11 Oktober 2023 11:51
Sebagai perantauan dari Jawa ke Bali, makan bakso disini jadi obat kangen.
Ngobrol bahasa Jawa sambil becanda.
Harganya sangat bersahabat.
Tapi rasanya MANTAP!
12 September 2023 20:20
It's delicious, the price is cheap, and I think I heard there was a 2000 fee for parking in front if you ride a motorcycle!
11 September 2023 19:50
It's a popular restaurant with locals and it's cheap.
All of the menu items come in small bowls, and the soup with vermicelli is not enough.
The soup is light and delicious.
26 Agustus 2023 7:10
Buat pencinta bakso dan berada d sekitar canggu, kalian wajib coba tempat ini. Baksonya enak full daging dan bersih pula.
22 Agustus 2023 7:08
Menurut saya sih bakso paling enak ya selama saya nyobain bakso" dibali, recomment banget
10 Agustus 2023 23:07
Good bakso at a good price. Fairly large serving. Kinda tucked into the corner. Scooters only no space for cars.
06 Agustus 2023 3:51
Rasa bakso yang enak dan lezat, kualitasnya sangat terjamin.
Pelayanannya juga sangat ramah dan baik.
Tempat yang enak buat nongkrong bareng teman-teman dan keluarga.
30 Juli 2023 23:56
For people with a lot of food, I think one bowl is too small. After eating, I want to eat again. The taste that I keep thinking about!
27 Januari 2022 20:47
We stumbled across this place by accident. A very local place with insanely good-value prices. Delicious food. Totally recommend these soto ayam soups. Love the chilli heat!
Suksma Rudi!
25 Januari 2022 3:33
Saya kasih bintang 3 bukan karena ngak enak, ini udah kesekian kali order lewat Grab, beli mie ayam pasti ngak Di kasih cacahan daging ayam, tahu ngak rasanya kayak apa tanpa itu? Ngak enak banget tahu. Kenapa sih ceroboh sekali ah? …. Apa kalau online juga bukan duit? …. Pingin nangis rasanya udah gitu 2 porsi lagi, Ngak recommended pesen online! …. Makan di tempat saja.
16 Januari 2022 15:36
Dapat rekomendasi dari orang lokal kalau ini salah satu bakso happening di bali & canggu area! Dan ternyata.bener aja! Enak dan pas kesana banyak menu yang sudah habis. Untuk menu jagoannya bakso komplit, bakso besar dan bakso uratnya juara! Range harga 20-30k
18 November 2021 6:52
Love! For bakso lovers, it's a must visit! Their bakso urat and its soup is so tasty. Yummy yummy!
13 November 2021 22:37
Bakso terenak di canggu nih, datang saat jam makan siang suah dpat tempat duduk, recomended bakso sapi kasarnya
09 November 2021 16:54
Bakso Rudi ini luar biasa loh rasanya pentolnya Bakso uratnya bakso alusnya harganya pun sangat terjangkau aku dan teman-teman kantor sangat suka dan kita biasa banget makan siang disini apalagi Bapak dan Ibu Rudi pun sangat baik sekali dan kita pun akrab terima kasih
12 Oktober 2020 21:52
The best noodle in this town! U must try the location is at behind the Canggu Market! If u like noodle. U must try!
28 Agustus 2020 9:55
Nothing beat this meatballs and local chicken noodles. I always order minced beef stuffed meatballs and local chicken noodle. The meatballs soup is tasty. They also have rice cake to eat with the meatballs. The price range start from Rp 12.000. Def. My favorite meatballs.
23 Agustus 2020 13:01
BAKSO RUDI.samping pasar Semat Sari. Memyediakan Bakso berbagai varian, Mie Ayam & berbagai macam minuma.enak banget dah pokoknya
26 Mei 2020 2:05
Rasa kuah baksonya agak asin, bola baksonya enak.
Mie ayamnya enak.
Penjualnya yang hitam manis berambut ikal, mengingatkanku pada mantan pacarku dulu
31 Maret 2020 4:13
Best bakso & mie-ayam in town. An absolute must for every bakso-fan or indo-food grabber! The team is very kind, smiling, and helpful. The food is amazing, try their bakso urat campur.delicious! Drinks are freshly made and tasty, get an es jeruk in a hot day, so refreshing!
Absolutely recommended!)
27 Maret 2020 10:34
The best local chicken noodle and meatballs. There are few option of stuffed meatballs, such as minced meat meatballs, egg stuffed meatballs, chicken meatballs, etc. My favorite are local chicken noodle and minced meat stuffed meatballs, I recommended these two food. The price is quite cheap. I suggest to visit this place around 5 pm or 7 pm.
26 Maret 2020 10:48
Sudah pindah tempat ke arah pasar semat sari, posisi disebelah di ruko2 gitu, enak dan murah meriah, Mie Ayam Bakso kecil atau Bakso Komplit nya sih nagih
27 Februari 2020 14:57
Makanan enak hanya tempatnya kecil
Jadi kalau rame yha kita harus nunggu pengunjung lain selesai makan, jika full yha
07 Januari 2020 12:54
Enak tapi rame.tapi ya gitu klo enak pastinya rame.tapi kadang enak jg ada yg ga rame.yg rame jg kadang ada yg ga enak.
01 Januari 2020 0:32
One of the most popular place for the Javanese community living in the area and looking for a slice of home. The bakso (meatball) was delicious! Try ordering the mix urat (tendon) and daging (meat). It's not on the menu but definitely worth trying the two huge balls. Halal.
20 Desember 2019 17:04
Local meat ball soup. Its cheap but as local i must say i had better meat ball soup but if you are tourist, this will be a good experience to know meatball soup coz the shop is clean.
11 Desember 2019 15:06
Baksonya enak sekali, kuah bening, seger, bakso fresh, isian, pangsit goreng, siomay, tahu, paling enak bakso cincang nya muraaaaah lagi harga nya
15 November 2019 16:01
Omg you should try this "bakso". It's so good & delish
I give this "warung" 3 stars because there is no toilet & it's a self service kinda thing.but the food is good & affordable.it's all about the food.just try it for yourself if you like to eat "bakso"
09 November 2019 5:19
Eat there last week, service was long because the staff forgot my order. But that was just that one time. In general the food was good and the staff aelre friendly
03 November 2019 21:10
Enak. Kalian wajib coba. & Kalo mau bungkus harus bawa kantong pribadi karna bakso Rudi sudah tidak menyedikan kantong kresek ️? Go green. Planet
25 Oktober 2019 13:36
Sebenarnya kl d bandingkan bakso d jkt ya ini so so aj, tp karena in d Bali makanya jd yg paling d sukai
29 September 2019 5:40
The busiest warung bakso in Canggu!
Taste: 4 out of 5 stars
Price: 12k to 20k
Parking spot: on the pavements
Busy hours: Almost all the time I figured
28 September 2019 21:31
Rasa juara lah, kalok ngantri dan sempit itu sudah pasti, apa lg gk ada parkir ya kita harus maklum lah, kalopun salah saat penyajian dan pemesanan itu pun harusnya maklum, karena yg pesan kan bukan satu / dua orang, tinggal bilang aja ini salah mbk/mas, beres dah.
26 September 2019 16:06
Meat ball.
Indonesian special food that can be found in any city, especially liked by children from small to old, simple menu, beef / chicken shaped balls, tofu meat contents, fried / wet dumplings, and clear soup broth, delicious.always busy fans eating here, fast service and affordable prices.and there is also a chicken noodle menu here.
05 September 2019 1:53
Baksonya enak cuman tempat duduknya sempit sama kalo lagi rame ga ada parkir dan pernah motornya hampir diserempet mobil gara" parkir dipinggir jalan, harapan saya bakso rudi punya parkir dan tempat lebih luas
04 September 2019 0:10
Pelayanan lama, harus kasih tau berkali-kali biar pesanan ya sesuai. Kayak bingung siapa yg pesan apa. Kasir nya gak bisa liat orang yg datang sendiri, tapi selalu ditanya pesanan ya dua ya? Kaya belagak bego. Tapi mie baksonya enak top!
02 September 2019 9:15
Baksonya, cuma sayang tempatnya kurang besar karna klo lagi rame" nya mesti antri dulu nunggu meja kosong
14 Agustus 2019 13:29
Tempatnya walaupun kecil tp bersih.baksonya enak, ada mie ayam, kerupuk, lontong dan byk lagi. Harganya terjangkau, gak mahal

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