14 November 2023 2:07
Goa Lawah Temple, situated on the southeastern coast of Bali, is a sacred sanctuary that captivates visitors with its unique amalgamation of natural wonders, historical depth, and spiritual significance. My recent visit to this mystical temple, famed for its resident bats, left me in awe of its rich history, architectural beauty, and the serene backdrop of the adjacent beach.

Bats in the Temple:
The defining feature of Goa Lawah Temple is the population of bats that inhabit the temple's sacred cave. As you enter, the air is filled with the gentle fluttering of wings and the occasional echo of bat calls. Witnessing these creatures in their natural habitat adds an element of mystery and enchantment to the spiritual atmosphere of the temple.

Historical Significance:
Goa Lawah Temple's history dates back over a thousand years, and it is intrinsically linked to Balinese mythology. Legend has it that the temple is part of a chain of protective sea temples established by a revered sage to safeguard the island from evil spirits. The cave, with its bats, is believed to be an opening to the mythical underworld.

Architectural Beauty:
The temple's architecture is a testament to Balinese craftsmanship and devotion. Intricate stone carvings adorn the entrance gate, depicting mythological figures and sacred motifs. The tiered meru towers, symbolizing the cosmic mountain, create a striking silhouette against the sky. The temple's layout and design reflect the island's rich cultural and spiritual heritage.

Spiritual Resonance:
Goa Lawah Temple is not merely a historical site; it emanates a palpable spiritual energy. The rhythmic sound of waves, the gentle sea breeze, and the aura of reverence within the temple create an environment conducive to introspection and spiritual connection. The temple serves as a place of worship and reflection for both locals and visitors seeking spiritual solace.

Adjacent Beachfront Setting:
One of the unique features of Goa Lawah Temple is its proximity to the black sand beach along the southeastern coast. The temple's setting, with waves crashing against the shore and the rhythmic sound of the sea, adds a serene and picturesque backdrop. The juxtaposition of the ancient temple against the natural beauty of the beach creates a harmonious blend of the sacred and the scenic.

Cultural Rituals and Offerings:
During my visit, I had the opportunity to witness traditional ceremonies and offerings taking place at the temple. The vibrant colors of ceremonial attire, the rhythmic chants, and the fragrant smell of incense contribute to the immersive cultural experience. Participating in or observing these rituals provides a deeper understanding of Balinese spiritual practices.
08 November 2023 1:38
We didn't have a good experience, since there was a ceremony and we couldn't enter the main temple, but of course, they charged us for the ticket anyway. Furthermore, the people who received us, when we left, insisted too much on us in a pitiful way in order to buy them simple and very expensive things. Example, a bracelet for 100,000 IDR
07 November 2023 20:47
A small temple by the roadside. You should pay to get the sarong to wear and enter the temple. A little strict, you cant wear sleeveless dresses to inside, they will give you a coverup.
05 November 2023 22:21
A place where bats of medium size reside. At the beginning, only priests go inside the cave, and no one knows how many bats live there, because snakes of the genus Python also live inside.
25 Oktober 2023 17:44
"Bat Temple" in Japanese
Before visiting the shrine, tourists who do not have their own batik can rent one at the entrance and have it wrapped. To worship, women must wear a batik, even if they wear long skirts and men long pants. Batik rental fee is included in the admission fee.
Bats can be seen sleeping inside the cave during the day.
The temple is basically quiet and built in a style typical of Bali.
18 September 2023 5:40
Don't be fooled by the people trying to sell you sarongs in the car park. Total rip off and you can get them for free if you are not dressed appropriately for the temple. Unfortunately, this leaves a bitter taste on the whole experience there. The temple itself is just like any other. May not be as interesting to see for some. However, if you must go, make sure you get a guide to explain everything, otherwise it will be a total waste of time.
24 Agustus 2023 12:53
Salah satu pura menjadi tujuan wisatawan dimana mempunyai keunikan di dalam area pura terdapat goa besar yg dipenuhi dengan kelelawar. Tempat melaksanakan upacara nyegare gunung. Karna tempat laut dan gunung berdekatan
19 Mei 2020 2:59
Salah satu tempat wisata spiritual.khususnya untuk umat Hindu. Tetapi untuk turis mancanegara tempat wisata ini sangat menarik karena ini adalah tempat ibadah.
Goa lawah memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Banyak kalelawar di Goa ini.
24 April 2020 4:56
Beautiful temple to visit. There's also a beautiful black sand beach right across the road a must visit. We were on our way to pura lempuyang from Ubud and we accidentally landed to explore this temple and the beautiful black sand beach along with it. A must visit for all travellers. This was my first time that I had seen a black sand beach and was really surprised to see how beautiful it was. I would recommend this place to all travellers riding to lempuyang, stop here for a few minutes and enjoy the beauty of it! Cheers!
09 April 2020 23:50
Nice to visit but really overwhelming with local sellers. We thought they were harassing us but still.they mean well so that makes it really hard. Begging as usual at tourist attractive places.
Nice to visit but not very special.
06 April 2020 21:36
Cocok bagi anda yg suka metirteyatre, tempatnya hening dan menyenangkan tdk usah hawatir dengan sarana upacara, anda bisa pesan ditempat dengan harga yg terjangkau.
01 April 2020 10:33
Feel blessed with really well maintained temple, young priest's bell chanting softly with bath chirping make more religious atmosphere.
29 Maret 2020 20:57
Goa Lawah derives from the words Goa, cave and Lawah, Balinese word for Bat, so altogether becomes Bat Cave, is located by the beach side of Kusamba, on the way to Amlapura the capital of the regency of Karangasem. It is being called Bat Cave due to the fact that the entrance of the cave fulfilled with thousand of bats hanging on its ceiling. It is not clearly known exactly when the temple was built but it is believed that it must have been here, just like the other old temple in the area, since 11 century. The Kusamba beach itself is the place where Balinese traditional salt making is still done by a little number of salt famer of the village.
It is the Bat Cave temple the most striking spot in the area where Balinese people gather to do prayer with has something to do with the aftermath of their cremation ceremonies. When the cremation has completed, the Balinese thanks the gods for purifying the death by deliberating the soul from the worldly dirties.
When it was first build, as most of old Balinese temple, it was, of course, built with red bricks and sand stone, traditionally, but recent reconstruction has changed it to look so black by using the nowadays popular temple new material, the black stone from the lava of mountain eruption.
It is believe by most of the people living in the nearby area that the cave in this temple was the end of an underground lava path way from the mount of Agung when the mountain erupted long time ago.
29 Maret 2020 1:23
Pura yang sangat indah dan penuh pesona, Memiliki ciri khas khusus dan tentunya memiliki misteri yang sangat menakjubkan
09 Juni 2019 22:14

Hari ini suasana di pantai depan Pura Goa Lawah Penuh sesak oleh pemedek umat Hindu. Suasana spiritual di jeroan Pura juga penuh silih berganti untuk ngaturang bakti. Upakara Ngasti, Ubud-Pura Goa Lawah-Besakih. 4 April 2019.
16 Mei 2019 4:26
One of the beaches in bali used to spread the ashes of the deceased to the sea. Not the very best for sightseeing but will be intriguing if one's looking to observe Balinese rituals
14 Mei 2019 20:14
Pura yang sangat suci bagi Umat Hindu khususnya dibali krn di pantai Pura Goa Lawah juga tempat Umat Hindu dibali melaksanakan rangkaian upacara nyegara gunung.
08 Mei 2019 18:48
This is very important national temple for Balinese people. A month (35 days for Balinese calendar) after a person had passed away, the family brings an artifact representing the deceased to the temple. Then they pray for the soul.
The tallest tower has 11 roofs, like all the other national temples. All the towers have odd-numbered roofs, which represents incompleteness of human being without god.

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