28 Oktober 2023 21:34
This is a legend. The taste of pork satay We even had the bone marrow satay and soto beef bakso. A must go when in Bali. One of the best pork satay place.
26 Oktober 2023 10:44
Sate babi jadul yang sudah cukup banyak penggemarnya. Mereka juga menjual lapchiong yang menggiurkan. Karena cukup banyak pelanggan lama maka setelah makan banyak yang merokok sehingga cukup mengganggu bagi orang yang tidak merokok
16 Oktober 2023 18:57
Tempat makan sate babi di bali. Bumbunya ada 2, yang original dan yang agak pedes (menggunakan plecing).
Disini jga ada jual soto sapi yang rasanya light tapi enak.
Untuk porsi agak kecil, menyesuaikan dengan harganyaa.
16 Oktober 2023 18:22
Not Recommended.
This place is overrated. Though the price is not too expensive, the portion is small, so it is not worth the price. The taste of the food is also not too special. There are many other better options of satay near there with better taste and cheaper price. Last, the other drawback is they don't put the price on the menu.
04 Oktober 2023 15:46
: ±30K per porsi
: Must try sate sum"! Bumbu satenya unik, bukan pakai kacang but mereka punya tektur kental dan harus pake sambel dikit ya biar lebih enak
: parkirnya dipinggir jalan dan agak susah sebenernya
️: not a big place, but U STILL HAVE TO TRY! Cause enak pol!
13 Agustus 2023 1:57
Great food. Final price comes with 10% tax. The pork sate (babi) was good, but beef sate (sapi) was chewy and the seasoning not as good as the pork. Must try the beef soup (Soto sapi). Service was fast.
05 Juli 2023 16:43
Best Sate Plecing and Soto Sapi ever!
Since I was a kid I really like the satay and soto/ soup from this shop. Even the satay sauce is made from chili but the taste is very good and not really spicy and taste of the soup is very light with beautiful slices of meat. Very very appetizing ;)
The service is good.
The place is not really big but clean enough.
Definitely recommended!
26 Maret 2019 0:28
Great taste especially for you who really like spicy food
Located in the corner of a junctuon (in Jalan Arjuna)
This place can be very crowded
03 Maret 2019 12:23
Horrible place. The staff are rude, and unwelcoming, and the idiot owner is the cause of this. A lot of miscommunication occurs in this place and they will blame the customer for it. Stupid owners hire stupid staff. The food is also very dirty and the place is not maintained well.

Tempat ini bodoh sekali. Owner disini memang paling bodoh. Orang kerjanya disini sukah membohong tampa tidak baik. Kommunikasinya jelek sama makananya jorok dan kotor.
20 Februari 2019 9:26
No so fantastic food, you can get better sate elsewhere, very worse service everytime eating here, have the same experience again, I dont recommend this place to ear, they are super rude, you wont enjoy the food.they could be a little nicer to customers but they never! The owners who are very rude.
I would rather go other place with the same or even better tase at Kuta area.
I was told that if I dont like the service here, dont eat here.so yes, i wont be back and so do all my friends who asked recommendation for Bali.never.
12 Desember 2018 12:15
Excellent food! I love all of it in the menu.but of course sate plecing is the best! If you come here with your little one dont worry, sate babi manis, soto and bakso will be a great option.parking space is not available.but there is a parking attendant that very helpful.highly recommended to come here with motor bike.avoid lunch time.you better come earlier.but don't come too late.it's finish very fast.plus point there is fresh fruit seller in front of the warung.she sell seasonal fruits.
27 September 2018 10:36
Rumah makan khas di bali yang layak dicoba. Rame terus. Tapi sayang lokasi nya susah dapat parkir karena di gang kecil ya.

Menu hanya sate plecing babi, sate plecing manis, bakso kuah kecil. Minum hanya air mineral, es teh dan es jeruk.

Tempat makan tidak terlalu besar, alhasil cukup membuat antri panjang.
22 September 2018 17:29
Salah satu referensi kuliner khas Bali, sate bumbu plecing. Dagingnya bisa pilih sapi atau babi. Jadi karena samaan sama babi, sepertinya meskipun ada sapi, umat Islam sebaiknya menghindarinya. Ada juga pilihan ajib lain, sate sumsum. Bayangin sendiri deh gurihnya. Biasanya ruame buanget terutama musim liburan, khususnya pas makan siang. Memang bukanya pas makan siang sih. Dari jam 9an pagi, sore2 sudah tutup.
17 September 2018 17:03
Food is awesome, went here for lunch for 2 days straight. Downside is hard to find parking spot for cars
10 September 2018 21:30

Tempat ini memang sangat legendaris. Kebetulan tiap dua bulan saya ke denpasar utk kerja dan hotel yg saya menginap dekat dengan Sate Plecing Arjuna (SPA). Tentunya saya sering lewat dan slalu ramai. Akhirnya, karena penasaran saya mampir lah.

Dan serius kecewa abis. Servisnya slowww banget. Saya pesan saten plecing babi yg pedas dan nasi putih. Utk itu doang butuh waktu 1 jam!

Sudah nunggu segitu lama. Ternyata rasanya biasa aja dan sate nya kecil2*. Sangat kecewa. Ternyata yg bikin rame tuh orang nunggu bukan orang makan!

Ternyata saya ketipu! Yg bikin ramai tuh org nunggu bukan org makan! Kalau mereka cepet serius tuh tempat gak bakal seramai itu.

01 September 2018 11:51
I have no idea why the f people love eating here. But if you insist to waste your time and money, do swing by here and follow these procedures:

1. Long queue to get a seat. Couple invading 4 seats table, aunties using the seat to put her fake Gucci bags, etc. Expect 15 minutes on average.
2. None of the staff welcome you nor helping you get a seat ; they're just always busy picking up food and/or cleaning table.
3. Once you get a seat, prepare to wave like crazy to get the staff's attention just so that you can order.
4. Expect another 20 minutes or so for the food, and even longer as many staffs will just give the food to those who come later than you.
5. Don't expect any hospitality nor a smile from any of the staff, the female owner looooove to give you a long face, probably need to get laid more.
6. Food was average at best, the warung sate nearby my house serve tastier and better food!
7. Expect another 5 minutes of wait just to pay the bill, you go to cashier and pay, don't be a lazy a$$ and expect to be served.
8. Price for a plate of 10 pcs satay will be around 25k, exclude rice. Slightly higher on the local side, but waaaaay cheaper than other places.
9. No car/bike parking. Park on the road side nearby, nobody there to help you but miraculously the parking guy will pop up once you're done.
10. Always always shower when you reach home, the satay smell lingers longer than your ex bf's memory.
Enjoy the food!
30 Agustus 2018 17:58
Harus dateng seh kemari.wenakkkk bagt.sebelimnya maaf, tidak boleh untuk umat muslim. Karna ini daging babi.
28 Agustus 2018 1:25
Satenya ada yang plecing (pedas) dan manis. Ukurannya kecil tp rasanya enak. Bulan Juli 2018 hrgnya 25rb/porsi belum termasuk nasi.
25 Agustus 2018 10:30
Sate Babi dan Daging sapi khas bali, Rasa sate babinya enak, kalo sate sapinya kurang istimewa. Yang sangat enak bumbu plencingnya lain dari yang lain tidak ada di tempat lain. Yang sangat disayangkan antrinya laaama dan tempatnya kecil. Kalo mau kesini sebaiknya jangan pas liburan dan jangan pas jam makan siang: D Mungkin saya bakal kembali lagi kalo gak ramee
12 Agustus 2018 23:05
Delicious pork satay
But the queue time to get food is not worthy. I need 30 minutes to get table, and after sit on table, o need wait 25 minutes to get food.
Total 55 minutes waiting, and only need 5 minutes to finish the food.

I suggest you order by gojek/grab, so u not wasting time to try this.
09 Agustus 2018 20:14
Hati2 sangat pedas. Pesan soto baksonya sebagai kuah pelengkap. Sangat ramai di jam2 sibuk, tempat akan berebut.siap2 menunggu d meja yang mau selesai makan.
03 Agustus 2018 21:35
Ok sih. Tapi masih suka yg BP. Owner nya agak galak kalau rame haha. Better pakai gojek. Gojek sering di dulukan
31 Juli 2018 15:30
The place is pretty clean and not too dirty. The food isn’t anything too special but it is still pretty decent. The pork sate was nice but the beef was too hard and hard to chew. Price is still cheap but I am not sure whether I would spend it here.
11 Juli 2018 5:30
Pelayanan.tanpa senyuman dan antrinya bisa di tata ulang utk sistim nya
05 Juli 2018 16:06
Enaak sate plecingnya tapi antrinya panjaaaang dan lamaaaaa. 1 jam lebih baru dapat kursi.setelah dudukpun masih lama nunggu makanannya.jadi sebelum ke sini mending ngemil dulu daripada sakit maag nya kambuh.oh ya kalau datang untuk beli take away lebih lama lagi karena yang didahulukan adalah pelanggan yang makan di sana.

Tulis Ulasan

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