02 November 2023 4:30
Wonderful museum. Highly recommend a visit while in Bali.
Also provided a free car ride back to our hotel near Nusa Dua. Great to talk to staff and co founder.
31 Oktober 2023 18:45
Museum yang wajib dikunjungi saat ke nusa dua.tempatnya bersih.karya seninya juga tertata dan terawat
03 Oktober 2023 12:24
There are 11 rooms, and a lot of paintings. Some paintings are by really well-known artists like Raden Saleh and Basuki Abdullah (they're originals!). However I must say the museum itself could use some polish, they don't even have climate control which is a bit concerning.
19 September 2023 23:40
First class fine arts museum. Thoughtfully curated. The collection of pacific artefacts surprised me, I was thoroughly impressed.

Peaceful atmosphere and kind staff.
06 September 2023 19:50
I was dragged to the museum by my travel friend who absolutely wanted to visit it
however I enjoyed the visit and being able to admire these beautiful paintings
100k idr
12 Agustus 2023 11:25
Museumnya sangat bersih dan rapih! Bikin betah dan gak mau pulang, apalagi pas banget kesana pas sore-sore. Nuansanya enak, ditambah ada musik ambience dari setiap ruangan. Akan mampir lagi kapan-kapan:)
04 Agustus 2023 16:24
Kunjungan saya yg ketiga setiap kali datang selalu ada hal yang baru berkesan beda dan unik banget dngn koleksinya museum pasifika the best.staff dan crew yg ramah thanks
20 April 2023 4:49
Appreciation of art by visiting and studying art.the staff is friendly and informative, everything is arranged according to its type (Indonesian, french, dutch, asian, pasific, etc). Very much detailed information on the art.come in the afternoon at 3-4 because in the morning there are usually many visits from school students.ticket 70 for adults and 100 for foreign tourists.there is a coffee shop to rest and you can buy merchandise here.
10 April 2023 12:58
Very enjoyable collection of Asia Pacific artists and art by foreigners living in/inspired by Bali. Room 1 features Indonesian masters. Room 10 features art and artifacts from Irian Jaya and Pacific Islands. 4 stars instead of 5 only because I would prefer to see more art by Indonesians vs art by foreigners in Indonesia, but still an impressive and thought-provoking collection showing the depiction of Bali/Asia through the eyes of 20th century artists.
06 Desember 2022 8:49
They have a plenty collection from eastern to western. Majority of their collections describe the culture, natural atmosphere and also past conditions in Bali.
20 Mei 2022 16:28
The museums is very rich in paintings and original crafts from all Asia. Very valuable resource to understand the iconography of the different cultures. Very beautiful
25 April 2022 9:17
Museum Pasifika

I stopped by the Museum Pasifika, which I had been interested in for a long time.

Each of the 11 exhibition rooms has its own theme, so my imagination will increase even before I enter.

The first room is a room of traditional or contemporary art from Indonesia and Bali. There were more works than I expected. After that, I went through the rooms in order to the exhibition rooms of Italian, Dutch, French, and Ind-European artists. I enjoyed traveling back in time between the past and the present.

Arie Smit, Rudolf Bonnet, Hofker, Covarrubias, Walter Spies, Theo Meier. The works of painters who have heard their names many times in the museums and art scenes of Bali (their works decorate pages such as guidebooks and art books) are lined up without interruption.

In the Vanuatu room, I felt like I could hear the voice of the crowd from each piece of primitive art. The scent of old natural materials and the rising temperature and humidity created a fantastic atmosphere.

In Theo Meier's room, I was amazed at his technique, how he handled the materials, and his expressiveness, and was impressed by his talent as an artist. And I realized that Theo Meier's way of expressing was very different from Le Mayeur's way of expressing his passionate emotions.

Covarrubias left behind many illustrations of the spirits of Bali at the time he visited. Looking now, it feels like a fresh presentation to me. Spies' pencil drawing is new to me, but the work makes me feel nostalgic like a familiar landscape. The many masterpieces I was able to see this time were all wonderful and impressive. For me, art appreciation is a blissful time to gently participate in the relationship between the artist and the object, which has been preserved over time.

Finally, when I asked the staff a few questions, they kindly answered all the questions. Their team also said they were preparing a special exhibition for the G20 this year.

Next to Spies' pencil drawing, there was a blank space. One day his other work may fill the wall. I'm looking forward to it.

Postscript: "Hanako's mask" made by Rodin was also exhibited.
03 April 2022 0:21
Very interesting atmosphere of all arts together. U should visit Pasifika Museum if u passion in fine arts.
It was a surprise for me when I saw Russian writer Alexander Pushkin here.
07 Januari 2022 11:06
Kunjungan kedua saya bersama keluarga. Kami begitu senang dengan koleksi disana, jadi saya ajak lagi keluarga buat lihat lagi sambil menikmati taman yang indah.
27 Oktober 2021 22:32
Museum Pasifika memiliki koleksi seni Asia-Pacific yang cukup komprehensif, terutama yang berkaitan dengan Bali.

Seluruh karya seni terawat dengan baik, tapi beberapa bagian Museum sedang dalam renovasi sehingga lukisan dan karya seni tidak dipajang seperti semestinya.

Satu hal yang menurut saya jadi minus di sini adalah tidak adanya buklet atau penjelasan mengenai karya seni yang dipamerkan. Pengunjung jadi tidak mengetahui konteks dan cerita di balik masing-masing karya seni.

Mungkin bisa meniru Museum Ullen Sentalu di Jogja, dimana pengunjung diberi experience dengan menyajikan penjelasan karya seni melalui audio yang diperdengarkan lewat headset.

Harga tiket normal 70.000, tapi kalau lewat Traveloka jadi 25.000
04 Mei 2021 19:41
Merupakan musem yang menyajikan koleksi-koleksi kesenian dari berbagai negara di dunia. Koleksi karya-karya dari para seniman dibagi ke dalam beberapa ruangan yang dapat kita kunjungi. Bagi yang suka dan ingin merasakan wisata yang baru, tempat ini cukup menarik sekaligus dapat menambah wawasan tentang jenis kebudayaan dan kesenian negara-negara di dunia
21 April 2021 22:04
The painting is very good, the place is clean, the employees are very friendly, recommended vacation spots in BALI
04 Maret 2021 13:58
100,000 rupee for entry per person, a bit expensive but it was worth it, some very nice artwork.

Would definitely recommend it for at least one visit.
20 Februari 2021 3:54
Great collection. The theme is thorough presented. The museum is not too big, and not too small. Visiting this museum is like taking a journey.
15 Januari 2021 21:52
Lukisan lukisan nya banyak.bagus bagus jugaa.kita juga bisa lebih mengenal kekhasan berbagai macam budaya. Lukisanya pun tidak hanya berasal dari indonesia saja. Tetapi jug berasal dari berbagai negara. Tempat nya juga nyaman sekali. Tempatnya juga bersih. Cocok untuk menambah ilmu. Dan cocok juga untuk wisatawan.
25 Maret 2020 7:24
Hebattt dan lukisan2 disana luar.biasa.termasuk Seni Papua.lengkap
05 Februari 2020 10:22
Great place with plenty of art pieces. My only complaint is they don't have air-conditioning, it gets very stuffy in summer.
27 Desember 2019 7:52
Wonderful place woth all sort of unique items from all over Pacific! The guide was exceptionally helpful, kind and full of knowledge. There are many paintings from famous painters and rare items that you can only see once or twice in your whole life. I won't spoil it here.it is located inside Bali prestigious ITDC Nusa Dua area, so after you visit this museum, you can go to many other places nearby. The items stored there are really captivating and I can't stress it enough to recommend it.must see when you're in Nusa Dua
14 Agustus 2018 18:36
Good museum to visit. The facility and exhibitions are great. Focus is on the art of Bali, but don't miss the Gauguin sculptures.
06 Desember 2017 0:36
I didn't expect to find such a great museum in the ocean of resorts of Nusa Dua.
The collection of Asia - Pacific objects was impressive and of great quality from famous artists (there is even a Henri Rousseau's painting)
I particularly liked the collection of objects from Oceania (Vanuatu) reminding me the collection at Quai Branly museum in Paris.
I was lucky to meet the owner of Pacifika-museum who shared his passion about art.
Not advertised by tour companies, this museum is a hidden gem in Nusa Dua that I recommend.

Ce musée est un petit bijou niché au milieu des resorts de Nusa Dua.
La collection d'objets d'Asie et d'Océanie est riche et de qualité avec des artistes de renom dont le "douanier Rousseau" avec son style naïf.
J'ai particulièrement aimé la grande collection d'objets du Vanuatu qui m'ont rappelé celle du musée du Quai Branly à Paris.
Par hasard le fondateur du musée était présent et il m'a présenté son initiative et la passion qui l'anime dans son entreprise.
Le musée n'est pas proposé par les tours opérateurs mais le bon avis sur mon guide m'a convaincu d'y aller et je ne regrette pas le déplacement.
Je recommande le musée Pacifika.

Tulis Ulasan

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