18 Mei 2022 20:47
Menurutku enak banget semua masakannya, punya rasa yang berbeda dan banyak pilihan menu. Sambelnya paling enak sih. Warung lokal yang bumbu-bumbunya pas di lidah.
22 Maret 2022 23:37
Rasanya enakkk, sambelnya apa lagii juara bgtttttttt, tp sayang kalo siang kesana bener2 panasss bgttttt keringetan bgtttt harga standar lahh
25 Februari 2022 13:17
Menu makanan bervariasi dan banyak jenisnya, ada abon, ayam sisit, usus goreng, perkedel, sayur dan sambalnya pedas. Tempat makan tidak terlalu besar dan cukup bersih. Parkir di pinggir jalan. Rasa makanan cukup enak dan porsinya banyak. Untuk harga cukup bersahabat.
01 Februari 2022 9:42
Food was actually not that good, but okay. Place was really dirty and so many flies flying around the food counter. I even hesitate to order at first, because of that. But anyway, the food choice was a lot and the actually served it in a cleaner way (can be a lot cleaner actually).
05 Agustus 2021 13:40

My memory of Nasi Pedas Bu Hanif is "tainted" with my favourite friends and family. It’s the food I ate with my best friends when we were a bunch of brokepackers and found this extraordinary gem in Kuta. It’s the food I ate with a friend I did not even expect to become a friend and as it turns out we had a lot of things in common and shared similar thoughts and fandoms and even went to the same school together. It’s the food I miss because I will always want to go back to a moment in time when things were absolutely perfect. Maybe I like that spicy kick from the chicken that burns my tongue but not until the point of numbing. Maybe I like that kering tempe, that is extra crispy with a hint of sweetness. Maybe I like the Ikan Asin which provides that crunch. Or maybe… I just miss a moment in time I can never get back.

But then again, can any review be truly and absolutely objective?

Menu: Nasi Pedas - Ayam Pedas, Kering Tempe, Ikan Asin, Beef floss (23K)
Place: Nasi Pedas Bu Hanif
Location: The OG is in the corner of Pasar Kuta which opens at 18: 00-finished, but they also have one at Glogor Carik which opens at 8: 00-20: 00

Follow our culinary journey on instagram: @biteorbye
03 Agustus 2021 5:56
Nasi Pedas terbaik di Bali! Menurut saya sih lebih enak dari nasi pedas lainnya yang terkenal itu ya.
Pilihan protein cukup banyak; ada ayam potong, ayam suir, telur, dll.
Menu favorit saya: abon, ayam suir, kikil, ayam potong, tempe dan pangsit, jangan lupa SAMBELNYA! Beuhhhh the best.
Harga juga bersahabat banget, porsi saya yg difoto itu 15ribu aja.
Enaknya di cabang ini ga serame di Kuta. Waktu saya kesana cuma ada saya sama Istri saya. Jadi ok banget masi bisa kalau mau makan di tempat saat pandemi gini.
Untuk kebersihan, sesuai dengan jenis tempat dan harganya lah.
Must visit in Bali.

P.s: yang ga kuat pedes, sambelnya minta di pinggir jangan banyak2.
30 Juli 2021 17:09
Selalu menyempatkan makan di sini setiap ke Bali. Menunya beragam dan pedasnya 'nendang' banget. Warung ini buka dari sore ke malam, letaknya persis di seberang Bali Jaya mini market
07 Juli 2021 18:33
Recommended Lunchtime Here and For Delicious Asia Foods and Halal Foods.

The foods are Delicious, Friendly Price, Clean Area and Minimalist, There is Parking Area Specially for Motor, and Friendly Staffs
18 April 2020 12:05
Nasi Pedas Bu Hanif is cheap indonesian food stalls. The food was good and they have plenty of food choices. I was ordering spicy egg, fried chicken and lots of veggies. Their price range start from around Rp 15.000. The place is quite small but clean enough for me. The staff is friendly.
05 Maret 2020 21:14
Rekomen banget buat yang kangen masakan rumah di Bali. Menu nasi dan lauk berkisar antara Rp 17ribu.
01 Februari 2020 8:00
Kalo liburan ke Bali pasti selalu langganan makan di Nasi Pedas Bu Hanif ini.harganya sangat terjangkau, rasanya top banget.sangat rekomen untuk turis yang ingin nyoba kuliner di Bali dan suka pedas.
15 Desember 2019 9:54
One of my favorit local food for lunch nasi campur.have a alot of choice of food from chicken, fish, tofu and veggy good taste of spicy food and good price very recomended
31 Agustus 2019 12:43
"Enak dan Murah", Delicious and cheap.clean, and you can enjoy it during lunch instead of the one in the Kuta market
14 Juni 2019 11:30
Alternatif makanan halal bagi pecinta kuliner pedas di Bali. Rasanya enak, sayang sedikit sulit parkir jika anda membawa mobil.
19 Mei 2019 1:33
Aku sering belu nasi di sini, tapi kali ini kecewa banget, ayamnya ada uletnya banyak kluar. Anjir
02 April 2019 7:52
Enak masakannya
pedas sambelnya
mantaaabb rasanyaaa

harganya juga lumayaaann

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