03 November 2023 20:58
Ingin melihat dan ketahui gambaran perjalanan peradaban Bali, anda wajib kunjungi situs ini.
11 Oktober 2023 8:32
Really like this place as we were guided by the staff and he told us about the story of Bali. There are 4 gedung that we can visit and each gedung tell different part of story of Bali
04 Oktober 2023 4:01
Tickets are Rp 50,000 per person. I go to a lot of museums in different countries, and I am sad to say this is one of the worst ones I've been to. They have a great variety and very cool items on display, but I can't recommend due to the following:

1. The museum is made up of 4 separate buildings. There is no AC except in one building (which barely worked on the second floor). The lack of AC makes the other buildings unbearable to walk around in and difficult to enjoy. Even with the windows open it was hotter inside than outside.

2. The museum is poorly maintained inside. Outside the buildings and landscape are stunning. Many of of the exhibits lightbulbs were broken, so we couldn't see the object inside the display. All the display glass were dirty making everything kinda fuzzy to see.

3. The items' information cards do not contain any useful information except the name, catalog number, what it is made out of, and the basic function. Usually musems will include approx.year and details about what the item is about and where it was found. If it had a poster containing such useful info, some were a bit faded.

4. Where do I start with the guides. You have to pay them extra if you want a guided tour. There is no set rate, just whatever you and the guide bargin. Our first guide was understanding when we said no (I personally don't like guided tours because I like to go my own pace and not someone else's). Once we walked into the first building, a different guide came in and would not take no for an answer. They tried guilting us and begging. They only left after another group came in, and we were able to escape by following them.

Overall, I don't know who owns this museum, but you need to go see other museums and model after them, and actually take care of this one. If you're going to have guides, actually give them a wage and better training, so guests don't get harassed.
21 September 2023 20:58
Pelayanan sedikit gimana gimana, museumnya terutama arsitektur sangat baik. Sudah 2x ke sini. Cukup menarik dan di pusat kota.
Waktu berkunjung kira kira 30-60 menit
05 September 2023 16:10
Buat yg lagi mau liburan ke Bali, jgn cuma ngepantai aja.dsna juga ada museum Bali loh, yg kental dengan kebudayaan Bali dan wajib kalian kunjungi.keren dah pokoknya
24 Agustus 2023 4:18
I've here last time, and it was a great experience for my kids. When we want to see a temple, some of other temple are private and finally we can see Bali Museum and being inside the temple, my kids are feel amaze.

I never knew before, that we can visit a Bali Museum like these before. Its a rare place for everyone to know.

And maybe you go there. For education and for a tour.
29 Juni 2019 11:47
Salah satu museum yang ada di bali yang unik karena di dalam tempat ini sangat kental akan budaya bali nya, mulai dari adanya banyak pura pura yang cantik dan menimbulkan kesan vintage nya. Musem ini terletak di pusat kota Denpasar yaitu di daerah renon. Untuk HTM nya sendiri yaitu Rp 25.000 (lokal) dan Rp. 50.000 (mancanegara) kalau buat kalian yang kesini berombongan atau rame rame bisa juga menyewa tour guied yang ada disini.
02 Juni 2019 16:06
Untuk mempelajari sejarah Bali, silahkan datang ke Museum Bali ini. Tidak hanya sejarah, disini juga banyak menceritakan tentang budaya Bali. Disini perlu guide agar dapat bercerita banyak tentang setiap artefak yang ada. Kalau untuk biaya guide kurang tahu sih ada patokan atau tidak karena saat berkunjung museumnya tutup sehingga hanya boleh melihat dari luar saja.
Pintu masuk museum ini di depan Lapangan Puputan. Tempat parkirnya gampang dan persis di depan museum.
Sayangnya tidak ada informasi buka atau tutup sehingga agak sulit ketika mau masuk dan bertanya pada waktu itu
28 Mei 2019 12:17
Seperti halnya musium lainnya bi bali kurang mendapat perhatian "lebih" dari pemda.kesannya hanya jadi pajangan dari benda benda purbakala.tempat kurang luas, pemandu & bagian informasi kurang banyak.
13 Mei 2019 5:29
Bangunan khas Bali yang memiliki nilai sejarah. Lokasi pusat kota depan lapangan Puputan Badung. Koleksi cukup lengkap
09 Mei 2019 19:41
If you wanna know more about Bali Island you should to be here. Many historical of Bali was keep this this place. Very insteresting place
07 Mei 2019 21:35
Good experience, can be a little hot and humid. Done in section in a beautiful, full of masonry and carpentry buildings
29 April 2019 19:32
Walaupun sempat sewot si nyonyah karena saya ogah-ogahan ketempat ini.tapi memang museum ini sangat dapat mengambar jelaskan ke-elokan tradisi adat-istiadat dengan koleksi peninggalan berupa arca dan lain sebagainya.sungguh cocok bagi kalian yang ingin berkenalan langsung dengan Bali dan kearifan lokalnya.sangat pas pula mengajak anak-anak untuk sekedar tambahan edukasi mereka tentang sebesar inilah kekayaan ragam negeri tercinta initerimakasih
05 Oktober 2018 22:51
We did a family photoshoot while in Bali, and while we had initially opted for the standard “by-the-beach” shots, our phtographer suggested Bali Museum for something different, and we’re really glad we went there!

It was a nice morning, it had rained earlier in the morning so it wasn’t too hot, and the backdrops are really pretty for taking photos!

While we were there, there were at least 3-4 couple doing their pre-wedding Balinese photoshoot, decked out in traditional outfits! Was a great sight to see, and we had lots of fun taking (oh so many) photos!

Though that said, the museum is rather small, and while we didn’t look around, people were really there more for photo taking. If it weren’t for the photoshoot, not sure we’d go back.

Suitable for young children though as there’s some space to run around in the gardens. And it’s if there’s something different you want to get out of the busy city. Would recommend at least to dedicate one morning and it’s about a 30min drive from Seminyak.

Locals enter free, and tourists pay a very small sum to enter.
12 September 2018 23:32
Sangat disanrankan untuk orang yang ingin mengenal budaya bali, ttg hindu dan para staf disana juga ramah-ramah.

Highly recomended place for learning balinese culture and the staff are friendly there.
08 September 2018 15:36
Museum Bali terletak di pusat kota denpasar. Tepat di sebelah lapangan puputan, menjadi tempat favorite untuk pengambilan gambar prewedding bali dengan nuansa klasik. Juga sebagai destinasi wisata
22 Agustus 2018 19:34
Saya selalu brtny2 mgp museum sepi? Pndpt sy slh satu nya krn biaya masuk nya yg cukup lumayan mahal (25000) ditambah kurangnya penjaga museum yg dpt menceritakan /mnjlskn kpd org2 yg brkunjung. Mmg ada tour guide, tp syg hrs bayar. Padahal shrsnya museum sbg wahana edukasi jika bisa harus seramai mgkin, tdk kalah dg org yg berlibur ke pantai2. Mengunjungi museum mmbwt kita mengenal jati diri bangsa. Terima kasih:)
18 Agustus 2018 18:19
Tempatnya bagus, saat berkunjung ke tempat ini, banyak yang melakukan foto prewedding, harga tiket untuk prewed 500k dan di bayar setelah sesi foto.
17 Agustus 2018 20:15
Cozi museum, not to big, but enough to get an idea about the Balinese culture and myths. Be careful with the "guides" and "artisans": good explainations and nice handcrafted stuff, but a bit too pushy and overpriced. Just be sure that you accept the services because you really want.

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