14 Desember 2023 23:52
Never going back again. Ridiculous wait time, almost 40 mins, and the staff just dont realy care. Dirty plates. And below standard food. Better off elsewhere.
05 Desember 2023 8:20
That's the waitress telling her to stop working on your face. Why? Work in another place, just eat, you have to wait 2 hours, sigh
26 November 2023 19:37
Saya makan bertiga, makanannya enak, tapi makanannya setelah nunggu 1 jam baru dateng itupun datang nya satu persatu
22 November 2023 5:33
Dibawah standar. Untuk harga yang sama bisa dapat makanan yang lebih layak di resto lain. Cukup kacau dibagian sistem sehingga makanan orang sampai di meja kami.
21 Juli 2023 12:44
Nunggu 60menit cuma 2 menu yang keluar dari 3 menu yang dipesan.wow bangeeettt.
Klo ditanya koq belum keluar makanannya, 5menitnya lgs keluar.gitu terus sampe menu ketiga ga datang2.
15 Juli 2023 9:46
Buruk sekali pelayanan untuk ojol.masak sushi attack cuma 1 hampir sejam baru selesai padahal saya bela belain jauh ambil orderan dari Dewi Sri ke MBG malah orang yg makan di sana di duluin salam buat karyawan orang yg pesan lewat ojol juga nungguin makanan nya brow, giliran situ yg order terus gak di bikinin makanan anda gimana rasanya hati anda, anda pintar bisa bekerja di sana tapi anda belum mengerti tentang keadaan,
13 Juni 2023 21:23
Lamanya datang pesanan sudah di tanyakan ke staf tapi responnya iya" aja setelah di tanyakan berkali kali baru makanan sampai bahkan ada yang baru datang memasan malah dateng deluan sedangkan saya nunggu sekitar 30 menitan baru sampai, lain kali kualitas pelayanan nya lebih di tingakatkan lagi. Terimkasih
21 September 2022 22:37
Makananannya lumayan padahal tp staffnya gada ramah2nya sama sekali ️ tolong ditingkatkan lg pelayanannya
01 September 2022 5:40
I won’t recommend the ramen noodle, it’s overcooked and the broth taste so so. Stick with the sushi. They accept cards and now the only way to order from the menu is by scanning the barcode via mobile phone
22 Juni 2022 8:18
Food quality is okay, I wouldn’t recommend to any friends or family. Food which was supposed to be hot was very lukewarm, even room temperature. The service was incredibly slow. My partner was served his entire order within ~5 minutes while I had to wait almost 40 minutes just to receive a salmon donburi (which is just rice topped with sliced raw salmon) and one order of nigiri. By that time, my partner had already finished his meal.
28 Mei 2022 15:46
Order makanan lama bgt datengnya
Giliran mw cancel makanan yg belum dateng, dibilangnya uda jadi
Padahal belum dibuatin, disuruh nunggu lagi.herannya chef nya malah lg telponan.sushi gue kagak d buatin.wahh parahhh sih
07 April 2022 22:59
The food is great, they have a lot of choices for sushi, ramen, udon and tacos. But the services is quite slow. We've got ramen first then sushi later on, once the ramen is finished.
23 Maret 2022 14:53
Makanannya enak, cuma pelayanan kurang memuaskan, karna salah klik menu minuman, datang 2 dan bertanya pada waiter, boleh d batalin 1 ap tidak? Itu minuman dalam kemasan, bukan by glass, waiternya diam tanpa kata dan pergi, mungki lupa cara jawab atau gmna, ramen tdak berbarengan datang dengan kuah nya, hmm
Perlu ditingkatkan pelayanannya, kurang ramah
06 Februari 2022 1:13
Not really what I was used to in here…
My plate was cold but brought quickly. No orange juice, no milo…
The fried salmon came very late I was almost starting to review this place.
Not really happy, knowing that it has more people now in Bali… this should be anticipated as we see macet all around Bali, now…
Hope it will be better next time or I will ban this place…
20 Januari 2022 14:30
Salah satu restoran Jepang di Mall Bali Galeria dan sekitar Kuta dan Tuban. Favorit menu disini Chicken Katsu Hot Plate Rame. Suka sama bumbu kentalnya, manis tapi kurang pedas. Dry ramennya juga enak, tapi sepertinya agak aneh sayurnya (wortelnya agak keras). Gyuu Toji Donnya menurutku rasanya lucu hehe. Manis campur asin. Suka sama dagingnya dan nasinya waktu kecampur ama kuning telornya. Overall makanannya enak dan harganya reasonable. Tapi lama banget nunggu pesenannya dateng huhu, sekitar 45 menit sampai 1 jam. Apa memang seperti itu ya? Tempatnya bersih dan rapi. Pelayanannya standar sih, nothing special. Masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Thankyou
19 November 2021 12:28
55.500 beef teriyaki don buri
free fruit tea blackcurrant

kesukaan ku
sebenernya kalo ke ichiban si aku selalu pesen menu nasi ya
gatau kenapa jarang pesen menu lain
kalo kalian gimana?

beef teriyaki nya enak, daging nya lembut
sayurnya seger mantap
miso nya seenak itu, kesukaan ku
blackcurrant tea nya ga kemanisan

akhirnya setelah sekalian lama
kluar rumah juga haha
ngemall lagi
kalian udah ke mbg belum?
jangan lupa app pedulilindungi ya
30 September 2021 8:31
Semoga sumpitnya bisa diupgrade jadi sumpit kayu, dan orange juice nya tidak mirip seperti nutr*sari
08 Mei 2020 21:09
Menu makanan jepannya lumayan.cuma head salmonnya belum pernah ada pada hal dalam daftar menu ada.
22 April 2020 18:25
Pelayanan sangat burruuuukkkk saya dateng makan jam 8: 45 dan langsung pesan makanan, padahal makanan yg saya pesan itu tergolong simple (2 sushi dan 2 ocha) tapi dateng nya SUPER LAMA 1 jam. Makanan datang jam 10an lebih disaat sudah mau tutup resto
Tolong pelayanan nya di bagusin lg
15 April 2020 11:21
Lumayan sering makan disini tapi belakangan agak kurang nyaman karena sudah 2x kunjungan terakhir lihat ada kecoak kecil di meja sofa yang di depan kitchen.
Staff so far masih oke dan ramah, rasa makanan masih oke. Sebaiknya ditingkatkan lagi kebersihannya.
13 April 2020 13:39
Sushi affordable yang oke di lidah orang Indo, kalau mau enak yaa emang sushi tei, cuman untuk harga yang lebih affordable tapi bisa makan sushi, yaa ke ichiban
10 April 2020 18:59
There is nothing about real SUSHI about this place. The rolls are so fast food style like “chicken-mayo-cheese kinda rolls. The “raw” roll are not really raw it’s something in between.junk food roll u may call it.

The waitress didn’t know English and one dish we ordered came out allot after we fished eating. It’s mistaking the costumers to call this place “sushi”. Very very BAD quality.
Good for kids.
26 Maret 2020 14:46
Food taste below standard, most simple food such as chicken katsu curry rice supposedly nothing to complain, but then here.the chicken katsu taste very bland like they dont put enough seasoning.
Chicken katsu roll taste so sour, you only can taste sour, nothing else! Too much vinegar on the rice, ans the mayo also sour mayo, no sweet touch at all.

And the most annoying thing is, so many cockroaches everywhere. Imagine if there are so many outside, how about inside the kitchen?
21 Maret 2020 21:49
Makanan nya lama keluarnya, 30 menitan baru keluar.minta bill ga di kasih2 akhirnya ke meja kasir sendiri
19 Maret 2020 7:34
Mungkin ichiban sushi harus memperketat seleksi untuk mengambil karyawan yang ramah pada pelanggan, sudah pernah terjadi di TSM bali, dan sudah saya kasi reciew di Ichiban sushi TSM bali ttg pelayanannya yang TIDAK RAMAH.tolong ya karyawannya pada saat melayani itu di suru SENYUM JANGAN JUDES JUDES
01 Maret 2020 17:01
Makanannya enak trus porsinya gak terlalu banyak (ada sih yang banyak) harganya gak terlalu mahal banget
29 Februari 2020 5:33
Pelayanan buruk buat driver ojek online, karyawan nya tidak ada yang ramah dan cuek kepada driver ojek online, dan begitu welcome kepada customers biasa. Tidak ada ruang tunggu untuk driver online. Dan satu lagi pelayanan sangat lambat. Unrecomended
25 Februari 2020 3:01
Tempat makan ala jepang yang cocok untuk lidah indonesia. Tempat nyaman untuk sendiri, berdua atau rame2 bareng teman, keluarga ataupun kolega. Pilihan menunya variatif ramen, udon, donburi dan pastinya sushi.
20 Februari 2020 23:12
Food was good but staff do not speak English which is almost impossible mission to ask any questions
15 Februari 2020 19:42
Untuk kebersihan kurang. Terutama dibawah meja. Tidak disapu dahulu. Sehingga sisa makanan plastik dan kuah dari customer sebelumnya masih menempel. Untuk pelayanan cukup memuaskan saya mengerti kalau ada sedikit miss karena disini tempatnya selalu ramai dan penuh.
16 Januari 2020 20:37
The food tasted old like its been kept for quite a while and then served. The noodle was cold even though it was served in a hot plate. The hot plate was supposed to be boiling hot but I could touch it because it wasnt that hot. The noodle wasnt able to be stirred. I feel like they could’ve served something better. Look forward to it.
08 Januari 2020 8:51
Tempat ini harus diperiksa oleh anti termite karena kecoa dimana mana berlarian di atas konter di meja. Makanan rasa nya enak dan pelayanan cukup cepat
04 Desember 2019 8:09
Love sushi and this looked good, tasted ok however once in the stomach I ended up feeling ill until the following day. This has happened twice here, won't be returning sadly.
12 Oktober 2019 17:13
They have many variety of sushi and ramen.
I like chicken teriyaki with ramen in here.
Sashimi is cheap but not so fresh
06 Oktober 2019 12:30
I visited the outlet at Mall Bali Galleria. It was busy hours (dinner time). The place is good, I mean not so clean when I visit (I really concern on it because I have baby), the service quite slow (I assume it happens because of busy hours). Food was good, baby chair is available.
30 September 2019 2:05
This place is nice (altho still prefer the one in Level 21 Mall). But continuous promo deserves another star, so 5 it is.
25 September 2019 6:56
Tempat makan yang cocok di Mall Bali Galeria
Rasanya enak dan pas dilidah dan harga lumayan bersaing
15 September 2019 3:09
Lots of items unavailable. It was almost like bait and switch. Salmon donburi was just rice with 5 irregular and thin slices of salmon. They forgot my sushi plate and the chicken teriyaki was more like chicken satay instead. The servers were also had this 'don't care' attitude. It was really bad.: (
04 September 2019 20:12
I'm sorry to say but this is one of the worst sushi restaurants. The sushi isn't the freshest I've eaten, the food comes out cold since it takes so long to get to you. Always has something they can't serve from the menu. Not the cleanest restaurant, floors are sticky, plates and glasses are dirty.
21 Juli 2019 3:21
Very confused about what happened here. When asking about a meat free ramen, the server said they have one with fish. So I said I'll take it.

They came back with a ramen filled with fried chicken and beef. When I asked the server if it was possible to get the fish ramen, she apologized and took my bowl, returning 2 minutes later with the same exact bowl, except chicken was removed from the ramen and served on a side plate (? ¿?) beef still inside.

Menu doesn't make it clear that they charge a sales tax AND a restaurant tax of 10%. You'll pay more than what the menu says and may not even get what you ask for.

But if you're not picky, the food was about mediocre. Only thing I enjoyed was my bag of black tea.
13 Juli 2019 10:17
Right, this might be my first one star review ever. Shouldn't expect too much from this chain restaurant. Fish feels not fresh, as expected from a cheap place, plates and glasses feels pretty dirty like unwashed.

There's a weird tangy flavor on the sushi like it's been left out for a week, and the salmon looks pretty disgusting like slimy. I think I'll drink a worm pill later. Sushi shapes inconsistent and crumbly.

Service is pretty bad, staffs are pretty cold, impolite, don't pay attention to the guests.
Sorry it's a one star but I gotta give it to them and warn others about this dodgy place.
17 Mei 2019 21:35
Wherever I see this local sushi restaurant, it places a hard competition to any other eatery nearby. Being not a big fan of sushi myself, Ichiban offers a wide set of menus and Japanese dishes in a reasonable price. You may not find a very intimate corner in here as it is also loved by locals, but you will be served from table.
Carď payments available.
08 Mei 2019 15:19
Oh my god, like what in the h3ll? Don't order the chef's salad it taste like hamster food (beside the fact the waiters don't know what dressing IS and what IS the dressing), the fish is so fishy make me feel like aquaman and his fvckin army fvckin pee in my mouth, worst of all, the tempura batter gonna make u cry. Because what? It makes u feel sorry to ur self why the fvck did u eat here if u can eat rice and fried eggs at home. Basically don't order anything. Don't go here. I wonder how could they manage to have so many branch in Indonesia.
07 Mei 2019 19:18
Terrible service with substandard food. We asked (in Indonesian) for the portion size of the sushi, she said '4 pieces' so we ordered alot. '4 pieces' turned out to be like 6. She said we can always just take the test home. Thanks for nothing!

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