22 Juli 2023 12:46
There are a few things that the Green School Bali does that you will never find in any other private school anywhere in the world.

1. Take your admission fee without any guarantee of when or if you could be accepted.
2. Never give you the opportunity to speak to the teachers or instructors, let alone see their study structure or any of their school policies before your child is enrolled.
3. No one in any professional capacity will let you see the campus before you enroll. Instead they charge you (in addition to the admission fee) a tour fee where you are shown some unique parts of their campus. Yet you are told that no actual answers about school policy or study instruction can be asked because the tour guide is usually a teenage alumni of the school.
4. After two years of getting no response from anyone to our basic questions on school curriculum, we were out of the blue “accepted! ”. They asked us to immediately, within a week, hand over $10,000. We repeated our questions, asked if we could speak to anyone; the faculty, a teacher or anyone who could answer perhaps 15 minutes of questions. They responded no.

So there is indeed a chance that it works out for some children. I am happy for them. But it also doesn’t for many other children. I know several families that have been grievously disappointed with the lack of education standards, and left as soon as the year ended.

It’s truly a shame because the school itself has a lot of promise and quite the bandwidth to do the right thing. I just get the impression that “the management” has likely outsourced what they were exceptional at to people who don’t quite grasp the tenets of running a school.

I truly hope this resolves itself. But for now, I write this as a cordial warning to all other parents. Take that bulleted list above as a warning that the Green School is not on par with what you can expect from other schools. But they can charge more and expect more because of their fame.

Best of luck!
08 April 2023 7:03
The only good thing on this school is the amazing campus! The team managing the school is totally absent and obviously only focus on keeping the school and their salary existence and not focus on making proper learning experience for students and families. Try to e-mail them (calling via phone is impossible) to get any sort of information not related to fees or payments and you will get no reply… call them pretending to be interested on enrollment and they will reply immediately… very sad!
15 Maret 2023 11:18
No clear information about visits. I drove all the way there to check the place out and they did not allow me to come in. It needed to book a tour online and it just happens twice a week. If you go on the website it’s not possible to find that information easily.
17 Februari 2023 20:05
You can ‘turn-up’ for a tour but they may ask you to book onto one same day.

I cannot comment on it as a school per-se, but as a teacher visiting the school to see what they have achieved and their vision, it is an inspiration and lesson to us all what we can do in terms of up-cycling and creating holistic curriculums.
21 Desember 2022 10:34
Sungguh menakjubkan mengikuti event G20 di Greenschool saya rasa anda akan merasa bersyukur ketika mendapatkan kesempatan seperti saya.
13 Desember 2022 18:21
Arsitektur tidak diragukan, dengan serame ini muridnya bisa dilihat bahwa sekolah ini punya citra yg baik namun hal kecil yang kurang disaya hanya diparkiran tidak ada sarana toilet, toilet dalam area sekolah kurang nyaman bagi saya pribadi saat menggunakannya.
14 September 2021 13:28
Tempatnya yang sangat bagus, bangunan nya masih menggunakan bambu dengan suasana yang sangat saya suka
03 Februari 2020 7:34
We need more schools like this!
Love the concept of the school and their learning method.
If only I can turn back time, I'm definitely will study at this place.
29 Januari 2020 9:07
Amazing visit and very inspiring. Architecture, Off Grid, Sustainability and Environmental Education - all found in a single location.
15 Januari 2020 18:47
The best way to experience this in the context of a tourist is to book one of their daily or extended tours available everyday with limited slots. We took the daily tour which was done is around 75 minutes with a snack at the end. Our guide showed us around and talked about the difference in the educational approach of this institution. Keep an open mind, listen to what the guide has to say and ask a lot of questions if you're curious. It may not look like it, but this school is for people who are looking into the future.

*Ticket price may come off as expensive and my review does not consider the quality of education here, as I have no in depth knowledge on that.
18 Oktober 2019 3:00
It is located in Bali and has students from many different countries. It teaches students to love nature and live with nature. It even produce 70% its own electricity. It is amazing.
23 Agustus 2019 21:21
Tempat yang sangat bisa di contoh untuk sekolah lain. Mengajari siswa untuk bisa bercanda dengan alam. Belajar untuk mencintai alam. Belajar menjaga dan merawatnya.
Bangunan sekolah ini rata rata dari bambu yg di design begitu cantiknya. Keliatan alami sekali.
18 Agustus 2019 22:10
Yeay.finally I visited this amazing school. The eco friendly school with stunning environment in which it uses nature and student based learning. It has a holistic learning. The zero waste and other practices are so great. The suistanable practices are really visible and inspiring. Worthed and recommended to visit. What a great work, green school!
30 Juli 2019 1:22
Tempat ini adalah tempat belajar yang sangat dekat dengan Alam. Semua bangunan seperti ruang kelas dibuat dari bambu. Ini adalah salah satu sekolah yang memiliki kualitas yang tinggi.
19 Juni 2019 6:31
Datang ke acara sustainable solutions from the ground up di green shcool menambah wawasan baru. Menambahkan kecintaan kepada indonesia. Besok masih ada juga lho acaaranya.
17 Juni 2019 16:02
Finally I went to the Green School! It is not only a school of hands-on experience but it is a whole package of an education, entrepreneurship, art, culture, environment, diversity and mutual understanding. My experience with the Green School is amazing. I went to the Green School to be a volunteer for a Sustainable Solutions eco-festival event that has held by the Green School from 2nd to 4th of May 2019. It was a rewarding volunteering event where I learned so much from others. Inside the Green School I could explore bamboo based buildings, the composting station, millenium bridge, heart of school, their unique dry toilet which is waterless by adopting the clivus multrum system, kemBali center room where we can run the trash/recyclables into something useful and many more. Green School makes me feel and bend like a bamboo!
15 Juni 2019 0:38
Inovasi sekolah yang luar biasa, belajar sekaligus mepraktekkan. Tidak hanya ilmu yang didapat, sekaligus dengan pengalaman nyatanya.
11 Juni 2019 1:41
This is a famous place in Bali. Although you like green life or not, you should come here one time. I dont know the fee ticket but it's not cheap. The weather in Bali is not good with me. Im having flu.
30 Mei 2019 9:58
This school is very unique, perfect place for people who want to study about sustainable life. All building are made of bamboo and open air classroom.
16 April 2019 4:37
We just finished the Extended Tour of the Green School (incl.a visit to the student village). It is worth your time, energy and money. This is such a vibrant community that leaves you inspired to make a contribution to sustainable living and education back at home (or to come back for a longer stay).

The lunch served at the end of the extended tour was one of the best meals I had in Bali. I can highly recommend visiting!
19 September 2018 17:47
Even on a Sunday, a guided tour of the international Green School, a half-hour drive south-west of Ubud, makes everyone want to be, or at least feel like, a kid again, or at least a student – of life, nature, sustainability, balance, creativity, community. For a little over an hour, we’re guided from one incredible bamboo structure to the next at the inspirational, original, unconventional, entrepreneurial, mind-expanding, tech-savvy school and marvelling at all of the idyllic information we receive along the way.

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