06 Agustus 2019 7:48
If you look for something cheap, this is the place. If you have a bit more of a budget, better go to other places.

Only come here for plating only and other no risk part. The important proccess will be better if it's not done in ArtFuli.

At first I came and did the whole proccess with Artfuli and the result was disappointing also several pieces only came in several months. I came again and told them do some proccess, the result was equally disappointing. I casted in ArtFuli and 40% of the casting were damaged or bad we had to service the pieces again even though the wax master we brought was excellent. So decided to cast in other place that has lower risk only 10-12% and came back for plating only.

Just casted a piece of ring and the casting was bad that we had to do some lasering in few spots on a small ring, FEW SPOTS ON A SMALL RING, so you can guess how bad it was. And even though you asked whether they can do a plating in a certain way and they said WE CAN, don't trust them. Because it might be the other way around and usually you know by the deadline date.

Just come if you only do no risk proccess like usual plating and coating, and go to other places for another proccess. If you think other places are expensive, wait until you finallt count the service fee of all the bad casting pueces and additional operational fees, also the stress they gave. It just not worth it.

But if you don't care about quality, this place is for you.

Tulis Ulasan

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