06 Agustus 2023 13:00
Chose to have delivery food because it was too late and we already exhausted. The waiter was so polite, informed me there's some ordered food was out of stock. It was such a comfort food and the price was reasonable.
25 Juni 2023 8:12
Babi gulingnya kurang berasa, kurang worth dengan harga sekian.

Tempatnya juga sumpek terlalu banyak pengunjung dan kurang teratur
09 Maret 2021 10:04
Harganya super mahal, rasanya standar, kygnya ini babi guling rame karena kerja sama ama travel jadi dia gaji sopir travelnya biar makan disana tamunya.
26 Februari 2021 22:46
Datang makan siang pas di hari minggu. Rame banget. Liat mbok2nya sibuk mondar-mandir. Makanannya enak. Klo rame mendingan take away saja.
20 Januari 2021 1:48
Mantap gulingnya enak masakannya yang mau mampir merasakan sentuhan Babi guling chandra, cobain dehhhh.
11 November 2019 20:31
Nasi bigulnya enak, rasanya seimbang (ada manis, asin, pedas)
kalo bisa harganya diturunin jd 50rb aeporsi + minum
11 Oktober 2019 14:53
Fast and friendly service. Very spicy but delicious, generous portion, reasonably priced. Will come back for more.
18 September 2019 6:30
Taste no good.
I'am Manadonesse/Sangirenesse and have high expectation for babi guling when i came to ate here with my friends, but the taste are not even close to the Manado style babi guling (babi putar) that we used to eat.
07 September 2019 12:17
Ceoat dan enak masakannya. Lokasi d jalur jalan besar. Yg suka masakan babi or masakan chinese food pasti suka
22 Agustus 2019 21:21
Top banget babi gulingnya.nasi betutunya juga enak.tapi harganya mehong.better take away.trus qt bilang mau beli berapaan.
14 Agustus 2019 6:06
Due to my husband did not ask for the price each portion so very surprising in time pay the bills. Sorry to say that your taste and comfort dining table are not equal to Bills we paid. Needs more pro active to your floor staff explain that though has not price menu at least explain when they order to inform the price as your restaurant is not FINE DINING, tourist come to you will get less in future if keep doing so. I supposed you already did port folio by selling economical "Nasi Jinggo" means you have reasonable price for regular menu. For Tourists NOTE: PLEASE ask the price first before dine in! Though you are Indonesian and think it is only kind of Balinese Warung Makan but do not make your final touch time having good meal end with my situation.

Harus Bertanya harga sebelum memesan makanan untuk Tidak mengecewakan saat membayar.
13 Agustus 2019 15:45
So far, 1 of the best Roasted Pork in Bali. My favorite dish when in town. Don't forget, the soup is also among the best.
31 Juli 2019 2:24
One of the best suckling pig / babi guling in Bali. The pork skin is crunchy, the meat is tender and bit juicy. The soup is refreshingly delicious. Little bit pricey. Nasi campur + ice tea: 57.500.
22 Juli 2019 12:29
Demen banget sama lawar dan kulit babi panggang nya. Sampai balik 2 kali selama liburan di bali. Mereka juga menjual krupuk kulit babi beraneka merk.
20 Juli 2019 5:42
Harga relatif lebih mahal daripada warung babi guling yang lain, sementara dari segi rasa relatif sama dan porsi relatif biasa.
17 Juli 2019 5:55
The pork rice is nice, the sambal is excellent. Price ok. Cleanliness is ok. Would comeback for more in the future.
05 Juli 2019 5:17
I think it's overpriced, but maybe it's standard because this place is well-known. The meal is so-so.
20 Juni 2019 19:20
Taste is Good.
Price is reasonable. Just normal for a popular local dishes. It is cheaper if you take away (kalau bungkus, bisa pilih mau porsi yang harga berapa).
Cleanliness just bad (if it's crowd). But people keep coming. So maybe not so important about the cleanliness.
Service is just good.

You can have Chicken here, (ayam betutu) if you won't eat pork.

The Babi Guling seasoning is 10/10.
Good for group dine-in.
20 Juni 2019 6:30
One off best taste of Balinese culinary in the center of denpasar. Easy to find the places.but it doesn't have a lot of parking lot.
18 Juni 2019 14:58
Jangan lupa minta ekstra sambal disini. Enak banget, parah. Bisa pesan untuk dicampur atau dipisah. Ada juga porsi anak kalau di babi guling candra ini.
Karena posisinya di jalan raya, parkiran memang susah. Apalagi kalau hari biasa, toko di sekitarnya juga beroperasi. Jadi baiknya datang sini sebelum makan siang atau setelah makan siang agar tidak terlalu ramai
16 Juni 2019 0:26
Makanan enak, kukit babinya crispy, kuahnya lezat. Pelayanan ramah, penyajian cepat. Bisa juga membeli oleh - oleh dari produk daging babi. Hanya parkiran kurang luas jika dibandingkan dengan pengunjung yang selalu ramai. Kalau boleh, parkiran diperluas sehingga tidak menimbulkan kemacetan saat kendaraan keluar masuk warung. Terima kasih.
11 Juni 2019 19:01
Masakan asli bali yang non halal ya.bagi yang doyan juga ga apa. Recomended kalau ke denpasar harus nyoba ini.buka sampai malam. Kalau ke denpasar belum lengkap kalau belum mampir ke candra.recomended setelah babi bawah pohon
01 Juni 2019 4:07
One of the best bagul in Denpasar. They serve it in different plate. The taste is good. Big portion of meat.
15 Mei 2019 16:28
The best babi guling sejauh ini.tapi ingat kata pepatah.seenak2nya makanan.tidak enak kalo dimakan pas kenyang.
08 Mei 2019 4:12
Babi nya uenakkkk. Mantap, ngak nyesel deh kalau makan siang atau makan malam disini. Saya rekomendasi kan utk pecinta babi guling, babi kecap, satenya poolll abis.
23 Oktober 2018 2:56
Salah satu nasi babi guling yg terenak di denpasar menurut saya. Trus klo di bungkus bisa request harga.
11 Oktober 2018 4:46
Pengunjung mayoritas touris asing.maklum di pusat kota lokasinya.sajian berkualitas, terbaik, maklum yg makan turis biar nggak malu2in kali, so harganya jangan kaget guys.
04 Oktober 2018 15:03
Price getting more and more expensive, while the taste remains the same. Probably going to find another better babi guling. Facility needs major clean up
23 September 2018 22:45
Mahal dan tempatnya tidak terlalu bersih. Hanya tempatnya saja yang strategis di Jl. Teuku Umar Denpasar.

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