31 Juli 2021 1:49
Good place to learn music. They also have good services. The teachers are nice.
21 Juli 2021 20:21
Years ago I sign up for the piano classic class in Purwacaraka (recommended by a friend). Paid for a month, but since the first class the teacher (he) was so rude. Already told the staff that I did not have any music experience before, but somehow the teacher act like I supposed to already know about everything

In the middle of the class he (without consent) took a picture of me trying to figure out how I should position my fingers, then edit the picture by adding the word “hello? What are you doing? ” In the picture. Mind you this is my first class and he took the picture and edit it in the middle of the class. After the class and ask the staff in front if there is any other teacher available, but they said there aren’t. I did not come to my other classes, that experience really discourage me to learning about music.

I dont remember the name of the teacher (he was slin, wears glasses, and a bit feminine) but I hope he is not teaching anymore. I also hope that you take care of your students better and evaluate the teacher’s teaching performance. I was in my third year of junior high school at that time, so I did not really understand the situation. Just now when I am an adult I can understand how traumatic it was.
02 Juli 2021 19:14
Dulu 2tahun les disini dgn subjek piano klasik.waktu itu sama miss yetty.ga kerasa uda lama wkwk

Tulis Ulasan

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