13 Oktober 2023 22:50
We spent 2 nights as part of a honeymoon trip. The site is very well maintained and the staff is very friendly, it is on the shore of the coast with views of the sea. The rooms are spacious and very comfortable, and the restaurant serves both local and international food. It has a swimming pool with a hammock area overlooking the sea, and a very good and cheap spa service.
As points to improve, it does not have access to the beach, and there are quite a few fountains that cause there to be a lot of mosquitoes and other insects (ants in the restaurant area, etc.), it would be positive if they offered complimentary repellent.
21 September 2023 8:30
Perfect attention, they are very attentive and will attend to all your needs. It is a beautiful hotel, the pool area is dreamy and the restaurant has many dishes to choose from. Highly recommended.
11 September 2023 11:15
Imposing structure and with a certain glance.
Immersed in an extremely lush green environment, it is full of common areas and services including a splendid library, chess boards, swimming pools, gym and yoga areas.
The rooms appear to have a somewhat dated style and should be modernized, however the value of all the furnishings is noticeable.
The restaurant cooked some dishes with not too generous portions, essential.
20 Agustus 2023 7:29
We were totally thrilled a beautiful hotel in the middle of nature!
Unfortunately we were only there for 1 night!
Breakfast great
You can't go into the sea we didn't miss that, we were so excited about the hotel and the facility, so beautiful!
We had great food in town at Budy!
25 Juli 2023 7:56
Best place for recharge your mind, beautiful ocean view, very clean, friendly staff and excellent breakfast
28 Juni 2023 20:25
This is definitely one of the best spots in Bali. Highly recommended. If not sure, just take a look at the videos I made!
19 Februari 2023 4:44
Beautiful beachfront view, this hotel is not too big nor too small, just the right size for Candidasa area.
Rooms are clean and comfortable.
Breakfast has good variety.
24 Januari 2023 1:19
We had a wonderful 2 night stay here. The pool and surrounding area was delightful, as were the gardens. The staff were so friendly and made our stay a happy one. We also had a great massage at the spa.
23 Januari 2023 4:58
Kalau berlibur ke Karangasem, nginepnya di Ramayana Candidasa dong. Suasana hotelnya tenang, nyaman, bersih dan yang paling penting staff nya ramah-ramah. Disini kita bakal disuguhkan view langsung ke pantai dan pulau paus saat di restoran maupun di kolam renangnya, sehingga ketika makan maupun berenang pasti akan jadi tambah menyenangkan.
19 Agustus 2022 14:32
We stayed with Family and celebrated Son’s birthday
Hotel is located in the beach front, the ambiance is awesome, cleanliness is great, FO staff is friendly especially thanks for the warm welcome and provides birthday surprise! Ibu Kadek/ sales was very friendly and attractive in providing information and hanling the inquiry
We will be back in the nearest fuuture!
17 Agustus 2022 18:40
Stay di sini pas juni 2022 alias pas bali bangkit. Okupansi hotel lumayan rame. Staff nya ramah-ramah dan sigap membantu. Pas diantar ke kamar juga dijelasin fasilitas di kamarnya. Area parkir cukup terbatas, lobby juga gak besar, area resto lumayan luas (karena juga buka untuk umum). Kolam cukup sempit, area pantai buatan cukup sempit. Daybed jumlahnya dikit. Gak dapet sunrise atau sunset karena resort ini menghadap ke selatan. Kamarnya terkesan tradisional tapi bersih, nyaman, dan fasilitasnya lengkap, ada tv yang besar dan dvd player. Tapi channel tvnya sedikit. Untuk toiletnya kelihatan mewah (sayangnya harga yang dibayar untuk kamarnya tidak terdapat bathub), toileteries lengkap. Teh dan kopi yang disediakan sedikit. Saya stay di tipe kamar deluxe cottage garden, pada deskripsi tertulis dapat afternoon tea tapi dari pihak hotel bilang ga dapat. Mungkin nanti diupdate kekeliruannya ya. Fasilitas wifinya di luar kamar kencang, tapi saat di dalam kamar sangat lambat jadi kurang cocok kalau ingin work from Bali dari kamar. Mungkin nanti bisa ditambah access point di setiap kamar atau setiap jarak tertentu. Untuk breakfast, buffet tapi pilihannya makan berat cuma nasi goreng dan mie goreng. Sisanya roti (croissant, pancake, dan sebagainya), sereal, buah-buahan (cuma semangka, nanas, dan pepaya). Telur bisa request ke staf restoran. Seharusnya untuk hotel yg harganya segini bisa provide makanan yg jauh lebih baik dari yg disediakan saat ini.
Overall, nginep semalam di resort ini ga cukup. Minimal 2 malam lah.
03 Agustus 2022 18:21
Tempat Penginapannya Sangat Strategis, dan Untuk viewnya Sangat Keren buat Mencari ketenangan. Hanya yg perlu diperhatikan Kebersihan Kamar Hotel perlu ditingkatkan. Agar tamu-tamu Betah menginap di Hotel. Karena pas Saya masuk ada Bau Debu. TV tidak terlalu bagus Soundnya. Ceret Air Panasnya tidak Menyala.tapi. Terimakasih buat Pelayanannya yg Sangat Cepat mengganti TV dan Ceret air Panas dengan yg lebih Baik. Semoga Kunjungan berikutnya Tamu-tamu semangkin Banyak yang datang.sehingga perawatan kamar-kamarnya semankin Lebih Baik lagi. Semangat Rahayu Rahayu.
17 Juli 2022 9:46
5 stars for the staff and service and 1 star for the resort. This place is long due for a little remodel and the food and menu needs to be better.
07 Juli 2022 21:35
Booking online by Trip.com on last minute after full day activities at the village. Very strategic location before heading back to the city. Very comfortable, clean room, nice view and friendly staff.
12 Juni 2022 11:47
Agak masuk gang melewati rumah penduduk, tidak ada akses langsung ke pantai, tapi resort dan kebunnya cantik. Dalam kamar modern dan elegan.
23 Oktober 2018 1:48
Very nice rooms and hotel. You should order the royal kingdom (2pers) at the restaurant and you will be surprised.
21 September 2018 1:43
A very nice hotel with a polite and smiling staff. We felt like royalty. Only drawbacks was a dripping toilet and bad wifi.

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