16 Agustus 2023 17:50
nasi goreng telor asin - best choice
bakwan campur - it is meatballs, since it is campur they will serve steamed meatball with dumpling and also fried meatball.fried meatball is the one to die for

everything is good

5 stars

once you start to talk to the owner he will warm up and he know his meatball stuff

24 aug 23
06 Juli 2021 19:20
Depot ini menyediakan menu bakwan campur dan mie pangsit. Rasanya enak dan harganya pas di kantong.
24 Juni 2021 22:07
If you know, you know. Taste undescribe-able. 5 stars. They should be receiving michellin star - imho. Best seller: NASI GORENG TELUR ASIN! Ps: don't forget to add Bakso Goreng to your masi goreng for the best of the best.
21 Juni 2021 11:47
1. Penjualnya ramah
2. Tempatnya bersih meskipun cuman di perumahan
3. Rasanya oke. Paling enak tahu isi. Dagingnya lumer waktu dimakan. Dan pangsit goreng.
4. Harga sesuai
28 Februari 2020 3:01
My usualy breakfast and lunch spot, choice of bakwan is great, highly recommend the nasi goreng telur asin (salted egg fried rice). Friendly uncle and aunty. 11/10 defo will visit again.

Went here again today, tried the mi ayam pangsit and dumplings, surprised it was so good. Also recommended.
01 Januari 2020 12:31
Bakwan khas surabaya yang enak selama di bali.
Kalo kamu suka sama makanan tema salted egg cobain nasi goreng telor asinnya.
Telor asinnya juga enak.
30 September 2019 8:05
One of the best home cooking resto in Jimbaran area. My recommendation are: Nasi Goreng Telor Asin and Bakwan Campur. The place is in front of their house. Only open from Monday to Saturday from morning until 5pm.
19 April 2019 1:12
Bakwan campurnya enak, pemiliknya ramah, penyajiannya cepat. Pokoknya enak dah. Lain kali berkunjung kembali.
14 April 2019 7:38
I had a takeaway, and it was really good. Wanton was silky smooth with tasty mince meat inside. Reasonably priced too
14 Januari 2019 10:22
Bakwannya enak bangeetttttt, lokasi strategis dekat dengan klub jimbaran, tapi sayang harga bakwannya kemahalan menurut saya.

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