12 Desember 2023 0:03
Kampus yg punya program2 keren dan banyak event2 seru yg bisa diikutin.deket mall yg lg happening juga, jadi habis ngampus bisa ngemall bareng temen-temen hihi
07 Desember 2023 19:59
Great facilities and all the school members look so humble and give their excellent service.
25 November 2023 21:54
Percuma bayar ratusan juta masak gak bisa handle acara perpisahan? 4 taun kuliah saya rusaj di hari terakhir!
20 November 2023 16:02
Bayar wisuda 5,3 juta tapi organize nya sangat buruk. Harusnya ngumpul sama temen2 malah dapet paling belakang banget. Ancur momen terakhirku

Edit: batas pembayaran tgl 10, aku bayar tgl 8, diumumin nomor tgl 12. Lambat bayar darimana coba wkwkwkkk
25 Agustus 2023 13:29
Satpam kurang ramah kepada driver gojek. Padahal saya cuma ngantar pesanan suruh nitip di post security tapi security kurang ramah dan ketuss. Sangat kecewa. Driver gojek juga manusia. Kenapa di beda bedakan.
08 April 2023 14:43
IPB Internasional Bali is a modern and well-equipped campus that offers a wide range of programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. The campus is located in the heart of Bali, providing students with a unique and inspiring environment for learning and personal growth.

Overall, IPB Internasional Bali is a great choice for students looking for a dynamic and innovative learning environment. The campus provides students with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed in their studies and prepare for a successful career.
10 Februari 2023 7:31
I started my journey from west bali this morning and I'm on my motor bike, and I heard about a lot of good thing about this place, especially about seeking a job to New Zealand, any way. I finally found your place and I met the scurity and asked him about it and he just show me where to go, and he is very nice and friendly. And I finally found the building that I'm looking for and the names BDM. And get into it and asked about New Zealand job.
The Guy with brown uniform and green stripe, said (gak ada gak ada gak ada) he don't even ask you where you from and how you know about this place, for me he just act like not balinese.
Big Note for you: who ever come to you next time and please be nice to them and that how the hospitality work I think.

Thank you
25 Desember 2022 23:33
Kuliah di IPB Internasional tidak hanya bisa belajar bagaimana bekerja sebagai hotelier yang professional, tetapi disini juga terbuka kesempatan lebar untuk berprestasi di bidang akademik maupun non akademik, ada program MBKM, Internship di negara-negara maju dunia (Amerika, Jepang, Australia), dan lain-lain. Perkuliahan nyaman dengan ruang kelas full AC. Keren IPB Internasional.
20 Desember 2022 5:33
Kampus yang sangat menyenangkan dan modern, yang dapat mengubah mindset dan pola pikir menjadi lebih baik

Tulis Ulasan

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