13 Desember 2023 16:12
Ini bukan toko besar seperti toko IKEA di negara saya, toko ini sangat kecil di dalamnya dan variasi produknya terbatas.

Ada komputer tablet di dalamnya tempat Anda dapat meninjau dan memesan di muka semua produk. Jika diinginkan, nanti akan dikirimkan dari toko yang sama atau ke alamat Anda.

Anda juga bisa membeli es krim dan makanan di dalam toko. Ini juga memiliki restoran besar yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan minuman Anda tanpa batas (Cola, Fanta, Sprite vs.)
08 Desember 2023 21:12
A lot of nice options with a good price.

Having a new house or just change the interior of your rooms? I think this place is worth to consider.
02 Desember 2023 10:20
Keciiiill banget ya? Jadi ngga selengkap ikea dikota lain. Nyari selimut aja cuma dikittt pilihannya. Kesana cuma numpang jajan aja jadinya. Makanannya sama aja dg tempat lain. Cuma kurang puas keliling2 liat2 barangnya.
30 November 2023 2:46
Saya baru tau kalau parkiran click & collect cuma untuk mobil. Sayang sekali saya datang menggunakan motor dan security menyuruh memindahkan motor saya padahal masih ada space. Saya tidak mau belanja di Ikea Bali, lebih baik ke toko sebelah yang serupa.
16 April 2023 0:15
Kesini haru rabu gara2 promo beli 1 gratis 1
Ternyata promo nya sudah ga ada
Dan meatball nya sudah ga pake brokoli lagi sayur nya: (
12 April 2023 12:39
Tempatnya kecil lumayanlah untuk mencoba makanan yang terkenal di ikea.
Meatball nya cukup asin, ternyata saus selai mirip strawberry cocok juga.
Soft ice cream enak tidak terlalu manis ada rasa mint.
11 April 2023 9:30
Surprisingly, tempatnya lebih kecil dibandingkan Ikea di Tangerang. Tapi masih cozy dan aesthetic like always.

Resto nya oke, dan mereka lagi ada offer, kalo makan di resto nanti dapat gift card senilai 300k.
06 April 2023 5:01
Pelayanan di tempat makannya emang kaya gitu yah? Baru kali ini beli makan di ikea ketemu karyawan”nya yg songong. Bad attitude banget, padahal minta tlg makanan di take away baik”, tapi supervisor or siapalah itu malah nyeletuk “kasih aja kantongnya suruh bungkus sendiri”. Sopan banget yah, weh gw makan di Ikea bukan pertama kali, di Jabodetabek gw ga pernah dapet pelayanan buruk kaya gini. Dan satu lagi, emang setiap org beli makan disitu harus banget yh disinisin
21 Maret 2023 16:37
Sorry for the stars but for my concern, its not like the usual IKEA store, more of an official branch for quick pickup with very limited items. The place is so small for IKEA displays and obvi most of the stuff MUST be ordered online, so it's a bit useless to drive all the way to this store (especially when you're from th other side of the island) and you got a respond as "oh you need to order that via online". Well don't mind me, i'm just wasting my gas to come here and just "window shopping" and getting myself some Swedish meatballs. On top of that, you can't take and buy the display stuff (bc they are STRICTLY for display). In EU, I never experience IKEA like this, if you like a thing on your way checking the display, it is not a problem to take and bring it to the cashier. IKEA Bali needs to grow for a bigger shop so we all can have an actual IKEA shopping experience.
21 Maret 2023 0:44
Supermarket perlengkapan rumah tangga yang stylish.
Harga lumayan murah.
Minus tempat kecil, terdapat area makan ditengah supermarket.
Parkiran luas.
20 Maret 2023 20:56
Not much available to buy on the location, so I ordered online and it arrived in 5 days. There were several good deals for food in this store. I received a voucher for free coffee but the cashier said I need to install the IKEA app. But the app was not available so I couldn't use my voucher.
19 Maret 2023 9:44
Tempat peralatan rumah tangga yang lengkap dan desainnya yang sangat menarik, anak2 seneng kesini karena ice cream yg lembut dan enak
08 Maret 2023 22:18
I don't know what the purpose of this Ikea bali is. I can understand if the large stuff needs to be preordered, but if it's only small things like bed sheets and bath towels that also need to be preordered, what's the point of the store?
07 Maret 2023 23:42
Tiny IKEA. Really you just begun and it's finished really quick to look around all the designs. Then you end up got some meals in their restaurant. The great thing is they have really delicious meatballs. Just come to get foods here also sounds a good idea.
04 Maret 2023 10:19
Yeahh, is nice if you just have a look and buy small things, but to purchase more or other products they suggest to do online, well out of my expectation.
25 Februari 2023 21:20
Mampir kesini karena mau beli french press tapi ternyata kosong. Tempatnya kecil sih, cuma lumayan buat beli beberapa barang walaupun tetep ngga lengkap dan ujung ujungnya beli online juga. Lumayanlah, next mungkin bisa dilengkapi koleksinya ya.
11 Februari 2023 14:30
The place is not as big as i expected. The ice cream tho, its delicious and affordable. The items can be bought offline on the store or order it online. They have many things from household items to babies needs
11 Februari 2023 0:18
Worst IKEA, should be named IKEA “pick up” if they don’t want to be misleading. Nothing is ready, don’t even have a local warehouse to speed up the pre-order process
02 Februari 2023 6:16
Its smaller than any IKEA I’ve ever visit before. They push the online sales in Bali by making the showcase here at sentral parkir. First impression is like “why so small? ” And the toilet is not same like other IKEA around the world (clean). But luckily their foods was not really disappointed.
18 Desember 2022 22:05
Parking attendant is driving customers away with his bad attitude, lack of common sense and zero empathy. Didn’t even get inside the store …. Won’t bother again

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