13 Desember 2023 8:13
Lokasinya dekat dengan bandara.
Lokasi sangat strategis.
Harga ramah bagi turis² yang datang berwisata ke Bali
10 Desember 2023 11:09
Rekomendasi dr adikku yg kerja di Harris SBY & sangat memuaskan liburan di Bali.lokasi dekat dengan Bandara, kamar bersih pelayanan tdk mengecewakan
09 Desember 2023 8:06
Hotel yg Deket dgn bandara.kamarnya okkk bngt layanan spa nya wowww memanjakan tamu yg DTG dan lokasi nya ok Instragramable kerennn utk foto"
22 November 2023 4:35
Tempat yang sangat cocok untuk keluarga, kalo liburan harus wajib nginep disini karena sangat nyaman dan puas sama pelayanannya
08 November 2023 14:21
Hotel ini sangat recommend bangett untuk menginap dengan fasilitas yang disediakan sangat baik dan kamar nyaa nyaman sekali
18 Desember 2018 19:21
1. There are free shuttles to the airport every 20 minutes.
2. My room have hot shower, a/c, refrigerator, electric kettle, hair dryer, a sofa, and a balcony. For a reasonable price of IDR 600k.
3. Very close to food stalls/court and a mini market.

the room's okay, but i really wish there were a better sound insulation/sound proofing on each room. I cannot get some sleep when i was there because apparently other visitors keep slamming their door. And the slamming door sound was very very loud in my room. So make sure you have at least a noise cancelling headphone or earplugs if you really need to get some sleep to catch the first flight or have a business appointment to attend to the next morning.
01 Desember 2018 19:28
Not really enjoy when stay on this hotel. But considering the location this hotel was very near to the Ngurah Ray International Airport then I decide to choose it. So the strength point for this hotel is more to the location. Unluckily it was not as per my prediction during the check in and check out, the process was not quite fast. This hotel actually have quite complete and very nice facilities. Having the restaurant, swimming pools, room services for 24 hrs and have the drop off service to the airport.

Overall some improvements still can be done in term of the cleanliness, maintenance of the air conditioning machine -which is in my room was not functioned well-, and also the speed of responds especially for the front officers, as time would be very critical. One suggestion for traveler, before you make payment especially in the Internet, kindly check it first because this hotel also can be used for transit and it max to 7 hrs.for sure this would not be a nice experience if you think you already booked and pay for one night, but by the end when you check in, you still need to pay more. Check it more to ensure all as per your plans and expectations.
27 November 2018 0:58
Untuk Pelayanan di Restoran nya masih kurang. Pelayan kurang tanggap kalo sendok, garpu, piring serta buah habis. Padahal masih pukul 7.30 sewaktu sarapan. Tamu di biarkan bingung sendiri.

Lantai kamar masih ada kotor cap sepatu.

Seharusnya dengan tingkat tamu yang ramai, pelayanan harus lebih ekstra.

Untuk keramahan dan pelayanan lainnya sudah cukup baik.
17 November 2018 3:29
Hotelnya mepet bgt sama bandara jadi cocok bgt buat yang suka rempong kalau hbis liburan.
Kamarnya gede, toilet bersih, udah disediain hair dryer juga.
Cuman hotelnya naik trun gt walau satu lantai
11 November 2018 20:21
I chose this hotel based on the close proximity to the airport. The check-in process was very smooth and fast. During my five day stay at the hotel I realized that the amount of staff was quite large for a hotel that size. I've been in hotels six times the size of this one with only 3/4 the amount of staff. That being said, I had no problem finding someone to assist me with any issues/questions that I had. Although this is one of the best hotels I have ever stayed in, please note that the saying is true, you get what you pay for. Do not go in expecting lavish wall decorations, spacious rooms, and memory foam mattresses with 1800 thread count pillows. I knew what I was getting into at the price point of the hotel, however, I was not expecting the hotel stay to be as nice as it was. There are not many hotels I would recommend for the amount they want you to spend per night. This one is definitely worth every single cent plus a few more bills, not coins. Overall, if it were not for the amazing attitude of the staff, I would be giving this hotel a 4-star rating at most. They really know how to welcome you into into the area, especially if it is your first time as it was mine. If I could give this hotel a 6-star rating for what it's worth (literally) I would. (As a side note- If you are trying to find a hotel with a romantic atmosphere for you to enjoy with your love one, this is probably not the right location for it, I would look for something further away from the airport)
10 November 2018 14:40
Great hotel when you get off the plane. Its only 5mins from the airport. My wife and i stay the first few days we get in then go to our other hotel. We also stay the day before our flight out again. Great pool, massage and food. Rooms are great. Highly recomend. Transfer bus is available free to and from airport. Make sure to email to get picked up from aiport and look for harris placard state harris tuban as there are a few other harris hotels.
06 November 2018 11:21
Jalan menuju kamar cukup jauh. Melewati lorong yang berkelok. Perlu tempat yg lebih baik untuk meeting karena lobby kecil dan tempat terbuka, sehingga banyak nyamuk
30 Oktober 2018 2:05
Hotelnya cukup bersih dan infonya cukup kencang. Makanan di sekitar hotel cukup banyak dan harganya terjangkau, cukup dengan jalan kaki. Ada alfa/Indomaret, bahkan ada pedagang makanan pasar padahal keluar sudah jam 9 malam.
20 Oktober 2018 8:54
Booking di sini harus hati2, karena ada yg untuk sehari atau 6 jam aja.banyak yg salah booking, untuk dijadiin 1 hari kena lg charge.selain itu, mau ke kamar jauh bgt, lift nya kurang efisien, repot banget
15 Oktober 2018 3:27
Salah satu hotel yang berlokasi dekat bandara nih, jadi mudah diakses lah ya. Kebersihannya terjaga, 2x seminggu ada fogging. Pelayanannya memuaskan deh. Setiap pagi, kamar akan dirapikan dan dibersihkan. Ada kolam renang yang dapat dinikmati langsung, dari pagi sampai malam (tidak 24 jam lo ya). Makanannya juga enak-enak. Kamarnya juga bagus dan nyaman. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut, silakan Coba sendiri:)
12 Oktober 2018 0:10
Very friendly and efficient staff. Many speak good English, especially at Reception, where it is most helpful. Food is good and rooms are clean.
10 Oktober 2018 1:25
The hotel is just next to the Airport.so it's suitable for transit. We can wait the flight while take little rest there. We can do reserve anytime. It has drop off shuttle to the airport for free.
05 Oktober 2018 2:00
Good hotel near airport.better to choose pool view rather then balcony (you almost can't see the beach). Clean room, good atmosphere, the staff is fantastic.give airport shuttle as facility for guests, have some tipe of rooms.not expensive.you can order online with some apps or direct in hotel.but still need more improvement for breakfast.still i will back next time in bali.and recommend for friend.good jobs guys

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