02 Maret 2023 21:09
Definitely not worth the recommendation! I If at all you would want to try a babi guling, I would recommend you pick up a mix plate (35K) rather than a separate one (50K)! The portion includes nasi, meat, skin, fried meat, lawar and some veggies which is the same for both!

You definitely get a much better taste elsewhere at a cheaper price.
21 Februari 2023 9:16
We have been here a few times and it is cheap and cheerful local food. Good parking and service is friendly and efficient.
08 Februari 2023 12:09
A babi guling joint frequented largely by locals. Tried it as was on the way to Uluwatu.

Restaurant set up was simple. Non air conditioned and back faces the padi field. Tables were sparesely laid out and felt quitr comfortable given the well ventilation by fans and natural breeze.

The babi guling rice was different from Ibu Oka. Pork is similar in texture but the sauce was different. I prefer Ibu Oka against this. Made a side order of pork skin and it was hard as with Ibu Oka's version. Much prefer the goreng version which is crispy. Price wise is about 45% lower vs Ibu Oka (Rp30k vs Rp55k).
05 Februari 2023 23:32
Housefiles and mosquito all over! Served looking like a plate of rubbish. The pork, skin and everything is really ordinary. Feel is a waste of time to travel all the way for it. Staff are unfriendly. Toilet is a disaster.
04 Februari 2023 18:48
Parah bgt dimahalin, grabfood gofood seporsi cm 20-30 disini dateng makan langsung dikira turis luar bali, harga dimahalin jadi 50rb/porsi.overpriced.
03 Februari 2023 13:11
Worth every calorie! Meat was tender & full of flavor, the vege dishes were yummy and fresh!
19 Januari 2023 9:53
They charge you for 50k for an old, dry, tiny pieces of meat and dull greens just for being not local.
Highly NOT recommended
12 September 2022 6:49
Tasty pork, soup and veggies! I got a crunchy bit of pork skin which had hair… other than that, it was good.
18 Agustus 2022 2:04
Warung nasi babi guling khas Bali. Lokasi pinggir jalan dgn pemandangan hamparan sawah dibelakangnya. Max kira kira 75 orang. Sejuk dgn angin sepoi sepoi.
17 Agustus 2022 23:38
Saya gak tau harga sebenarnya berapa untuk seporsi nasi campur (bukan pisah).
Waktu makan saya bayar Rp 35.000 (+ teh tawar)
Tapi, kok harganya lebih mahal makan datang langsung dibandingkan dengan GoFood? Di GoFood bahkan dengan harga Rp 30.000 dapat porsi pisah.
Apakah mereka pikir saya wisatawan, jadi dikasih harga beda?
16 Juli 2022 17:54
Tempat makan yang rasanya enak.pemilik dan karyawan yang jujur walaupun tas ketinggalan jg ngak hilang dan kembali lg dengan lengkap?
13 Juli 2022 20:21
Nasi babi gulingnya sih udah jelas enak, jajanan balinya juga wajib banget dicobain.untuk ukuran canggu, harganya masih terjangkau.tempatnya dipinggir jalan banget, ada papan nama gede juga jadi gampang dicari.parkir juga luas.
22 Juni 2022 12:07
Food tastes good, from the overall portion, the sate babi is the best here. The portion is normal, but the price is a little bit expensive since it's near tourism spots. Environment feels very village, near two field. A little bit hot since wind rarely passing by.
12 Juni 2022 4:47
Warung nasi babi guling enak yang viewnya bikin betah lama-lama disana.
Nasinya enak, porsinya kalau buat aku cukup besar dan dapat kuah balung juga.
Viewnya persawahan jadi adem banget.
Ada dua pilihan tempat duduk. Mau lesehan atau pakai kursi, tapi memang yang lesehan hanya ada dua aja. Kebanyakan pakai kursi.
Buat yang sambil ngajak anak harus giliran sama anggota keluarga karena tidak disediakan kursi makan anak.
Pegawainya ramah-ramah.
13 Mei 2022 21:05
This kedai sels cycling pig and crips frm the skin of the pig, lawar (balinese vagetables), soft drinks.
We are able to eat while seeing the paddy ground.
The price is reasonable.
04 Mei 2022 17:55
Porsinya mirip sih dengan porsi men lari di jalur ini juga. Kurang tahu juga sih kok di jalur ini dua warung nasi be guling yang saya coba sangat minim menu olahannya. Cuma lawar, kulit babi guling, dan jeroan goreng sama sate. Urutan diwarung ini nggak ada, apalagi tum atau oret. Jadi ya dimaklumi ajalah.
19 Februari 2022 6:19
Warung Nasi Babi Guling Men Agus memiliki beberapa cabang, khusus di sini parkir luas mudah dijangkau jalur menuju tanah lot. Dengan harga standar sesuai dengan warung babi guling sekitar. Tempat makan juga memungkinkan untuk berbanyak dengan pemandangan sekitar masih sawah
24 Januari 2021 7:50
The resto Provide balinese pork food, their sop taste is yummy but pork skin roasted is not crispy as usual, its hard to swallow
15 Januari 2021 6:13
Porsi kecil, rasa biasa aja cuma pedas doank.yang suka makan nasi banyak ke sini cocok, nasi di piring banyak, sisanya lauk kira2 satu setengah sendok makan, yang kasian kalau bukan lokal, harganya ajaib lah pokoknya, not recommended
10 Juni 2020 12:48
Sangat puass.menurut selera saya pass.bumbunya padat, dagingnya gurih, pelayanan ramah.dan tentunya saya nilai tempat dan kebersihannya.pokoknya oke punya
21 Mei 2020 22:49
The taste was pretty delicious and the prices was affordable. There's also a rice fields view that make it a little bit different than the other place.
24 April 2020 20:38
The food was nice but because they know you are a foreigner they overcharge you. 50k for just one standard meal. Go down the road to a better one.
22 April 2020 15:39
Friendly service and super tasty food. If you love chilli and want traditional Indonesian food where locals go, this is the place! Fresh babi guling (suckling pig) at 12pm, 3pm & 6pm. A selection of fried snacks goes perfect with a cold beer.
14 April 2020 18:34
Salah satu babi guling terenak di bali dengan harga murah.untuk yang suka rasa pedas.disini tempatnya
25 Maret 2020 20:16
Parkirnya nyaman dan luas, kebersihannya juga bagus, masakan enak namun dengan harga yang relatif "mahal" porsi makanan nya kurang banyak.
14 Maret 2020 23:36
Nice taste but if you are a bule or a foreigner they will charge you double. Better choice across the road.
10 Maret 2020 22:09
Untuk satu porsi babi guling 30K menurut saya isiannya terlalu sedikit dan plain.untuk rasa enak.tempat nyaman bersih dan parkiran luas.tetapi kalau kesini hanya untuk makan saja ya kalau untuk duduk berlama" kurang nyaman.
26 Januari 2020 2:46
Banyak warung babi guling di bali dan babi guling men agus enak lalu ada pemandangan sawah nya hijau, aku pesen 2 piring habis sekitar 70rb sama minuman juga
25 Januari 2020 11:39
Friend brought me here. Nice place if you like suckling pig.the skin is perfect (that's what it is all about in my opinion). The rest of the dishes were ok, i've had better.
24 Januari 2020 4:53
Be careful if you are foreigner you will be overpriced. Even if you are indonesian but not looking like balinese you could be overpriced that’s what happen to my friend. We realise the scam after we left the restaurant the first time.
17 Januari 2020 20:45
Even tho I appreciate the taste, they enact discriminative price: i.e. Different price according to your looks. If you look foreigner or of foreign descent, they double the price, or even more. I checked the price on grab vs direct, which is 15k vs 30k. Bad business, bad omen, bad karma.
29 Desember 2019 15:40
Bad service. They're doing bad business
Staff really awful. Because we're foreigner they say it's 40k for one "babi guling campur"
But the actual price is only 15k by Grab. Rude
06 Desember 2019 7:20
Stay away.they cheat.tourists and locals get different prices.the food is so so at best.not recommended.
05 Desember 2019 10:37
It feels good. Portions are sufficient and the prices are quite affordable.there is a rice field view on the front and back, it looks more beautiful
02 Desember 2019 20:46
4 star for the taste and flavour, always a comfort food for me when I’m in Indonesia and their soup is hot and nice! However, after look through some other comments, I was also charged 35K for the price including a bottle of water. Gojek food delivery is around 15-25K only. When asked, owner said Gojek is different. Just remember ask the price before you order for tourist. Read the other review stated locals pay around 25K only.
30 November 2019 9:55
Foods were not as expected, just ermm well.okay, I will not come back here again. The place is very easy to be reached, it's on the side road.
30 November 2019 8:10
Sambal nya beda dr yg lain, rasa babi guling nya jg punya cri khas sndri. Wajib coba bwt kalian klo lwat dsni
01 November 2019 18:02
We just dropped by before when we are go to Tanah Lot
We odered their famous menu Babi Guling
For me it's just okay the tastes, serving
But it's only for convenience to us.
Would it be the price is making affortable.
Hope your always success and more power.
27 Oktober 2019 16:06
Saya sudah berkali-kali makan disini, sudah belasan kali. Disetiap tempat makan ato apalah, pertama2 yg saya nilai adalah keramahan penjualnya.
Disini penjual2 ya ramah banget. Mau yg beli cerewet, mereka tetep ramah. Itu yg bikin betah

Disamping makanannya enak, tempatnya juga bersih dan nyaman.semoga sawah sisamping tetap ada, jd tetap sejuk n pemandangan luas leluasa
14 Oktober 2019 13:22
No good. Cold meal and no tasty. All day they have this meal prepare and buy it. It is normal. So it has been our the worse meal in Bali yet.
01 Oktober 2019 6:24
One of my favorite babi guling places here in canggu. I've ordered 2 pigs from them before for my parties and they are amazing.
21 September 2019 23:58
Come here for Babi Guling. Don’t need to other high priced tourist spots. This is authentic local food for locals.
02 September 2019 16:49
Just cos it's in the middle of nowhere does not make it any inferior to pak malen the super babi guling store in seminyak that turns over 1000s of customers per day. Both tasted remarkably similar, thus this one wins out by having less resources and less premium location.

Caucasians and non-Asian tastebuds, please go for nonspicy option.
23 Agustus 2019 9:51
Cuma pernah take away.local people lebih murah.saya dikasih harga 35k/bungkus,
isi standard, tidak terlalu banyak, kulit sdh tdk crispy dan rasa 3,5 of 5 ;)
15 Agustus 2019 22:41
Wasn’t impressed with the babo guling. I was charged 35k, which I think is the non-local price, but seemed a little expensive.

The taste was okay but not spectacular. I’d go here if I had to but won’t be coming back again.
10 Agustus 2019 11:54
Good food. As with most local restaurants: if you want to get the locals price, use one of the food delivery apps.
05 Agustus 2019 4:46
Yang suka makan olahan babi ini bisa jadi pilihan. Tempat duduknya ada yang di kursi ada yang di gazebo juga. Di sebelah utara warung ada sawah yang asri. Yang suka ngadem inibpilihan tepat. Rasa makanannya standart. Untuk harga seporsi nasi dan minum sekitar 25.000. Bisa beli untuk di bawa pulang juga lho harganya 15.000. Via ojol juga bisa, tapi dapatnya lebih sedikit dengan harga sama
28 Juli 2019 2:02
Foreigner price is 3 times the local price. Extremely expensive for the quality. Go somewhere else. Alternatively, you can order from one of the many other Babi Guling restaurants on Grab Food or Go Food.
26 Juli 2019 12:03
Penjual membedakan hrg utk org lokal bali dgn turis. Rp15000 utk org lokal dan go food. Rp30000 utk turis. Bintangnya berkurang 4 gara2 hrg bedanya separuh
05 Juli 2019 23:46
Wkt saya mkn nasi campur babi guling hrg 30000 tp org lokal dibungkus cuma 15000. Kt penjual isinya beda tapi menurut saya sama aja

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