29 Oktober 2023 8:54
The best bowl of noodles in Bali. Texture of noodle is on the firmer side and not mushy. The greens and noodles soak up the delicious broth and makes the bowl complete. I went there 2 times in my 2 days in uluwatu.
24 September 2023 6:43
Dulu pernah makan bakso di sini tapi rasanya kurang begitu suka. Tapi sekarang rasanya sudah berubah jauh lebih baik. Saya suka mie ayam bakso di sini. Porsinya pas, harganya sesuai, rasanya mantap
Cuma tempatnya agak kecil dan sering rame.
19 Agustus 2023 15:38
Coba mie ayam.rasa ok lah masih dapat diterima.pangsit gorengnya enak!

Tempat ok type warung makan pinggir jalan.
24 Juni 2023 12:55
Very tasty bakso, instant service and extremely low price tag.
They work until late, always a win-win option if you want a quick meal
10 Juni 2023 20:59
The service was good, even it was lunch time and crowded the food coming fast, but im not a fan of the taste (im a Sundanese) just different from Bakso at home, but the taste not that bad too, they have lontong and acar on the table in case you need them with your bakso (deff not mine), BUT they put 'bakso urat' on the menu but what coming is 'bakso cingcang' maybe we have different perspective about bakso in every area, idk but seems like most of people are enjoying it there, so it worth to try
26 Mei 2023 22:57
Very tasty bakso, instant service and extremely low price tag.
They work until late, always a win-win option if you want to eat quickly
25 Maret 2023 23:56
Bakso terenak di area Ungasan/Bukit.
Pelayanan ramah dan tempatnya juga sejuk. Harganya bersahabat.
08 Maret 2023 9:24
Suasana pemandangan yg keren abis, jgn lupa bawa minum ya klo mau turun ke bawah.pasti ngos ngosan
25 Januari 2023 2:20
Selalu langganan dari tahun 2013 pertama kali saya stay di bali? Sukses dan sehat selalu pak de
27 November 2022 6:07
It was very delicious and very autentic atmosphere! We went there with my boyfriend for a dinner and had a Bakso (soup with meatballs and noodles). Absolutely reccomended. It is cheap and so good.
06 Agustus 2022 22:32
Murah dan enak
Sesuai selera porsi dan toppingnya
Yang saya pesan mie ayam special
Dan temulawak bali
Wajib coba kalau lewat dan ramai sekali
15 Juli 2022 9:20
Rp. 16.000 untuk tarif Bakso per porsi lengkap dengan 1 telur ayam rebus utuh dan tahu berukuran jumbo adalah harga yang sangat bersahabat untuk tempat makan yang berada di daerah dekat pariwisata. Semoga tetap menjaga kualitas dan harga terus bersahabat.
18 Oktober 2021 21:59
Udah langganan semenjak Pak Doel dorong gerobak di depan puja mandala.trs skrg krn rumah aku deket sm warung anaknya Putra Pak Doel. Mie nya kenyal, bumbu ayamnya manteep. Nggak pernah kecewa aku

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