30 November 2023 7:31
Not worth the high prices, never see Balinese eat here too expensive for them, 10k surcharge on meals, burgers quite small compared to the West
20 November 2023 0:22
Saya driver grab kecewa dengan sistem burger kin jln sunset road Bali, Uda siap on aplikasi merchant grab tapi menunya tunggu driver datang baru di massak, apa maksudnya, tolong burger king Indonesia, lebih atur lagi sistem perrimaan layanan pesanan online kalau belum siap makanya jangan berani on aplikasi, kami kerja ngejar waktu bulan nunggu kaya mau berak
15 November 2023 17:22
Mohon maaf sebelumnya, tapi saya dalam 1 minggu termasuk dapat saja makan ke BK disini untuk suasana dalam ruangan Panas, Ac hidup tapi tidak terasa dingin maupun sejuk, untuk makanan standar dan layanan pegawai baik trimakasi
02 November 2023 20:19
Waiting for the ice cream almost take 30 mins until we finished eaten up our meal and when my partners asked to the staff is our ice cream ready, they just remembered that we have ice cream in our orders.
02 November 2023 11:44
Prices are acceptable
Food is fast food that is flawed by the excess salt in the meal
29 September 2023 17:07
Burger nya sih enak banget, ayamny juicy. Ayam spicy enak tapi pedes manis jadi rasanya kurang masuk aja. Untuk kentangnya sih yang kurang banget, terlalu besar potongan kentangnya jadi masih keras gtu. Jasmine Tea nya selalu juara. Perlu digaris bawahi lagi soal kasir pas handling customernya kurang ramah & gak welcome sama customer. Selain itu udah oke, temptnya nyaman & bersih. Makanan juga cepat ready nya
28 Agustus 2023 0:10
Pas mau sarapan pagi di tempat ini karena yang terdekat dengan hotel.
Karena masih pagi jadi masih kosong.
Pas mau pesan ternyata Resto BK ini memperkerjakan penyandang Tuna Rungu.
Keren sih menurut saya karena memberikan peluang untuk penyandang Tuna Rungu.
Jadi kita pesannya tunjuk yang kita mau pesan.
Setelah duduk baru lihat bahwa dj kaca depannya Resto BK ini memang ada Sign Language nya penyandang Tuna Runggu.
Sangat Appreciate dengan resto-resto fast food yang memberikan peluang untuk penyandang cacat.
Jadi mereka punya kesempatan untuk bekerja.
Jadi kalo ke sini jangan kaget ya.
Karena ada karyawannya yang Tuna Rungu.
31 Januari 2022 14:55
Maybe they don't realise that it's supposed to be FAST FOOD.
30 minutes wait for a burger with only 2 other customers in the place.
What's it like if it gets busy.
11 Januari 2022 23:05
I went to this place again today for dinner after work, I love this Burger King at Sunset Road because some of the employees that work in this place are deaf.
They have small sign board at Cashier said:
"Hello, I am deaf, please select the picture on the menu to order. Thank you. "
So you can select the picture and they will input it on the system and you can double check if the order is correct then pay.
And if you can do sign language even better so you can communicate in sign language.
Bravo to Burger King!
08 Januari 2022 17:29
The dine-in experience was good overall. Clean location, nice staff and spacious parking.

The reason for 4 star is that the Plant-based Whopper tasted so-so (boring) and the hand dryer is not working which is not helpful especially if you're about to eat your food with freshly washed hands. They didn't have tissues for hands as an alternative.
Toilet was clean but looks old so the bowl was stained.
07 Januari 2022 13:02
Salah satu tempat makan fast food yang menyediakan menu ayam goreng dan burger…lokasi tempatnya cukup strategis tapi manajemennya kurang bagus karena stok ayam potongan besar aja ga ready, harus tunggu 15 menitan. Pas kesni malah stok nasi aja bisa habis. Terus untuk mendukung self service kaga di sediakan tong sampah besar biar kita bisa buang sampah abis makan sendiri. Tissue juga ga dikasi. Tapi salah satu nilai plus di sini mempekerjakan orang difabel dan kasirnya pun bisa bahasa isyarat…
29 Desember 2021 6:48
Untuk rasa ayam agak kurang, memang sih restaurant cepat saji ini menu utamanya burger, ya mungkin untuk ayam cuma menu optional aja, tidak diberikan tissue ketika makan ditempat mungkin restaurant dengan brand ini paperless dan juga ketika makan disini jika ordernya banyak tidak disediakan nampan/alas buat membawa ke meja. Jika order take away disaranankan bawa shooping bag ya.tempat tidak begitu luas untuk didalam ruangannya, tersedia didalam mini playground cuma prosotan, diluar ruangan ada beberapa meja, tersedia juga untuk pemesanan drive true.
22 November 2021 17:35
I loved how they have disabilities people work as in Indonesia have so many company underestimate and even not accept the community. Anyway, always be the place to go for quick food and tasty:) (of course lots of promo: D)
30 Oktober 2019 17:49
Pelayanan yg kurang sopan saya terima dari beberapa karyawan sekaligus dalam 1 malam
Sangat d sayangkan saya sangat menyukai makan2 d burger king tetapi tolong attitude karyawan lebih d tingkatkan lagi

Sangat2 kecewa
16 September 2019 20:41
Tempat nyaman cuma sekarang harga sdh naik tolong kasi diskon lagi dong buat pelanggan setia whoper juniormu ini.tempat nyaman nuansa santai menu agak mahal ya heheheheheheh
09 September 2019 11:21
Decent and consistent with all Burger King's around the world. This restaurant had something very unique and pretty cool, alll the cashier's were deaf, no problems, very smooth.
08 September 2019 9:32
Lovely people with diffrently able staff helping us to order, such a nice experience and wish all the guys sucess.keep up the good work cheers
07 September 2019 14:01
Mantab makanannya
Ramah pelayanannya
Tempatnya sangat strategis
Parkir luas
Ada play groundnya
Yang bikin saya kagum adalah disitu tersedia mushollah yang lumayan besar dan bersih serta bagus
Yang mana ini tempatnya dibali gitu betul2 gak nyangkah banget
01 September 2019 3:00
Two language barriers. They can’t hear and no one there “hearing” to support them. Walked away and went to McDonald’s. It’s not drama just practical. The person who could hear was no where around. Burger King policy “make it your way” how can make it our way when they can’t hear what you want added or subtracted and no staff around to assist. I don’t blame them I blame management. The tables and chairs and floor were filthy and they didn’t even give napkins with the take away. Very very poor.
31 Agustus 2019 3:01
Today 23 July 2019. I feel very disappointed with the service, I bought a voucher at traveloka and when I want to reedem the voucher is actually said to be impossible even though the voucher listed can be used at all burger king outlets except Airport.for reasons that can be shot at where we are.if it's possible to display, don't accept traveloka use.it's better not just to have cooperation.it's a strange basis for Burger King Sunset Road.
23 Agustus 2019 21:33
Spacious restaurant. They hired people with special needs as their employees and I really appreciate that they give those people equality and opportunity.
16 Agustus 2019 19:39
Tempatnya luas, ada pilihan di dalam dan di luar, yg di luar untuk smoking area, parkiran juga luas. Nyaman deh tempatnya utk ngumpul bareng teman dan keluarga.
14 Agustus 2019 3:13
I really appreciate the good intentions of the burger king management especially in sunset road area who has opened up jobs for the deaf people who may not meet the standards of this work.but here they are proven able to work like normal people ️️️️
08 Agustus 2019 6:01
Salut sama Burger King sunset karena menerima karyawan yang memiliki keterbatasan, tanpa dibeda-bedakan, semoga semuanya tetep bisa kompak
Tempatnya juga nyaman luas.
03 Agustus 2019 12:39
It was nice of BK Indonesia that they started to hiring employees with hearing and speaking impair. Maybe it's a bit hard for customers but after a while it's easy to order just like regular service.
26 Juni 2019 6:54
Clean, hire people with disabilities (very thoughtful and caring for me), friendly staff, relatively fast service. Only the eating & seating space is quite small, one-storey, not as big as other outlets which standalone. Overall: good job. Love how Burger King Sunset Road giving jobs to disable people.

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