22 September 2023 16:53
Great and cheap experience if you like monkeys. You can spend at least a couple of hours, just keep in mind that there Are a lot of tourist'
19 September 2023 4:05
Nice to have seen, nothing more. Be careful there and do not carry any open valuables, otherwise it will belong to the monkeys.
18 September 2023 13:36
Lots of forest walks surrounded by nature and monkeys. Be careful of what you bring with you. We watched a monkey steal a phone. There are guides around to answer and questions. 3 sacred temples within the forest to explore and some stunning places to just sit and enjoy nature.
16 September 2023 14:05
Great experience. You have to follow the instructions carefully and be careful with your bag open and phone in hand, the monkeys are scroungers and have quite a grip.
14 September 2023 10:38
Extraordinary place! Wonderful interesting and not boring creatures pampered in their own sanctuary where you basically have to respect their rules and conform but above all to admire them and observe them in their natural environment, the splendid jungle and hiking trails actually relax you and make you forget the notion of time!
09 September 2023 3:43
Worth a visit, not just to see the monkeys, but to experience the remarkable depth and topography of this urban jungle. It's a great place just to walk through and marvel at the depth and extent of the lush forest and remarkable trees. And of course, being a sanctuary for over 1000 monkeys in 10 different troops brings it own attraction.
08 September 2023 1:20
This place is so cool. You definitely gotta mindful cause the monkeys do what they want with no restrictions. Follow the rules and you are fine. Saw someone make eye contact with a monkey and he learned real fast why you aren't suppose to do that.
29 Agustus 2023 13:49
Great open space in the hustle of Ubud. Kids loved it and monkeys are harmless when not trying to take silly selfies with them.
15 Agustus 2023 14:09
After swimming all day at the resort, in the afternoon I took the shuttle provided by Kamandalu and visited. The congestion in downtown Ubud at 3: 00 pm was relieved, so I went in 16 minutes. I would have been sad if I hadn't heard of it.
They were much more docile than the monkeys we saw in Uluwatu, and most monkeys didn't try to steal things from tourists. However, I have witnessed monkeys passing by the sweet potato feeding area on the conservation foreast side several times trying to steal things from tourists. Also, if you take out food such as a chocolate bar, monkeys will come and try to take it away, so don't take out food from the monkey forest.
01 Oktober 2022 10:34
The ticket was 80K IDR and is worth every penny. It’s a really nice park to get decent photos and to enjoy the forest together with monkeys
26 September 2022 0:27
So much fun in an absolutely stunning location. Super friendly and helpful staff make sure you navigate the cheeky troops of macaques expertly and the overgrown temples will make you feel like Indiana Jones. Great way to escape the bustling center of Ubud.
16 September 2022 23:07
Keep your belongings safe. Monkeys climb on you and take your stuff. It happened with me even after following all the rules. Try to stay away from them and don't interact with them. Sometimes the monkeys can get aggressive and attack.
07 September 2022 16:47
Salah satu tempat wisata yang sangat terawat dan indah berada di kawasan ubud yang begitu indah dan tenang, kalau ke ubud wajib kesini karena kita bebas melihat begitu banyak monyet dimana-mana tetapi tetap harus berhati hati karena monyet nya mungkin bisa nakal. Overall cocok lah mengajak keluarga berwisata kesini…
01 September 2022 12:11
It’s a great place. Just be careful with your personal items! Those monkeys are evil! It is amazing yet terrifying at the same time!
26 Agustus 2022 15:01
Amazing place, the monkeys are very funny and the staff there treat all the animals in the best way, I really enjoyed this place
20 Agustus 2022 21:10
Absolutely loved it here. The monkeys are so cheeky which is hilarious. It was cheap to enter and it is clear that these are well kept animals.

Be careful bringing it bags or waters bottles as the monkeys will try swipe these! Overall an awesome experience!
17 Agustus 2022 11:43
Kalau ke ubud wajib kesini, lumayan luas juga.
Hati-hati dengan barang bawaan jangan sampai di begal sama monyet hehehe
11 Februari 2022 3:14
Alamiah. Edukasi bagaimana makhluk bumi tidak hanya manusia
Yg perlu keseimbangan
Lestari alamku Lestari desaku
Gudang oksigen yg wajib di kunjungi
10 Februari 2022 9:32
Apakah monyet2 disini tidak diberi makan oleh para petugas monkey forest? Dalam satu minggu ini mereka datang di jam yang sama, bergerombol ke kos saya di jl goutama yg bs dibilang jauh dr monkey forest dan memporak poranda kebun beserta dapur outdoor di kos. Maaf ini harus saya katakan, karena sangat mengganggu.
08 Februari 2022 21:04
Harga tiket masuk dewasa 60rb, anak2 30rb (dibawah usia 12 th). Bagus dan terawat, tour guide sangat informatif. Puas dtg kesini
07 Februari 2022 17:59
Amazing! My son loved the monkeys and I loved how beautiful the forest was ️ I was expecting to just stay a few minutes so my son could look at the monkeys but I could have walked around for hours!
03 Februari 2022 13:52
Love this place so much, clean area either for monkeys or visitors. Super greenery area you have to visit in Bali. Plus stars from my review for their fresh air and friendly guides. Don't worry when you come alone, the guide will be warmly welcoming you and guide you to have best spots inside. Don't worry about the monkeys, as long as you don't look at in their eyes. Using mobile is safe in this area, but never ever bring food or drink outside your bag. Overall, I will be back again and won't get bored of it. Love Ubud, and the monkey forest.

Disclaimer: My pic with the monkey happened safely, no one get hurts on this pic. They have soft paws on my face. So don't worry guys
02 Februari 2022 10:58
Very good experience. Safe for everyone, monkeys are not aggressive. Guides everywhere very helpful and watch the monkeys. Excellent service, very clean bathrooms.
28 Januari 2022 17:18
Pengalaman seru dan tak terlupakan. Seperti dalam film film adventure Indiana Jones.
Banyak karya2 pahatan batu yang besar2 dan eksotis.
06 Januari 2022 2:36
We were just chilling with this monkey. And said "hey, you want a picture with me"? I of course said yes to the monkey. He said "hold on llet me get the angle right". I thought he was going to run off and I'd have to climb some tree to get my phone back. But he didn't, he set up the angle and took so good pictures, we got a selfie together. And he said he gots to go, then walked away on all four of his soft hands. Coolest Monkey Ever. Very fun, thanks
22 Desember 2021 14:56
It is a must see in Ubud, sure there are crowds and the monkeys are nuts (I lost a tug of war with one for my water bottle), but the temple is great fun. Its intertwined throughout the jungle ravine and takes a little exploring. I really enjoyed the truely bonkers statues, my wife the monkey swimming pool.
18 Desember 2021 8:43
Don't bring food or not try to give a food to this monkeys. They not just monkey they also are a gang. Anyhow fun to watch them.
29 April 2021 1:36
If you like nature, definitely visit this place. It's a semi-natural forest acting as a conservation place for monkeys, and is considered sacred by the natives. Monkeys here are tame, but pay attention to the precautions (monkey climbed my husband's shoulder trying to snatch our water bottle - our mistake, we were told to put the bottle inside the bag, but we forgot). There are other facilities like toilets & cafe, they are clean & are managed professionally.
12 April 2021 20:14
Salah satu tempat suci di ubud yang menawarkan suasana adem dan rindang. Banyak pohon-pohon, kolam ikan, dan mata air di area ini. Sepanjang jalan kita bisa melihat kera-kera yang sedang bercengkrama. Cocok untuk wisata bareng keluarga dan anak-anak
26 Maret 2021 10:50
Unfortunately, my visit is during the COVID-19 pandemic and a lot of routes and spots are closed. You'll definitely safe if you follow their rules about the monkey.
04 Maret 2019 11:12
A stunning rainforest paradise where monkeys freely run around & interact amongst the guests. There are no cages, or restrictions, on the monkeys. The restrictions, & a plea for commonsense, rest on the human visitors. Monkeys run, rest & play on the walkways shared with the humans, and can get aggressive if you bring food or tease them. Don't bring food, don't try to touch them, and respect that they are still wild animals and you will be fine. It's not a petting zoo but is a forest full of monkeys that invites humans into their world. Bring mosquito repellent if you walk deeper into the forest, to see incredible multiple-centuries-years-old trees, or follow a rushing stream to spy a waterfall. There is also a crematorium on site, but it's away from the main regions & clearly listed for those who feel uncomfortable. You can easily spend a few hours here but it probably isn't recommended for young children.
02 Maret 2019 21:51
Lokasi agak jauh dari pusat kota Bali (denpasar) namun mudah dijangkau. Ada petunjuk jalan menuju kesana. Tempat wisata yg teduh, bersih dan unik serta kental dg budaya bali. Hutan wisata dipenuhi dengan monyet2 yang jinak. Disarankan tidak membawa makanan, minuman karena monyet akan berusaha mencurinya. Bagi yg membawa botol minuman harap dimasukan dalam tas. Pada saat saya kesana ada botol minum turis yg direbut seekor monyet. Saat turis itu berusaha mempertahankannya monyet marah dan berusaha menyerang.
28 Februari 2019 19:00
If you like the adventure of jungle like experience, this is the right place. Hindu temples, sacred sites, river are among others found inside the area. Monkeys are one elements of attraction. Ticket fee is 50k RP. Have fun.
25 Februari 2019 18:04
Just before we got there,
i saw someone aiming
at the monkeys
with a slingshot
who were balancing on the fence
but fled frightened by being intimidated.
When i told him not to shot at them,
he boldly answered he had not shot any objects at them.
Later Inside the park,
the monkeys were not as trusting as four years ago when i was there last time
They seemed a kind of confused
and sometimes aggressive to some visitors too.
They used to be very tame and came to you to get a banana from you next to a park guide.
This time completely different.
Too bad.
A new generation of people seems maybe not to enjoy the peace and harmonie with funny tame monkeys.
19 Februari 2019 12:00
Plenty of monkeys. Beautiful park. Art gallery. Worth a visit. You can get up close to monkeys for amazing photos. The walk has some beautiful historic features in walls and over bridges.
12 Februari 2019 18:41
Monkey mums.and the sacred forest on the bottom of the road. I’m a bit frightened of monkeys so can only walk around the bits of the sanctuary that have park guides to keep things in check. The monkey sanctuary is a jungley, mystical, beautiful place full of naughty monkeys: some quite cute and some looking as though they can tear your hair out. You used to be able to feed them bananas but it’s been stopped now. Also, keep a tight hold of everything personal. I saw a monkey grab someone’s glasses and take off into the trees with them. Amazingly, the park guides seem to have total control and with a few Indonesian monkey instructions, they brought him back down and the glasses were safely returned to their owner.
10 Februari 2019 7:01
A nice enough way to pass the time, although the ‘fake old’ nature of some of it is a little naff. The monkeys are considerably less feral now that you cannot feed them (with bananas).
25 Januari 2019 0:58
Sesuai dengan namanya, hutan ini di penuhi dengan monyet. Bagus untuk edukasi ke anak2. Tiket masuk tidak dibedakan antara turis domestik dan luar, dewasa rp 50 rb dan anak2 40 ribu.
24 Januari 2019 8:38
Walaupun ini hutan kera, tp tempatnya keren dan cantik.ada pura nya juga didalamnya.awalnya keliatan ga luas gt, eh ternyata tempatnya luas berliku2 gt, cukup capek mengitarinya.awalnya pas ke bali ga pengen kesini, tp karna waktu masih ada dan waktu itu bingung mau kemana, ini yg terdekat ya udh kesitu aja.eh ternyata ga nyesel kesini, malah nyesel kl misal ga jd dan tau kl disini keren.sangat disarankan kl ada yg ke bali, ini bs jd pilihan tujuan.
19 Januari 2019 6:13
Really nice place to go. Please dont bring anything u could loose (hats, etc)

Buy some bananas at the antrace and feed them one by one. Dont show the bananas open, because then u will loose them all:)

No worries, at every corner they habe some workers which will help u, if the monkeys get some kreative ideas
02 Januari 2019 11:57
The most popular monkey forest in Bali!
Must visit place in Ubud!
Those monkeys are so cute and reluctantly intriguing at times!
Quiet place for relaxation with nature!

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