11 Juli 2023 0:52
Javanese Restaurant. Enjoy the food while listening to live rindik music played within the restaurant. Large place, wheelchair accessible, many tables.
Went there for dinner, enjoyed the tahu telur and nasi lewit
There are mosquitoes around though
14 April 2023 15:20

Ikan Bakar Cianjur (IBC) also known as Restoran Tempoe Doeloe is a Indonesian restourant with local flavour which is from west indonesian area. Highly recommended for their Nasi Goreng Kambing (Mutton Fried Rice) Some of them said this restaurant has a best flavour for their Nasi Liwet. I ordered some Tilapia fish with local flavour, Nasi Liwet, Gulai Kambing etc. Taste good also good service from their staff. Point 8 from 10.

Ikan Bakar Cianjur (IBC) atau dikenal dengan nama Restoran Tempoe Doeloe adalah restoran Indonesia dengan citarasa lokal dari area Barat di Indonesia. Sangat di rekomendasikan adalah nasi goreng kambing nya. Beberapa orang mengatakan Nasi liwet mereka sangat enak. Saya memesan Ikan Nila dengan citarasa lokal (berbagai menu variasi), Nasi Liwet, Gulai Kambing dll. Rasa enak serta staff ramah.
Point 8 dari 10.

Salam Makan Boy - GBK
13 April 2023 15:59
Menunya lengkap khas masakan Indonesia, enak dan lezat. Terdapat mushola, tapi cukup sempit jika untuk berjamaah. Mungkin dibuatkan lagi tempat yang lebih baik lagi.
20 Maret 2023 11:55
Tumis pucuk labu hambar tdk terasa apa, nasi goreng rasa hanya manis, ayam bakar dibungkus sampai rumah ternyata ayam goreng. Jauh lebih enak di Cianjur renon
03 Maret 2023 13:35
I always go to IBC Sunset Road everytime I am in Bali. My favorites are Gurame Goreng and Tumis Pucuk Labu.
20 Februari 2023 16:04
Authentic Indonesian food, recommended by local friends. The beef rib soup is really good.
14 Oktober 2022 15:53
Makanan sejuta umat. Cck buat yg mencari makanan non babi di Bali krn ini lebih ke masakan Sunda/Nusantara.
19 Agustus 2022 7:00
Makanan. Enak.porsi nasi. Dan lauk sedikit dan harga lumayan. 450 Rb. Dapet nasi liwet Gurame bakar 6 ons. Ayam 2. Es campur 2. Keredok. 2 es teh
11 Juni 2022 7:51
Always Good. Coming here for six years now. Never had any complaint so far. Much choice, good taste, easy atmosphere. It is not an exquisite place with fancy stuff, but the food makes up for it!
26 Mei 2022 11:42
Seperti di IBC di Yogya, Malang, dan kota lainnya, GURAME PESMOL-nya IBC itu pesmol ikan terenak sedunia lah haha. Entah yang namanya pesmol asli itu begitu/ga, pokoknya enak sekali lah rasanya. Gurame bakarnya lumayan lah, ga pedas kayak di kebanyakan bakaran ikan di tempat lain, cocok buat anak2 yang ga bisa makan pedas. Soto ayam-nya cocok kalo buat yang suka rasa rumahan.
03 April 2022 1:38
Makan bersama Keluarga sangat cocok di tempat ini. Rasa makanan nya enak dengan cirikhas Ikan Bakar Cianjur
22 Mei 2020 13:19
Restoran masakan khas ikan bakar Cianjur yang mantap dan maknyus banget tersedia tempat ruang makan yang luas dan nyaman juga tersedia fasilitas parkir yang luas dan aman cocok untuk para traveler dan pelancong dengan anggota jumlah banyak
20 Desember 2019 13:15
I’ve had my far share of seafood around the world but this place was on a level of its own. I highly recommend this for both tourists and locals.
27 November 2019 7:54
I love this place. Nila bakar was excellent, pucuk ubi was great, their tumis kangkung was delicious as well. They serve these familiar west java food with such freshness and right cooking temperature. Love it!
24 September 2019 17:13
Nice and tasty food, they have good staff, good parking area but i dislike the toilet condition.
For you who currious, i post the menu list include the price.
23 September 2019 18:35
Cianjur grilled fish is a restaurant with a menu of processed seafood, suitable for relaxing with family, or entertaining relationships and relatives
11 September 2019 2:04
Good food, good service, quite expensive. Always full, sometimes you have to wait to be seated even, this place is a big one. Fish dishes are good, I even ordered fish soup while I actually don’t like, but it comes to be delicious. The problem is, when they are full, the food will come very late, we have to wait for approximately 45 minutes on working day at 8 PM. This one should be improved.
02 Agustus 2019 19:10
It's always a pleasure to dine here.the authenticity of Sundanese food, the environment, taste.everything is enjoyable and mouth watering.
Whether in Bali, or the branch in Tangerang, they all provide very nice and tasteful food. Gurame Goreng, Ayam Bakar, flavoured rice, all tasty.
15 Juni 2018 20:09
In 2015, my family and I visited IBC, Jakarta. We spent almost two hours in taxi to get there and back, with the taxi fare rising to match what we spent at the restaurant. Yet we all concluded that it was totally worth the money.

I wanted to fly to Jakarta several times just to visit this restaurant again but never did (I don't live in Indonesia). When passing by Bali this time, I saw IBC from my taxi window. Wow! I didn't know that there are in fact two IBC restaurants in Bali (amongst about 20 of them all over Indonesia).

This is a restaurant that Indonesians go. It is NOT a restaurant for foreigners (and why should foreigners eat their own food in a foreign country? It bewilders me to see so many western restaurants in Bali.) The quality of the fish is amazing, especially in consideration of the very reasonable price (about 100,000 per fish dish). I came twice and intend to come yet again before my departure.

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