01 November 2023 8:42
Great park, lots of shows, birds roaming and flying freely, lots of really amazing and beautiful birds. It’s better to arrive in the morning, then you’ll have time for the whole show.
31 Oktober 2023 1:21
Tempat menarik untuk liburan keluarga, sambil mengenal beragam jenis burung dan melihat pertunjukan burung
29 Oktober 2023 8:37
It was a show, but maybe because I came at 9am from having almost no sleep, I didn't really enjoy it
29 Oktober 2023 8:24
Low rating due to price. The park itself is cool. Price for two 770,000 for birds
For reptiles 400,000 for two
Feed the crocodile 100,000
20 Oktober 2023 12:13
Amazing time spent here. Great place for families with kids and elderly parents. Wheel chair friendly. Wide variety of birds and great bird shows. Get to see birds in cages and anither whole enclosure where birds are in the open and you can play and feed them
22 Agustus 2023 21:58
Worth the money! The entrance fee is high (compared to other places in Bali), but we (2 adults) spent 3-4 hours in there, including lunch. Educational, great displays, authentic café, focus on the nature of the region. Recommended!
26 Agustus 2022 9:39
Even though it is not huge, but it's quite worth to visit. Make sure you spend a whole day here and do follow their scheduled attractions. Don't miss bird feeding espesially at Papua section. They have quite well maintained collection. You will see birds that you don't see at the zoos simply walking beside you or accross your path. Join the show of bird of prey too. Fascinating. They have comodo section too though. Do come on friday to see comodo feeding.
23 Agustus 2022 20:15
Ticket kinda pricy for tourist. Best part you can take picture with birds. Wefie

Around 30-45 min finished. Not that big actually
01 Agustus 2022 20:33
Tempatnya ga terlalu besar, jadi ga terlalu capek untuk keliling sampai semua spot. Burungnya cantik-cantik dan ada pertunjukan/atraksi yg dikomando guide dg apik. Bagus pokokya
31 Juli 2022 19:43
Great place to spend time with family and friends. My son really enjoys seeing different kinds of birds.
31 Juli 2022 2:56
It was great indeed. First time I went to this place when I was in elementary school and this year I back there as a teacher. It was my first outing with the classes and will be the last one. Thank you, it was great!
I was too busy taking care of the kids, don't even had time to go to toilet lol. Don't expect pics from me.
26 Juli 2022 12:18
This is an amazing place where you could see a lot of exotic birds and even touch some of them. But the price is too high for a Bali, from my perspective. 350k for one enter is too much.
21 Februari 2022 17:13
Koleksi burungnya banyak, tempatnya bagus & sangat sejuk

Rekomen buat wisata keluarga
17 Februari 2022 22:21
Buka jam 9 pagi, memanfaatkan harga Promo utk KTP Bali yaitu 70ribu/dewasa dan 17.5ribu/anak. Datang harus pagi supaya bisa nonton show. Bersebelahan dengan Reptile Park. Area parkir mobil terbatas. Makanan dan minuman di dalam harga cukup terjangkau.
13 Januari 2022 15:52
Tempatnya ga terlalu besar tapi pelayanan staff nya juara.
Jangan lupa ke spot papua ya kegiatan ngasi makan burung fun sekali
12 Januari 2022 16:20
Bgs sekali restonya sgt minim toiletnya jg terbatas perlu ditambah satwa2 nya perlu jg perawatan memang saat ini sdg pandemi mungkin keterbatasan dana
10 Januari 2022 14:47
Bali Bird Park sebagai destinasi wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi, pelayanan stafnya ramah dan penuh perhatian kepada tamu-tamu yang datang.
15 Desember 2021 4:21
Wahana aneka ragam burung dari seluruh penjuru dunia, kalau beruntung bisa melihat mekarnya sayap burung merak mengembang, bisa berfoto dengan burung yg ada.
14 Desember 2021 13:12
Very very nice, worth visiting even without kids:) Lots of areas, nice staff, entertaining program
30 November 2021 23:24
Koleksi burungnya bagus2.show nya jangan dilewatin! Keren apalagi yg elang.kemarin kesini pas sepi, enaaak bisa interact sm burung2nya sepuasnyaaaa.banyak merak, angsa dilepas juga, flaminggo, kerennnn.oh iyaaa tiketnya itu udah dapet free ice cream loh! Anak2 pasti sukaaa.
30 November 2021 5:20
Sangat menarik bersantai bersama keluarga untuk melihat dan berinteraksi langsung dengan berbagai jenis burung
25 November 2021 12:32
Tempat ini melebihi ekspektasi saya. Dengan harga tiket masuk IDR 100k atraksi dan koleksi unggas yang tersedia worth every penny. Cocok apabila membawa anak kecil yang baru mulai belajar mengenal satwa.
25 November 2021 6:53
I loved visit Bali Bird Park.especially with the birds, cz I could took a pics with them.the other animals also kinda cute.the parks have a lot of animals in it.the parks also gave an opportunity to see how the egg hatched and being fed.theres also a shows about the bird and it shows their cleverness. The nuri its likely to photo.
18 November 2021 3:40
Nice settings, the park was well maintained. Too bad there is no guide/keeper who knows about birds to explain things. The papua aviary was our favourite. The staff was very friendly.
09 November 2021 22:03
Masih sepi banget karena saya kesana pas weekday juga.tapi semua shownya tetep ada, dan bisa interaksi dengan koleksi burung2 disana juga sampe puas, karena burungnya jinak, dan tiket yg kita punya bisa ditukar untuk free ice cream.
31 Oktober 2021 1:36
Lokasi penangkaran yang bersih, terawat. Manajement yang selalu menjaga prokes dan memastikan pengunjung tetap mengkiuti prokes. Rekomendasi untuk liburan keluarga yang ingin mengenal tentang aneka burung.
28 Oktober 2021 19:02
Very nice place to hang out and chill with family, good place to learn for my kids and also learn for them to close with the nature.
Recommend place to visited
12 Oktober 2021 22:56
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this place. It seems like all of the birds are well cared for and healthy and many of them were walking and flying free around the park including eagles and parrots during the shows. I found the staff very friendly and the shoes very informative in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The place was clean and felt well maintained. Have to drop 1 star because there were some enclosures that felt a little crowded or small.
12 Oktober 2021 1:30
Suka banget sama atraksi burung elang & bioskop 3D nya seru banget. Pegawainya jg ramah2. Sudah beberapa kali kesini masih seru aja. Mantaapp.
31 Agustus 2021 11:28
Excellent location and experience for nature and bird lover. Birds in enclosures, birds in cages and birds in open. The bird park is spread over a large area with designated bird enclosures, rest areas, restaurants, souvnier shops. There is an entry fee to the park. Great place to spend half a day at Bali.
13 Agustus 2021 20:40
Nice place and like the name so many bird
tempat yang luas untuk ber rekreasi bersama keluarga dan teman teman dan banyak juga ada spot yang bagus bagus
11 Agustus 2021 2:30
A good place to bring kids
You can see some kinds of bird here
There are also some attractions here that you can watched during your visit
26 Juli 2021 19:02
Tempat yang bagus dikunjungi bersama keluarga dan anak kecil untuk mengedukasi mereka tentang satwa. Harga tiket Rp70.000 untuk dewasa. Jika kemari, mohon selalu awasi anak dan selaku ikuti protokol kesehatan dan himbauan dari taman dalam perihal interaksi dengn hewan mengingat ada beberapa hewan yang belum jinak seluruhnya.
21 Juli 2021 9:07
Tempat yang sangat direkomendasikan untuk mengenal berbagai jenis burung yang paling lengkap di Bali. Tempatnya bersih, dan tertata dengan sangat baik. Pengunjung bisa berkeliking dengan berjalan kaki untuk melihat aneka ragam jenis burung. Terdapat juga pertunjukan di jam tertentu. Oh iya, cake yg dijual enak banget. Anak-anak pasti senang sekali.
19 Juli 2021 19:13
Been here 3 years ago and so amazed because many birds are released so we can interact with them and make me want to visit this place again. But yesterday when i visited, not so many birds were released so it just looked like usual zoo.
During this pandemic, they applied all the health standards so it make us feel safe there. U can take picture and got the whole soft copy with 150K. Schedule for the show and feeding was ontime. For family with kids, this place can be one of your destination to visit.
11 Mei 2021 17:54
Banyak burung yg warna2nya sangat indah, yg langka, yg endemik, yg khas, bisa foto bersama burung yg ukurannya besar.
23 Maret 2021 17:54
Bali Bird Park adalah salah satu tempat seperti kebun binatang, hanya saja di sini hanya berisi burung.atraksinya cukup menyenangkan dengan memperlihatkan atraksi dengan para burung dan juga terdapat bioskop 3D di sini.
11 Maret 2021 15:47
Tempat segala macam burung ada di sini, cocok untuk pengetahuan alam dan hewan untuk yang belum mengetahuinya
03 Maret 2019 17:45
Great place to BE ONE WITH THE NATURE!
I connected with the birds like they are my own. Many birds responded as if they are a part of me. The Red and Green Parrots resting on my shoulders and on my head, The Serene Dance of the White Peacock when I touched its feathers, The Fishing scene by the lovely Pelicans, he surprisingly exact copy of my laughter by the Blue headed Macau just made my day. There were some reptiles also to enjoy the view with. Many more varieties of birds from tiny Bee Eater to big Cassoway bird.
28 Februari 2019 7:53
Unlike other bird parks I visited, here most of the birds are allowed to move around freely. At first the entry fee seemed to be overpriced, but after roaming around in the place, seemed like it's quite worth, nevertheless the way they maintain the park is awesome.
25 Februari 2019 12:08
Sungguh tempat wisata yang sangat bagus di Bali. Banyak belajar tentang jenis2 burung yang ada di Indonesia dan sekitarnya. Lokasinya juga bersih dan tertata rapi.
Jadwal untuk shownya juga bervariasi. Ada jam2nya tertentu. Harga tiket masuk bila dibeli lewat aplikasi online akan lebih murah daripada beli on site.
06 Februari 2019 12:46
Great place to spend the day with family, especially kids!

Good number of shows with various birds to enthral the crowd. Great hosts and there a bunch of staff all over the place to help tourists.

There is a designated area with some birds that the people can interact with directly without the intervention of the staff. Must visit when in Bali!
04 Februari 2019 0:54
Tempat seperti kebun binatang tapi khusus burung yang berasal dari seluruh dunia & indonesia, ada pertunjukan burung dengan berbagai tema. Lokasi dekat pasar seni sukowati & bali zoo
28 Januari 2019 12:32
Selalu ingin kembali ke Bali.
Berbagai objek wisata disediakan di daerah ini dan yang sangat unik adalah wisata Taman Burung.serba aneka burung yang di pamerkan di tempat ini dari berbagai pulau di Indonesia tentunya dan belahan dunia lain juda ada.
Yang suka ber swa foto di tempat ini sangat banyak spot yang unik dan bagus untuk diabadikan sebagai kenang kenangan
25 Januari 2019 0:19
Very educated place for children. Many species of birds that u can interact with. You can play, touch, and feed 'em. They also hav some bird show which very entertaining. Recommended for family vacation. Just prepare ur own food&drink bcoz the price inside quite expensive. Ticket 100-150k, get cheaper price from travel agent.
23 Januari 2019 9:12
It is a great place for family with kids. The place is not really wide. Many bird attractions you can see every few hours. You can take photos with bird without extra charge.
16 Januari 2019 1:08
I didn’t actually set foot inside when I was confronted with the astonishing ticket cost of more than 30 Canadian dollars to visit an artificial environment where most of the birds are imported anyway. This place offers an average of less than two hours entertainment at a cost that is disproportionately higher than any other tourist attraction that I have ever visited in Bali, and I believe that I have seen most of them. I hate getting gouged!
15 Januari 2019 9:35
Tempat yang cocok untuk liburan bersama keluarga, dimana kita bisa terhibur dengan kecantikan berbagai macam burung dari penjuru dunia, belajar tentang burung dan tentunya juga berfoto ria bersama burung2 yang cantik yang pastinya sudah jinak, jika anda ingin mengabadikan foto dan dicetak maka anda harus membayar untuk mencetak tp jika anda ingin berfoto dengan HP/Kamera anda it's okay (GRATIS), ditambah ada resto yang menawarkan makanan yang enak (ada tempat main untuk anak juga di dalam resto itu) waaah.harus dicoba
11 Januari 2019 13:59
Tiket masuk on the spot 140 utk dewasa dan anak 70. Klo mau murah beli di traveloka aja. Jam 11.30 ada show pemberian makan komodo tp hanya di hari selasa dan jumat 2 minggu sekali. Terakhir tgl 8 jan 2019. Itung aja sendiri klo mau lihat
11 Januari 2019 5:12
Loved this place so much! I love birds and they were so interactive and most were free range. Seemed they cared about breeding and conservation too. Loved holding the macaw, cockatoo and the hornsbill. Staff were friendly. Recommend
04 Januari 2019 21:19
Thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Bali Bird Park. I wouldn’t say I am a bird ‘spotter’, it was interesting to see so many different species of birds and the fact you are able to hold them and see them so close made the experience unique.
Many of the birds have a reasonable amount of enclosure to roam around in, however there are a few where the enclosures are quite small.
I have read reviews where people have said it is overpriced, my argument would be that the Park is really well kept and the birds look like they have been raised well, so I did not begrudge paying the entrance fee at all.
Park takes around two hours to look around but there are many shows and feeding times throughout the day to enjoy. We watched a falcon and hawk show which is recommended and fed the parrots.
Overall an enjoyable experience and one that I would recommend people to go and visit during their stay in Bali.
29 Desember 2018 8:27
I give 3 star rating because it is not as big as I expected! 4D movie is not really 4D. The movie has great story line, just not 4D. The great part is you take photos with parrots and macaw! Also peacocks and flamingos walk around freely, you can be very close to them! It probably take us max 2 hour to finish our visit.

The dining place and souvenir shop inside park are not too impressive! I still think it is worthwhile to visit if you have time!
27 Desember 2018 2:58
It's a nice bird park. It's safe to bring your children.
There are performances of the trained birds and you can participate in the show. (Sorry I didn't have the photos of the show)
Additional information: you can buy the tickets online through travel agent and it's cheaper
09 Desember 2018 6:19
Saya berkunjung Nov 18, tamannya cukup bagus dan unik dengan beberapa jenis burung yang bebas. Namun sayangnya belum semua saya lihat karena adanya renovasi. Tamannya tidak terlalu besar, jadi harus dinikmati agar tidak berasa terlalu cepat mengelilinginya.

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