. But they should change smth on breakfast buffet, seems like hotel serving only Chinese cuisine, which is quite heavy for the morning.
13 Februari 2020 6:50
The staying was pleasant. The stuffs were extra nice. The foods on rooftop restaurant were reasonable and mouth-flooding! Delicio! Except the price we loved every bit of it!
07 Februari 2020 21:07
Kamarx bersiiihh, petugas ramah, ada free snack yg disediakan di kamar, menuak fast di resto lumayan lengkap dan enaakk. Berada di kawasan padat tourist asing. Kekuranganx gak ada hair dryer dan tissue meja di kamar.
20 Januari 2020 4:28
Best hotel in Seminyak, Bali. Located in the heart of Seminyak, good location, close to many restaurants and cafes. The room was clean and tidy. Staff was friendly and helpful. Enjoying my sunset view at rooftop swimming pool. Thank you Airy Premier Seminyak!
02 Januari 2020 4:29
The staffs were very friendly and helpful! I double booked a room by 3rd party and it was non refundable. I couldn’t get my money back, but the staff helped out with date changes (though they’re really slow response with email). The security guy helped my gf to get a simcard by get her to a store with his scooter. I stayed for 8 days and I also found that all the bed sheets are not really clean washed. But overall, they’re really nice.
26 Desember 2019 6:17
I had a good time in Airy Premier Seminyak! The service is so good, and there is also a rooftop pool! I mean, with such a low price you can still get the best services from them!
14 Desember 2019 15:27
Nice Place with Affordable price! 6 hari nginap disini suka, staff nya ramah, bisa nyantai & baca buku di lobby, ada kolam renang & restaurant nya juga di atas. Pretty nice Instagramable place tho. Tempat yg strategis di seminyak dekat sama tempat2 nongkrong, mau rent scooter juga ada di sekitar hotel tinggal nyebrang jalan. Nice lah
13 Desember 2019 23:26
Saya sudah cek kamar nya cukup bersih dan kelihatan nya nyaman sesuai yang ada di Traveloka, namun kami tidak nginap di sana di karenakan tempat yang agak jauh dari kegiatan kami, demikian info dari kami
08 Desember 2019 7:16
Tempat nya rapih dan bersih. Pegawai nya ramahh
Dan yg paling penting strategis lokasi nya
24 November 2019 8:24
Puas nginep di sini. Murah. Hotel bersih. Staf hotel responsif dan ramah. Fasilitas cukup memadai. Dengan budget 100.000an dapet kamar dengan balkon. Udara bebas keluar masuk kamar. Kamar mandi bersih, air panas dan air dingin terpenuhi dengan cukup. Toilet amenities memadai, hanya sikat gigi yang ga enak di pakai karena bulunya terlalu keras. Lokasi strategis dan mudah dijangkau. Tetap semangat Airy premier Seminyak!
24 November 2019 1:42
Staffnya ramah dan banget. Mau bantuin ini-itu, mukai dari parkirin mobil bolakbalik, sampe cariin motor, dll. Kamar nggak terlalu gede, tapi desainnya bagus. Cuman kemaren sih pas pesen twin bed buat 1 kamar buat babysitter saya dan assisten saya + anaknya, malah dikasih yg single bed (queenbed). Akhirnya pas saya keluar malam titip bayi saya bentar, jadinya baby sitter tidur dilantai krn gak cukup kasurnya Tapi, selebihnya its ok lah.untuk harga hotel segitu murahnya, ya oke juga dapatnya:)
10 November 2019 16:30
The room is very clean and very fresh then the staff is very kind and very helpfull especially komang Sutiari
08 November 2019 14:00
Nyaman dan bersih, dengan standar kenyamanan Airy. Untuk kamar suite recommended karena luas kamarnya. Booking via applikasi Airy lebih murah dibanding booking di tempat lain atau go show.
29 Oktober 2019 6:19
Kamarnya bgs.tmptnya strategis. Mudah dan dekat untuk cari makan. Deket hotel ada loundry.recomended bgt deh.bsk klo ke bali lg pasti nginep disini lg
20 Agustus 2019 18:39
Hotel location close to the beach, friendly staff.restaurant on the rooftop with amazing city views, clean rooms. I got an amazing city view room in the morning to see amazing sunrise and sunset
13 Agustus 2019 11:56
Dua malem stay disana, lokasi cukup strategis, seberangnya ada layanan laundry yg 4jam selesai, lumayan buat yang bawa baju sedikit bisa menggunakan jasa disana. Hanya saja bed yang saya gunakan terasa tidak begitu nyaman. Semoga ada evaluasi dr management hotel. Terimakasih. Overall ok dan murah.
12 Agustus 2019 4:16
A nice hotel, about 15-20 mins from Seminyak beach, although I’m sure there’s a shortcut to the beach somewhere.
The hotel has a nice rooftop pool, the rooms are decent & the staff friendly.

Why I won’t give this hotel more stars is because the internet is the worst I’ve experienced in Asia, which is frustrating if you require it for work, even writing this was a struggle as the connection is so intermittent.

But if that doesn’t bother you like it has me, it’s a nice hotel.
25 Juni 2019 22:40
Kamar nyaman, pelayanan Ok, nginep pas puasa, breakfast ditawarin ganti buat berbuka, chek in harusnya jam 2, saya datang lbh awal jam 12, karena tau saya puasa jam 12.30 udah di bukain kamar. Keren habis pelayanan
08 Juni 2019 7:54
Kamar happiness cukup bersih. Hotel tenang, agak jauh dr macet dan keramaian. Kebetulan kamar saya mepet dgn pantry/start room jd agak bising
01 Juni 2019 4:49
Good Hotel in a good location. The room was comfort with excellent staff hospitality. Will stay again in this hotel
23 Mei 2019 1:38
Tempat hotel strategis bisa kemana2 di bali, sangat tenang karna masuk ke dalam sedikit, jadi tidak bising kendaraan dengan suasana sekitar
16 April 2019 8:19
Nice hotel just used it for sleep, smell like humid, not so much space in the room but it was ok for what we used it.
29 Januari 2019 22:43
Quite clean, bigger than i expected before, with warm welcome from staff, best choice for average hotels in the heart of seminyak

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