18 November 2020 23:52
Sekolah nya bagus.tenaga pendidiknya selain sangat bagus sekali mengajar juga selalu mengobservasi pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan kesehatan anak didiknya dan selalu disampaikan ketika kita bertatap muka dengan gurunya (ini dari anak saya masih nursery ampe TK tetap mereka lakukan, minimal seminggu sekali). Dari awal potty training, kesehatan hingga mood anak selalu disampaikan oleh gurunya. (anak saya cepat belajar potty traing karena bantuan gurunya, ketika anak saya kurang minum pun disampaikan oleh gurunya, saat dia kurang fokus/banyak diam pun disampaikan dan ditanyakan oleh gurunya kepada kami) anak bisa balitung tanpa ada paksaan, mampu berkomunikasi dalam english, mandarin (walaupun masih pasif tapi jika ada beberapa kata dia temui saat diluar, dia suka translate kepada kami) selalu suka jika kesekolah.front office juga sangat komunikatif dan membantu sekali.keamanan anak sangat maksimal dari awal hingga harus diserahkan kembali ke pihak penjemputnya (hampir semua guru mampu mengenal semua murid dan pihak keluarga/penjemputnya). Security nya pun sigap dan cekatan.kepala sekolahnya amazing dan sering ikut turun dalam pendidikan, pengawasan, dan berkomunikasi dengan orangtua.sangat menyenangkan dan solutif berkomunikasi dengan beliau.
11 September 2018 23:40
Clean and safe environment, tried the trial once and the kids love it too.
Thank you Appletree Bali
06 Juni 2018 6:58
As an educator I found the curriculum used across the board is very structured, which very much needed for these little ones, since they need routines and continuations. The teachers are chosen carefully by the management, therefore putting the needs of students their priority. For a new school, I am impressed. Well done.
18 Mei 2018 21:00
Came by one day to have look for my niece's preschool. Fell in love with the school for its fun and safe environment and very friendly teaching staff. My niece had a good time in the class, too. (She had a one-day trial) Definitely will enroll her there soon. Thanks for the fun-tastic time for her!
28 April 2018 20:44
EDIT ADD-ON: 6 months later and I'm writing this add-on. 0 likes perhaps of the lack of information I had given on this school or perhaps it's just in the name "oh she's Indonesian she knows very little. ". Very interesting intake on how people trust reviews that starts with "as an educator" more rather than from a mother's point of view. Perhaps if I have stated from the very beginning that I was "born and educated in the Netherlands, went through playgroup up to Uni there" then probably people would have had their eyes open, because that's the issue here: everyone wants to hear what they want to hear and from what background each person is otherwise no one cares!
Yes as stated by one of the reviewers that the school is VERY STRUCTURED which is the problem and it is NOT necessary at that point of age! We are talking about 1,5-3 yo toddlers here. Children of this age should be able to express themselves, they should be able to learn through play (this also counts for 4yo, 5yo even 6yo!) and that school is too academic for that age. I did a one day trial with my daughter and saw some holes in their education. Yes the school has some amazing facilities such as that small town & the PE room. However, does that mean they are using these facilities everyday? When we did the trial we were spending most of the time in the small classroom, the teacher didn't even use those rooms that day. There was circle time in the hallway in the morning and about half an hour recess outside as far as I remember, back to class and that was about it. Now imagine school 5 days a week having their regular routine like this and then using the facilities once in a while or twice maybe thrice.they should be able to have access to these facilities everyday especially when they are feeling down once in a while, they should be able to do something else, because at that age it's really hard to keep focused on one thing after a while, especially spending time in that small classroom. There was one toddler who couldn't stand it anymore and started screaming, the only thing that one of the teacher's (there were about 2 or 3) did was putting her hand in front of her mouth and said "diam" (be silent when translated) and had to keep following the lesson. I could see the child was totally not interested, instead of forcing what she doesn't like, why not focus on the child, see what she needs, I didn't understand that. They had to sit down during most of the lessons, most of them couldn't keep their attention (which I understand at that age it's hard), sometimes dance on music, lack of sensory play. What I really disliked was after Mandarin lessons they had to watch a YouTube video on a laptop and the teachers were all surprised that the kids were all suddenly silent. I really hope you are not keeping them entertained in only that way! I was DONE after one hour being in that classroom! I can't imagine being there 5 days a week (WHY 5 days a week for that age is really hard!). Also I felt very very sorry for some of the toddlers who had only Coco Crunch or other unhealthy stuff as their snack time. There was only 1 kid who had some decent food and (I'm not kiddin) my daughter was the only one who had something healthy. It was as if these parents just dump their kids there and not caring about it after. I sincerely don't understand why the school is not giving any support towards the parents to cooperate with something at home like for example preparing healthier food for their own children, because basic education starts from home! We eventually have chosen a school that allows a child to be themselves, learning through play, play in sand/mud and be covered in it, walk outside discover nature, the 3 R's, healthy lunches, communication and support towards parents and most important values, morals, teamwork and respect towards each other, which Apple Tree lacks.
20 Oktober 2017 16:19
I just visited this school last 2 weeks ago for my kids, they were seem really enjoy with the school and with the teacher also.

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