18 November 2023 10:53
Tempat makan langganan kalo ke canggu

Kriuk nya dapat, rasa tidak pedas dan enakk dari dulu

Selalu ramai dan parkir sekarang luas

Minus: jam macet
12 November 2023 23:46
Worst babi guling in Bali. Messed up orders even at a non-peak hour and the pork was horrible and tastes like rubber. We had tried other places and they taste really good, and knew how it was supposed to taste like
12 November 2023 1:20
You can eat a variety of pork parts.
The soup that came with it tasted like Korean gamjatang.
08 November 2023 13:25
Decent portions of everything on a plate. My only comment would be that there's not much meat so you need to order an extra plate on the side. But otherwise, everything was tasty and food arrived quickly.
04 November 2023 2:26
Enak, rasa nya pas, Bumbunya nampol klo beli nasi begul di sini psti nambah nasi heheh krnaa senagih itu Salam Rahayu
24 Oktober 2023 7:30
The food was good, but it didn't blow me away.
Staff was very friendly and order arrived quickly.
08 Oktober 2023 0:33
Klau kebali gak lupa nyobain ini, cuman klau hari libur antri ny poll saking ramainya, makan nya enk juara dech pokok nya
02 Oktober 2023 12:03
I love the food here! Very affordable and tasty. Wish had more pork meat but the sides were the best especially the chicken. It wasnt too spicy just the right amount.
21 September 2023 4:06
The pork skin looks good, but as we were there too late, they were sold out. I saw a piece left and requested it but was rejected. I had initially thought she misunderstood that i wanted for free, thus i offered to pay, and i was rejected again to which she explained that it is not longer crispy so they will not offer subpar food. I must say i was a little impressed.

The soup and chili was amazing!

As the meat is prepared differently, it results in different tastes and textures to every mouthful. Do apply mosquito repellent, though.
21 Agustus 2023 19:01
It was a decent babi guling place for me. However a lot of my friends liked this place, so i am guessing that it will be dependant on your own preference

What’s Negative:
For me the pork skin was abit too thin, the innards were not tenderly cooked. I wishes they used sambal matah as well

What’s fair:
Meat, lawar and sambal hijau was decent, price was good (value for money)

What’s good:
The soup was very flavourful yet balance. Combine it with rice and it is magical

I still prefer other bigul place, especially pa*** e** and pak do*** though
21 Juni 2022 10:32
Saya dari seseh sering makan disini dgn harga yg mereka kasi regular. Maaf pada tgl 23 april saya makan disana dgn teman saya. Restauran kelihata rame saya oder makanan. Datang degan cepat.
Pas waktu mau bayar saya tanya berapa untuk dua orang dia bilang 60.000.rp ok syang bilang. Tp dia bilang tungu tungu yg satu orang ada melirik ke saya. Hari ini ketentuanya lain dia cash saya 80.000rp sy tanya kenapa berubah harganya,? Itu ketentuanya katanya. Ok no problem in said
Sing ngerti. Lihat saya bawa mobil mungkin. Mai ke seseh melali.pelayanan buruk tidak fare.
Hati hati makan disini nanti di kasi harga bule.
21 April 2022 23:44
Nasi gulingnya enak dengan porsi yang pas, kuahnya juga enak banget. Tempat makan di sini juga bersih, bagus juga untuk fotoan
Harganya juga ramah di kantong, worth it banget dehh
17 April 2022 13:48
Got here and ordered nasi babi guling + coconut.

I dont know maybe i'm just coming not in the right time. But i feel there's nothing special on this babi guling. The meat portion is generous, but the pork skin is not crunchy. More to "alot". The meat in my opinion is not fresh, not even warm. And the most important thing in babi guling, which is the sauce, is not really strong, and the meat is bland.

But i appreciate the sambal which is unique. They're using sambal ijo on their babi guling, and for me it's quite worked. And the sambal is spicy. So be careful guys! But the soup is nice tho.
18 Maret 2022 8:34
Sate nya enak.unik.kulit bagul garing, tapi kerupuk babinya ga bisa dimakan.kerasss hehehe.tempatnya luas
02 Februari 2022 9:44
One of the best nasi babi guling in canggu area, great place.good taste, very good gravy.great selection of crackers. Green coconut is also available
06 Mei 2020 1:29
Food so so and added fake tax once you want to pay. Don't go there. No price list, cheating foreigners and locals!
05 Mei 2020 6:15
The prices are fair to foreigners. 40k for one meal and drink. Some cats might ask you for some food though.
18 April 2020 10:10
Makanan yang enak dan harga yg standar juga. Berkali kali saya datang untuk makan ditempat ini karena saya suka.
Tetapi sudah 2x setiap saya makan ada staff yg menyapu di sebelah saya. Dan seakan debu berterbangan ke makanan saya, tolong untuk di perhatikan, meskipun menyapu atau kebersihan sangat penting, tetapi ketika ada pelanggan yg makan usahakan di stop dulu menyapunya. Semoga owner bisa membaca masukan saya. Terimakasih
10 April 2020 12:26
Got caught in a thunderstorm in Canggu near this restaurant so drove by to grab a bite and get some shelter from the downpour. Boyfriend and I had been trying a bunch of babiguling places and this was our favourite! The food portions are a bit smaller but it’s so cheap and so flavourful. We got the spicy option, two drinks and some pork rinds to take home and spend 100k IDR, which is only $10cad, or $8usd. Would definitely be regulars here if we lived in Bali
06 April 2020 13:12
Pure scam on prices and really random food which is moreover, not fresh at all. DON'T GO there! Stay away from this place
27 Maret 2020 6:31
Pelayanan lambat, baru orang lokal dikira gak bawa uang datang duluan malah bule yg datang belakangan duluan d kasi.
20 Maret 2020 11:17
Suasana nya nyaman dan enak biarpun di tepi jalan.babi guling nya enak.kulitnya garing dan kuah nya maknyus
14 Maret 2020 11:44
Flavourwise not as strong as usual babi guling. But a good choice for those that never try babi guling before
11 Maret 2020 23:40
Worst place for tourists. There is no menu, the waitress doesn't speak English. You arrive and they serve to you wherever they want. The same with the price, they charge extras and expensive prices for been tourist. The food is almost everything rice and a little piece of pork. The taste was the most spicy I ever tried. I don't recommend this place
07 Maret 2020 17:39
Tempatnya nyaman, di pinggir jalan besar dan mudah dijangkau. Makanannya sebenarnya enak dan bersih, kuahnya juga terasa, cuma untuk harga 25 atau 20 ribu ya saya lupa kayaknya terlalu sedikit deh kalau di tempat lain mungkin banyak bgt. Tapi gatau mungkin emng sasarannya para bule jadi harganya dan porsinya pun lebih mengarah untuk bule.
15 September 2019 15:08
Tempat bagus, tapi porsi 25 rb belum termasuk minuman terlalu sedikit bagi saya setara dengan 15 rb ditempat lain. Rasa biasa saja dan untuk kuah terlalu sedikit sayur serta tidak isi daging atau balungnya.
01 September 2019 16:33
Tourist gets mandatory “service charge” 10k per person.locals zero charge.i think the Babi Guling Agus across the street does the same thing.hmmmm
01 September 2019 3:08
Tempatnya sangat nyaman dengan pemandangan sawah. Makan di tempat 20 rb/porsi dan rasanya jg enak,
Banyak tamu bule yg senang makan di tempat ini.
18 Juli 2019 1:17
Enak sekali. Kalau bisa pakai glove atau sarung tangan utk mengambil makanan, pasti customer akan menghargai itu
12 Juli 2019 19:47
Makan sambil lihat sawah, sejuk banget.parkiran cukup luas,
lokasi dkt canggu ke arah tanah lot dekat sawah2.namun harga tdk stabil,
local people beli lebih murah dan banyak.saya makan 35k/porsi sedikit sekali isinya,
tapi bumbunya enakkkkzz

dan banyak babi lain sekitar sana lebih murah dan enak, tapi men lari oke lah

men lari 4 of 5:)
06 Juli 2019 11:21
Babi guling yang rasa bumbunya ringan, tidak sekuat yang lainnya. Cocok untuk lidah asing yang tidak terlalu suka rempah-rempah 'genap'. Penyajian cukup cepat. Harga sangat terjangkau. Saya pesan nasi campur dan es teh hanya 25k idr. Disediakan juga toilet dan wastafel. Parkiran cukup luas. Cocok untuk rombongan
18 Juni 2019 7:45
It's a good place. Staff are nice, prices are reasonable, food portion sizes are a little lower compared to most other warungs (Well, at least that's what we have experienced) That said, you get served immediately and your eating in minutes.

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