14 Juli 2023 14:26
On 3rd of july i started my very first intensive pastry program in bcps, and overall my experience here has been really great.
I gained so many experience and knowledge from chef dewa and i made so much good memories and friends here.
My experience here has been nothing but very fun and i would definitely come back here to continue my studies in bcps after highschool.
14 Juli 2023 13:16
Tempat belajar yang nyaman, dengan chef2 yg luar biasa. 3 minggu dengan pengalaman yg sangat menarik di program Intensive Pastry bakery
13 Juli 2023 22:03
Amazing experience and Amazing Mentor!
Thankyou Chef Dewa and Team for the valuable lesson at Bali Culinary Pastry School.
26 Mei 2023 14:08
Was informed by Maya Van Der Hoff. Thanks for the experience. Love the creations esp the desserts xx good luck for the future endeavors
10 Desember 2022 15:01
I've learn a lot of things in this school. The class was so satisfying and very fun, all the staff here very friendly, the chef very friendly and helpful.
13 November 2022 2:55
This academy is a Bali's hidden gem, had my best 3days gelato course here, perfect set up in pristine ambiance, great lectures. Packed in Practice oriented program, with international standards infrastructures.and students from various country.
04 September 2022 6:15
Had a great time learning and churning gelato here! Experienced instructors, awesome facility, efficient and effective workflow!
01 September 2022 2:58
Seru bgt makanan enak kitchen high quality no cap

Chefnha jg jelas.banget klo jelasin
30 Agustus 2022 16:13
Thank you Bali Culinary Pastry School untuk Summer Camp activity-nya. Anak saya suka sekali dengan programnya.
18 Agustus 2022 11:52
Banyak pelajaran dan ilmu yang bisa diambil, chefnya ramah - ramah, kalau ada kesempatan mau ikut kelasnya lagi
06 Agustus 2022 22:34
Thank you for hosting the fun holiday camp. As a future student, i got a bit of showcase on how the kitchen works. Thank you BCPS.
27 Juli 2022 22:13
The school is huge and beautiful. Very clean and also well maintained. But the best thing is, I learned a lot during the course. Definitely recommended to people who’s interested in culinary. I couldn’t think of a better environments to learn because this school has exceeds my expectations.
13 Juli 2022 21:59
I went there because my friend invited me, so I wanted to give a review, for the food and drinks are very good, and in my opinion, have studied just for 9 months and have been able to serve that much food, I think they should be proud.
15 Mei 2022 22:44
Im so proud to be student at Bali Culinary Pastry School
We can learning and be better with all student's and the Chef's.
I can learn from the beginning and the Chefs teach well.
26 Maret 2022 6:53
Lingkungan yang nyaman dan bersih, semua orang di sini ramah, fasilitas yang komplit, pengalaman yang lebih dari sekedar cukup mengikuti program disini. Terimakasih Bali Culinary & Pastry School
21 Maret 2022 23:21
I took the basic gelato course there for 3 days. It was very interesting and fun experience. The program full of knowledge from theory to totally hands on. We literally made the gelato from scratch to end product. I definitely made the right choice to participate although i have to make 2 flights to Bali just for this course. It was worth it. I am interested to deeper my course someday at Bali Culinary Pastry School. Thumbs up to Pak Wayan the tutor and Ibu Yurike the admin. Stay safe and hope to see you again.
04 Maret 2022 14:49
Great experience, great facilities and great services. During covid they stick to the the health protocol very strictly. Glad to be here!
19 Februari 2022 19:35
Sekolah yang hanya mementingkan uang.jadwal yang tidak sama sekali paten dan selalu berubah2.tidak konsisten manajemennya.
11 Februari 2022 3:21
Sekolahnya sangat professional, chef sangat detail dalam menjelaskan. Chefnya juga sangat tegas dalam pengajarannya. Pengalaman holiday camp sangat menyenangkan (teman-teman yang seru, kakak-kakak yang sangat baik). Fasilitas yang disediakan sangat lengkap dan pastinya higenis.
03 Februari 2022 21:32
It was very fun and I learned a lot of new knowledge here. The chefs and teachers were very kind and patient helping and guiding us.
20 Januari 2022 13:03
Pengajarannya sangat jelas dan mudah dimengerti, pelayanannya bagus, sekolahnya bagus, fasilitas bagus, temannya baik semua.
13 Januari 2022 12:31
Bagus banget, dapat banyak pelajaran baru disini. Cocok banget buat kalian yang mau brlajar basic pastry bakery dengan waktu yang sangat sangat singkat
06 Januari 2022 5:02
I've learn a lot of things in this school. The class was so satisfying and very fun, all the staff here are very friendly, the chef is very friendly and helpful.
05 Januari 2022 16:39
I joined the short intensive pastry bakery course over the past 3 weeks and it has been the most exciting, knowldagable and most fun and memorable times i've had in these past recent years. Teachers are great, equiptments are top notch. Really thankful and would join again!
10 Desember 2021 12:46
Overall great experience, nice environment and helpful chef for improving skill in pastry industry
02 September 2021 13:31
I am really glad that I could join the Bali Culinary Pastry School Holiday Camp Program. I got many new experiences and new knowledges there. I also met new friends, chefs, and staffs and they were all very kind. They have inspired me and made me feel more confident in pursuing my passion in culinary and pastry baking. The facilities and environment there were also very nice and comfortable. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience at BCPS!
23 Agustus 2021 6:32
Kelas dan ruangannya sangat bagus. Fasilitasnya pun lengkap, serta mesin yg digunakan bagus sekali. Pelajaran yg diambil pun byk. Saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu Dari mengambil kelas ini. Kelas ini seru dan fun, everyone should try it. Buku penjelasan ttg recipe dan gelato itu sendiri lengkap banget. Sehingga saya dapat mengikuti kelas ini dengan baik. Chefnya mengajarkan dengan detail. Dari cara membuat gelato, hingga garnishnya. Overall Untuk newbie seperti saya, dengan mengambil kelas ini, anda bisa mendapat pengetahuan yang lebih. 100/10, and gelatonya enak bgt.
31 Juli 2021 2:26
It was my best decision to join the intensive baking and pastry class.

Thank you baliculinarypastryschool to give me the opportunity to learn and build my passion in a very short but very well structured lessons.

Highly recommended!
28 Juli 2021 4:35
Punya pengalaman terbaikkkk selama disini, staff dan orang2 disini sangat ramah walaupun kita adalah pendatang baru. Seneng banget bisa belajar dan dapet banyak ilmu dari sini karena pengajar (chef) nya sangat profesional
Pengen bisa balik lagi untuk belajar lebih dalamm, sekolah terbaik dari yang terbaik ️? ️
04 Juli 2021 7:53
Choosing Bali Culinary Pastry School is one of the best decision in my life.
Not only BCPS have excellent and well-experienced teachers (chef Alex & chef lucia) who teached me new things that i couldn't imagine learning, but they also never stop to inspire me to be a better baker/chef everyday.

I love how they shared their experience and knowledge to us, how they pay attention to every single detail in each of what we did, and also love how they always make sure that we understand everything even the little things.

The facilities at BCPS are also very good, and of course helped me a lot in my learning process.

But what I will miss the most from this school is the environment and ambience when we learn and cook together, It is always serious and straight forward but also FUN.

Thank You BCPS!
03 Juli 2021 10:48
I've finished this program for 2 weeks. I was impressed by the friendly service and dexterity of the admin in responding to questions and always being there.adopting a bilingual system so that those who are passive English don't need to worry, experienced international head chefs are accompanied by local sous chefs who are no less capable. The school environment is also very supportive for those who live outside Bali, provided dorms (dormitories) and hotels at competitive prices and comfortable.

This place is highly recommended because you meet students from various regions who can add insight both in related fields and character development on the other hand. This program is also combined with internships in well-known and prestigious companies which will perfectly complete our theory and practice when we are learn in school.what I expected before joining this program in accordance with what experience I got.time goes on, the competition is getting tougher, the second chance will not necessarily come.so for those of you who have the passion and desire to have a career in the culinary world. HURRY AND JOIN NOW. COME AND PROVE IT! Welcome to your dream entrance. See you there, champion!
16 Juni 2021 9:39
Loved every seconds here! I enjoyed my Pastry and Bakery Intensive for the whole 14 days.
The instructors are both well experienced. They inspired me and help me into my baking journey.
Super love!
15 Juni 2021 10:03
I am very happy to learn about pastry for the three weeks at BCPS. It was an honour to be taught by professional chefs who never gets tired of answering our questions. I have gained so many new knowledge as well as new experience throughout my intensive journey. I am also very happy to meet people who share the same passion as me and I gained new knowledge from them as well. It was truly an amazing experience to learn about pastry at BCPS as the chefs are very thorough at explaining everything. The staff are also always kind and responsive with every questions that we have.
01 Juni 2021 11:33
14 amazing days. I learned so many things from the Professional Chef. Basic, pre intermediate and intermediate pastry bakery class is worth my journey comes from Sulawesi island to God’s island. I recommend this intensive program.
09 April 2021 19:38
Bali Culinary Pastry School adalah sekolah kuliner terbaik di bali bagi saya.saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu dan teknik tentang kuliner di Bali Culinary Pastry School.
Fasilitas di Bali Culinary Pastry School sangat bagus.
Para mentor dan staff di Bali Culinary Pastry School
sangat friendly.saya sangat menikmati waktu saya di Bali Culinary Pastry School
01 April 2021 2:01
Im so glad that im in this school right now from here i learn lots of different varieties of food and Technic, not only cooking skill we also learn to be more responsible and discipline, this school teaching us to be ready for our next step on our life.
15 Maret 2021 21:26
I really enjoy being in this school.we learn so much stuff about culinary and all the instructors are very professional
13 Maret 2021 17:53
The perfect place to learn on how to cook. Complete equipment and nice kitchen that support the teaching and learning process. Friendly chefs who teach not only how to cook but also teach the right attitude to become a professional chef. So happy to be able to learn here
07 Maret 2021 21:04
This is how a cooking school should be.with all the instructors and staffs.the professionalism and the discipline.this is the right place for you to study about culinary and the fnb world.you'll learn from the very basic to the very complex.no matter what your background is.your attitude and skills will be trained to be the best of the best.to say that studying in here is easy is a total nonsense.they're going to go hard on you from the very beginning.but it's all makes sense.because from every second you spend here is meaningful.it's going to be useful in the future.it's not easy but it's definitely worth it
06 Maret 2021 13:46
One of the best decision I have ever made is to join Bali Culinary Pastry School. The facilities are out of this world, so great and complete. The place is really spacious, comfy, and cool since it has lots of plants. Really worth it.
23 Februari 2021 13:27
Really glad to be able to learn culinary in this school. The place has a very good environment to study in. The instructors are not just experienced chef, but also good in terms of how they share their knowledge. They made sure you learn even the little things. You also learn things you wouldn't expect to learn. You get more than what you thought you would. The facilities are also very good. Definitely helped a lot in the learning process. The staff were very nice and helpful when trying to apply to this school. Overall, this school is a top place to learn.
23 Februari 2021 8:12
Bali culinary and pastry school has taught me a lot about cooking, but most importantly about discipline.a great place to change and grow as a person
20 Februari 2021 17:39
A very good place to learn and develop your skills as a chef or a pastry chef. The teaching and overall environment is also quite good.
18 Februari 2021 3:10
Tempatnya sangat bagus, terasa sejuk karena banyak tumbuhan, luas, fasilitasnya lengkap, worth it
13 Februari 2021 12:15
Very worth it to learn culinary here.a comfortable place to study, a clean and green environment that encourages learning.friendly staff to help meet the learning needs here, as well as highly professional and high-caliber teachers who are very convincing in providing teaching. On campus there are also various facilities such as basketball courts and clean dormitories. Very happy to be able to study here, after 4 months a lot of knowledge was gained, not only recipes and skills, but also good ethics.
05 Januari 2021 5:56
Setelah saya lihat di Instagram seperti tempat sekolah masak ternyaman seperti nya, dan juga memiliki alat-alat dapur lengkap, jadi pengen deh sekolah disitu
20 Desember 2020 20:08
The environment and the programs were so interesting. They had complete facility to support student to learn such as the big neat kitchen for production / pastry class, internship program with 4/5 stars hotels, restaurant visit, and etc. It'll be so much fun and high value experience to be a student there!
16 Desember 2020 15:11
Education terhadap cooking sebetulnya sangat berseni, maybe setiap orang bisa masak atau suka masak tapi dibutuhkan sign Dan kesabaran, makanya joint @baliculinary pasti proffesional chef
04 Desember 2020 4:08
Menurut saya bali culinary pastry school adalah sekolah masak yang baguss karna apa yang saya lihat, bali culinary pastry school mengajarkan muridnya dari dasar selain itu bali culinary pastry school mengajarkan makanan Indonesia menurut saya ini sangat penting karna sekarang banyak yang memilih makanan luar sedangkan sebenarnya makanan indonesia mulai mendunia. I hope I can join in bali culinary pastry school next year
27 November 2020 23:32
Info yang sangat lengkap melalui websitenya baliculinarypastryschool.com dan instagram @baliculinarypastryschool dengan program dan fasilitas yang menarik, interfacenya juga lebih memudahkan dan juga Bali Culinary Pastry School juga memiliki tim pengajar Chef Profesional dan partner yang relevan guna menunjang pembelajaran dengan metode pengajaran yang fokus pada praktek sehingga lebih siap untuk terjun ke industri kuliner. Sangat berminat untuk bergabung disini dan pasti akan merekomendasikan ini kepada teman yang tertarik pada culinary school. Good job.
22 November 2020 22:21
Saya memang belum pernah bersekolah disini tapi saya harap saya bisa masuk ke sekolah ini suatu hari nanti dan selama saya melihat Hansel di MasterChef Indonesia season 7 saya tau kalau sekolah ini pasti mengahdirkan banyak chef chef handal dan keren
20 November 2020 15:13
Dari dulu emang pengen banget belajar tentang culinary & pastry. Saya sudah sering buka web nya Bali Culinary.ngeliat banyak yang belajar disana makin yakin kalo Bali Culinary Pastry School one of the best Culinary Pastry School in Indonesia.
Sayangnya saya di Palembang dan tidak bs mengikuti pendidikan langsung disana.

Sekarang sepertinya sudah ada online class. Wish i can join the class.
09 November 2020 11:48
Kualitas nya emng bener bener bagus dan ini si rekomendasi banget buat kalian yg suka masak apalagi di bagian pastry yaaa. Terus kalo buat harga si ini worth it dengan apa yg bakal kita dapet juga, kalo ngomongin profesional jujur ini sangat profesional menurut ku?

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