01 Oktober 2023 0:02
The walk and views were underwhelming. It's too developed these days. It was good to stretch my legs and walk without dodging motorbikes and cars for a little while.
23 September 2023 21:29
Magnificent location for a walk at sunset surrounded by nature, coconut trees and rice fields.
14 September 2023 18:23
This path was easier than I thought it would be. It takes about 20mins one way and it’s a straight and paved path with some upslope. Gorgeous views in the evening where it can get a bit crowded too. There are a bunch of restaurants at the end but I didn’t eat at any of them.
13 September 2023 4:08
I don't fully understand the high ratings for this walk.
Tall grass and bushes and crooked sidewalk tiles. You can easily trip and lose your teeth.
11 September 2023 0:08
This is one of the most famous places to do some outdoor walking to the rice field in the Ubud area.
There is a parking spot nearby for your convenience, but it is quite hidden as you just drive down the hill passing by Ibah Hotel.
The walk itself is not that hard but quite taxing during the hot days under the sun.
08 September 2023 11:08
Overpriced, it climbs a lot so that in the end you don't have any points of view. No shade, we're in the middle of a dodger. Fortunately it's free.
07 September 2023 19:44
Need tu cut the grass its not that good than it looks on internet have to bring drone hwhw
05 September 2023 21:57
Nice walk but nothing more, not really a clear view.the hidden rice fields (2-300m away, the sweet orange) are much more pleasant
05 September 2023 4:45
Beginner friendly route. Its great for chill walking and looking at greeneries. No public toilet until you reached the end of the route (if u start walking from the Pura). Very much recommended!
04 September 2023 11:00
A good walk with some nice views, but not essential to do in Ubud. I think the Subak Juwuk Manis Rice fields walk is much better.
28 Juli 2023 1:21
There are no rice fields in sight.right side going north palm groves.left side hotels and works. To ignore The only thing is the temple at the south entrance, and thank you.
02 Februari 2019 10:31
Spot wisata gratis yang luar biasa, butuh perjuangan sih buat sampai ditempat ini dengan trekking yang menanjak, tapi begitu sampai semuanya ga berasa. Pemandangannya indah, pepohonan dan rerumputan terhampar menyejukkan mata. Kalau ke tempat ini usahakan di pagi hari ketika cuaca belum begitu terik, sembari menikmati cahaya matahari pagi. Disarankan untuk memakai sepatu yang cocok untuk trekking/lari, atau bisa sandal gunung. Tidak disarankan memakai sandal jepit, high heels, atau sepatu2 lain yang memang bukan untuk trekking.
19 Desember 2018 14:40
Cantik banget. Cuma akses menuju lokasi yang agak membingungkan. Saya mengikuti maps pun agak kesusahan, akhirnya memilih untuk tanya warga setempat. Hampir 3 kali tanya ke orang yg berbeda hingga sampai ke spotnya. Perlu tracking kurang lebih 15 menit hingga sampai ke spot yang cantik. Jika meneruskan hingga ujung, akan menemui beberapa cafe outdoor dg konsep rustic. Bisa sambil minum dan makan snack
18 Desember 2018 19:47
Easy with some uphill and stair climbing but manageable. The trail is paved. No entrance fee required. Enjoy the view of lush greenery forest, nipa huts and rivers. At the end of the trail will be a road with retail shops.
11 Desember 2018 1:41

To walk abroad is, not with eyes,  

But thoughts, the fields to see and prize; 

Else may the silent feet,  

Like logs of wood,  

Move up and down, and see no good 

Nor joy nor glory meet.  

Ev’n carts and wheels their place do change,  

But cannot see, though very strange 

The glory that is by; 

Dead puppets may 

Move in the bright and glorious day,  

Yet not behold the sky.  

And are not men than they more blind,  

Who having eyes yet never find 

The bliss in which they move; 

Like statues dead 

They up and down are carried 

Yet never see nor love.  

To walk is by a thought to go; 

To move in spirit to and fro; 

To mind the good we see; 

To taste the sweet; 

Observing all the things we meet 

How choice and rich they be.  

To note the beauty of the day,  

And golden fields of corn survey; 

Admire each pretty flow’r 

With its sweet smell; 

To praise their Maker, and to tell 

The marks of his great pow’r.  

To fly abroad like active bees,  

Among the hedges and the trees,  

To cull the dew that lies 

On ev’ry blade,  

From ev’ry blossom; till we lade 

Our minds, as they their thighs.  

Observe those rich and glorious things,  

The rivers, meadows, woods, and springs,  

The fructifying sun; 

To note from far 

The rising of each twinkling star 

For us his race to run.  

A little child these well perceives,  

Who, tumbling in green grass and leaves,  

May rich as kings be thought,  

But there’s a sight 

Which perfect manhood may delight,  

To which we shall be brought.  

While in those pleasant paths we talk,  

’Tis that tow’rds which at last we walk; 

For we may by degrees 

Wisely proceed 

Pleasures of love and praise to heed,  

From viewing herbs and trees.
02 Desember 2018 14:46
Definitely worth checking it out whilst you're in Ubud. Great place to wander around a little bit and then continue further down the trail which will take you to the Sacred Hills. And the good thing is thst all those views will cost you absolutely nothing!
02 Desember 2018 13:56
It’s a short and easy walk, at the beginning there’s a stream, bridges and an amazing temple and at the end there’s nice places to enjoy cool coconuts, drinks and food. Just avoid noon, it’s scorching hot
21 November 2018 21:04
The place has good view and the weather was so nice to spend long time to do jogging or just walking around. The time is suited to go there is kn the morning, so you can enjoy the breeze and not crowded along the street. I recomend to wear shoes because the street isnt that easy if u wear high heels or wegdes. Sandals maybe is good idea, too
10 November 2018 17:17
Beautiful short walk to Campuhan between some rice fields and palm trees. Bring some extra time, in the evening when the sun gives a red hue to everything.
23 Oktober 2018 8:46
Great views, experience and trekking in this jungle/rice fields area. Unfortunately after great first 1.2 km, it turns to road and living area. Still, worth visiting.
22 Oktober 2018 11:09
If you pay attention to the signs from Ibah Spa down at the bridge it’s not hard to find. The walk was very nice and not challenging. We went there around 6: 30 and it was not too hot. The walk is not too long so probably you’ll arrive there before the opening of the small shops and bars. I think it would have been nice to stop for a drink before coming back. In any case it’s relatively a short walk. You’ll need 1-1: 30 h total.

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