04 Januari 2023 22:48
• Food was delicious with great portions for the price. Most food on the menu are good for 2 persons. Great selection of proteins: fish, chicken, pork, vegs. Vegetables are fresh. Typical of Indonesian Chinese food, they use lots of fats.
• Lots of parking space.
• The decor, though, left so much to be desired.
• Accepts major e-wallets for payment.
• Service is ok. The waiter understands the ingredients on the menu.

Overall, highly recommended ️
01 Desember 2022 16:08
Fast service and good taste (for chinese food menu like fuyunghay, capcay, seafood, etc.) But for non chinese food it's so so or just lumayan, for example the iga bakar is too sweet.
05 Oktober 2022 2:15
Funny thing when i visited here wheni sat and ready to order the waiter cancle my order ajd said we’re close such wasted time and i was hungry and disappointed
16 Februari 2020 4:37
Chinese Food Restaurant yang terfavorit di Gianyar. Harga tidak terlalu mahal. Tempat parkir untuk mobil juga luas.
25 Januari 2020 6:28
Pork ribs nya juara. Empuk enak dan ga terlalu manis seperti yg terkenal di bali dan juga ga eneg. Juicenya mantab so fresh. Stawberry juicenya enak sekali, avocado top, magga juga oke. Ada tempak eksotik di belakang tempat ini. Pelayanan cepat dan harga masuk akal. Mantaaab sekali dan harus coba gaes!
12 Agustus 2019 18:44
The pictures are not the same with the real place but too bad I took no pictures myself. From my experience, there's no outdoor place, they only got one big room for customers and the cook behind it.

Food was nice and big portion, you might need to split their Nasi Goreng between two persons. My brothers each had a whole plate for each of them and both claimed it was too much.

Price is great and pretty tasty for us.
06 Agustus 2019 0:05
Iga bakar wajib coba. Enak dan murah. Kl nasi goreng pesan yg DG enak. Rata2 rasa enak. Dan harga terjangkau
05 Agustus 2019 19:15
Enak banget! Beneran, seafoodnya mantap, ca sawi ayam nya recommended banget, sayangnya ga kefoto, udah keburu ludes dimakan hehehe:)
28 Juli 2019 20:34
Restauran dengan menu yang lengkap, terutama chinese food, ayam pedas, ikan & kerang bakar yang sedap, semua nikmat & tersaji cepat.
02 Juli 2019 14:47
Tetep menjaga taste dr awal saya ke sini. Sepadan dibelain jauh2 datang buat makan iga ma kerangnya. Hociak
15 Juni 2019 19:28
Salah satu tempat makan Chinese food yang recommended di Gianyar menurut saya. Banyak menu pilihan dari variasi sayur hingga seafood. Gurami asam manis dan capcaynya enak. Cocok untuk tempat makan keluarga, tempat makan nyaman dan luas. Parkirannya juga luas bisa untuk mobil. Pelayanannya ramah dan waktu penyajian makanan relatif cepat. Di tempat ini juga ramah anak kecil karena ada spot main anak yang cukup luas. Menyediakan buku bacaan dan majalah juga. Recommended
03 Mei 2019 4:07
Nasi gr special enak,
Soto ayam jg enak,
steak sapi ksukaan anak2 tp kalau mau order menu satu ni lbh baek request dagingny dipotong kcil. Maaf krn lapar tdk dpt foto makanan ny.

Owner ramah dan sopan
18 April 2019 7:09
Saya suka masakannya.ada mainan anak2nya juga. Sayangnya prosotan yg unt batita ada bagian yg sobek, takutnya kena tangan.
24 Maret 2019 21:09
Sajian menu mengesankan. Rasa nikmat dan bersih. Sesuai harga. Lokasi juga mudah dijangkau di pinggir jalan By Pas Dharma Giri.
08 Maret 2019 16:52
I will come more often because they have so many MENU and i cant wait to try all of them. For this first visit, i tried simple fried rice with egg, i fu mie special and sweet & spicy chicken.

The i fu mie is so so but they are very generous with the vegetable, which i like.

The sweet and spicy chicken is also so so because I dont like the food presentation (the sauce is too red) the sauce taste a bit weird: (

The winner of todays menu is fried rice. Its simple, yet very tasty. I believe if the fried rice is yummy, the other menu should be okay.

And i took away the pork ribs. Lets see how it tastes.

Tulis Ulasan

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