15 Oktober 2023 20:44
08 September 2023 14:34
Cita rasa bumbu balinya pas, dan ditambah sambal cabai goreng untuk cita rasa pedas, bungkus 15 ribu sudah dapat banyak dan kulit yang ngeritik
11 Juni 2022 20:33
Harga relatif murah, makan berdua ga lebih dari 60rb sudah termasuk minuman, porsinya juga cukup (tidak terlalu besar/kecil), rasa lumayan enak (bumbunya tidak terlalu kuat rempahnya, tapi tetap berasa). Kuah jukut aresnya enak.
28 Mei 2022 20:14
Waktu itu sih pesennya dibungkus, karena mesen sekitar jam setengah 8 jadi warung nya dah siap2 mau tutup. Rasanya enak, kerasa banget. Cuma agak kurang suka sama tekstur urutan halusnya, mungkin karena terbiasa makan yg kasar ya. Per porsi harganya 20 rbuan, ya standar lah.
18 Mei 2022 6:51
Saya mungkin pas apes makan di sini.beda ama cabang bu ari payangan di jl. Anyelir dps. Ada daftar menunya kita bisa pilih mau nasi begul yang harga berapa.

Di sini gak ada daftar menunya saya pesan be guling yang 20 ribuan. Pas datang rasa bumbunya keasiinan lawarmya agak basi juga. Krn gak selera saya gak habis makannya dan benar saat saya membayar saya diminta membayar 35 ribu rupiah.

Gak lagi deh makan di sini mending langaim yang di payangan atai di jl anyelir dps. Saya kapok. Beda lapak beda tangan walau namanya sama belum tentu rasanya sama enak. Tergantung penjualnya.
05 Oktober 2021 3:09
Harga terjangkau dengan porsi memuaskan. Dari segi cita rasa, sambalnya menggigit dan kulit babinya sangat gurih.
01 Juli 2021 0:53
Authentic Old-School styled babi guling, if you come there tell them you are my friends, the fat dude who order "specials", they will give you extra meaty portion with just a little extra charges. I put my picture there, if she ask which one, show her

Asli, rasanya spt masakan Bali jaman aku kecil, kalau kesini bilang aja temennya si gendut, minta extra daging spesial, dikasi lah kau 1porsi yg suppeerr nambah lagi 5k/10k doang, harga seporsi normal 25K ku kasi foto muka ku lah, kalau ditanya yang mana, yang ini
14 Juni 2021 19:23
Salah satu Babi guling tradisional Bali di Ubud, yang recommended.

Bagi yang kurang suka pedas, harap hati-hati karena rasa lawar & urapnya akan cukup membuat keringat mengucur dan bibir terasa tebal.
22 Februari 2020 20:08
Nice little road side Warung with delicious babi guling. It's now a must stop when I'm hungry and driving in the area
22 Februari 2020 12:31
Affordable price only 20k per portion.
It's reasonable price in Ubud for someone who craving for local main dish.
This is babi guling (pork) open daily near main district of Ubud Centre.
The Pork Cracker is also nice to try.
But very spicy, may be if you don't like spicy food just don't eat the sambal (chili paste).
08 Februari 2020 2:50
This has only a small piece of Crispy skin. The rest are either deep fried or cooked pork with rice.
23 Januari 2020 12:48
Good food with decent price that locals eat. Babi guling with rice is 35k IDR. Becareful because if say the spicy instead normal, it is indonesian spicy. If you are indonesia, dont worry it is spicy but tolerable.

The soup is really salty you might want to eat it with the other less salty parts, and the pig skin is crunchy but not that crispy. The portion is a good deal, the rice is a little too much but there is enough pork and chili to finish it I guess. The lungs are nice and crunchy too, but the small ribs has nothing to impress. I love the generous savory pork meat in the middle the most.
21 November 2019 16:32
This restaurant is located on Jl. Raya Teges, Peliatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali. The place is comfortable, fast service, and affordable prices. Flavored pork dishes in this place are very distinctive and delicious so it makes this place crowded by shoppers during meal times.
02 November 2019 13:21
Meat is tender and the skin is crispy. I didn't get spicy because Indonesian spicy is waaaay too spicy for me. Good food, good value!
25 September 2019 11:04
The staff here is very bad, ranging from service, to the attitude that is not polite, may need a briefing from the owner to know how to serve guests!

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