17 September 2023 4:18
Pretty gardens. Interesting masks. Cute for a date. Outside employees were very friendly. Not 5 stars bc of the attendant inside.
30 Agustus 2023 1:49
A great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the Ubud area. The landscaping is serene and peaceful. It’s a good idea to spend two hours there to understand Indonesian religious culture.
27 Agustus 2023 14:03
Incredible place, collection and experience. Had the place to ourselves. The caretaker is an incredibly knowledgeable and welcoming man who will show you around. Not to be missed for an amazing cultural interlude from the chaos of Ubud.
27 Agustus 2023 7:46
A hidden jem. Beautiful areal with an interesting museum, perfect if you want to escape the busy streets and the pushy merchants.
23 Agustus 2023 22:45
Beautifull place to wander! Large collection and all in a very serene setting away from the crowds.
15 Agustus 2023 21:08
Amazing place with a private large collection of masks from around the world. I highly recommend it. Free entry!
06 Agustus 2023 21:21
This museum is amazing. Incredible collection of masks and puppets. Beautiful wood houses and quiet gardens. A must-see visit in Ubud!
31 Juli 2023 4:16
This place is a little gem! A stunning and well-maintained collection of masks and puppets from Indonesia and around the world. Free to enter (but please leave a donation to help support this amazing project) it’s set in a beautiful location and has so much to see.
30 Januari 2023 1:41
Such a fantastic experience, very like the place, clean and good information about Balinese culture, Javanese and many more!
would visit again in the future!
14 Januari 2023 22:26
Amazing place very interesting
Private collection and nice villa
Definitely recommend to visit
And it is free!
28 Desember 2022 8:29
Tempatnya luas dan suasananya yg asri, membuat kita nyaman. Dan sangat cocok untuk anak anak.
26 Desember 2022 2:09
Wonderful collection. Better to have the museum staff to guide as she told great stories while providing Bali cultural views and background. I wish they grow with more collection and become a great destination.
03 Oktober 2022 22:01
Museum seni yg memiliki banyak koleksi dari nusantara hingga internasional tempatnya sejuk dan nyaman terdiri dari 6 bangunan utama
27 September 2022 1:50
This place is amazing! See all those exclamation marks? It doesn't seem that many people know about this place but it is a must see. The collection of masks and puppets is unparalleled and even includes some items from around the world. (Nothing from Canada yet but I think we convinced them to add something)
This museum is free which makes it even more incredible aaand we had a private guided tour which made it even more worthwhile. I highly, highly recommend making this a stop on any trip to Ubud!
10 September 2022 19:40
Fascinating museum with an incredible collection of traditional masks and puppets displayed in beautiful buildings. The woman who greeted us and gave us a tour was very friendly and knowledgeable. Thank you
27 Agustus 2022 0:59
Located over 6 different buildings with English and Indonesian information, this museum holds a large number of masks and puppets which are quite impressive in number and quality. The grounds are also large and immaculate, but oddly this location is by donation only. When you visit, you will see that serious money has and will continue to be spent here so it's a mystery how they stay open. I don't really like masks and puppets, but enjoyed here. It's worth a visit if you have the time
24 Agustus 2022 5:09
Amazing place. Had a really lovely girl show us all the rooms and guide us around. Worth seeing
27 September 2019 16:11
In this museum they have an amazing and great collection of topeng from all over Indonesia and even some other countries, you can be more familiar with Indonesian capture
08 September 2019 1:55
Interesting and free. Wish they had some good items for sale in shop.mostly just the mass produced tourist items
07 September 2019 12:05
Rumah Topeng dan Boneka Setia Darma menampilkan beberapa benda pusaka paling berwarna di Indonesia. Sebuah persinggahan budaya dan pendidikan dari banyak tur ke Bali tengah, museum unik ini memiliki sekitar 1.300 topeng dan lebih dari 5.000 boneka dari seluruh kepulauan Indonesia, serta Afrika, Cina, Amerika Latin dan Eropa.
Koleksi Topeng dan Boneka Rumah Setia Darma Didirikan oleh kurator seniman Agustinus Prayitno, koleksi-koleksi tersebut ditampilkan di 4 rumah antik tradisional Jawa (joglo). Rumah pertama didekorasi dengan boneka bayangan tradisional, bersama dengan versi unik dan kontemporer. Ada satu yang dirancang agar terlihat seperti Barack Obama, yang dibuat selama pemilihan presiden AS. Galeri ke-2 menampilkan boneka bayangan kulit, yang terbuat dari kulit sapi yang disembuhkan. Boneka-boneka ini, yang dikenal sebagai wayang kulit, adalah boneka-boneka yang biasanya Anda lihat di peringatan hari jadi atau pada upacara-upacara ritual ritus Bali. Itu dilakukan oleh dalang atau dalang di malam hari di belakang lampu dan layar minyak yang berkedip. Tokoh-tokohnya diambil dari epos-epos besar Hindu dan menyampaikan kata-kata bijak dan pelajaran perilaku yang baik. Koleksi di rumah-rumah yang tersisa termasuk topeng tradisional dan biasanya sakral, spesimen kontemporer yang dikumpulkan dari pengrajin desa setempat, dan boneka dan topeng Bali. Saat Anda pergi dari rumah ke rumah, Anda akan terinspirasi oleh Bali dan budaya Indonesia yang kaya dan sejarah penceritaan, di samping kesamaan mereka dari budaya yang berbeda dari seluruh dunia.
28 Agustus 2019 19:23
Best musium in my life. Big place and a lot of collection. Very clean and so nature. I really love the bulding style and friendly staff
25 Juli 2019 7:43
Koleksi topeng dan wayang cukup banyak, tertata rapi dan disertai beberapa keterangan.
Tempatnya luas, rumah-rumah joglo berusia ratusan tahun berdiri dengan kokoh.
Tersedia ruang untuk pameran, pentas dan mungkin workshop.
Seharusnya dapat menarik banyak pengunjung lokal dan internasional.
Terdapat cafe yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman sambil menikmati pemandangan sekitar.
15 Juli 2019 3:26
Tempat yang bagus.asri dan tenang.berbagai macam puppet atau wayang dan topeng dari berbagai manca negara.
17 Juni 2019 5:31
Well kept museum. I was pleasantly surprised this free museum was so well done. Beautiful displays and interesting English signs explaining about the pieces. They only display 30% of the collection so it's good to come back every time your in ubud since they switch out the displays. Museum staff are always available for any questions you have and will explain the displays. Made a donation at the end since I enjoyed and hope this museum will continue for years to come.
08 Juni 2019 1:24
A place to visit. Highly recommended. Not a touristy spot. Lovely garden and an amazing collection. Cultural pleasure
07 Juni 2019 16:41
Nice small museum, you can see and chill outside. If you walk arround you can find many local crafts shop and crafts stock with prices much more better when on tourust places
24 Mei 2019 19:19
The museum was wonderful! It has a large collection of masks and puppets mainly from the southeast Asia region, but some from other locations such as Africa and Europe. Its very well curated and set in a very beautiful garden with several buildings, each containing a collection of original masks and puppets hundreds of years old. Its a bit out of the way, but worth the trip. We were the only people there so the museum employees gave us a private tour.
05 Mei 2019 15:14
The exhibits were beautiful and there was actually an artist carving a mask at the time I went, however there was little information on the exhibits and I think many people would enjoy knowing a little bit about the masks.
30 April 2019 10:03
Amazing Balinese (and Indonesian, as well as international!) mask collection, which were also well displayed. The museum is still undiscovered by tourism and the two times we visited the place, we had the museum to ourselves. Unfortunately, the Balinese masks hall is temporarly closed due to renovation, but still worth the visit.
21 April 2019 2:56
Salah satu hidden gem di Bali yg tidak banyak orang tahu. Di sini banyak koleksi topeng dan wayang dari seluruh dunia yg dipamerkan di dalam rumah-rumah joglo Jawa.
Museum ini tampak terkelola dengan sangat baik. Terasa adem, magis, dan agak serem sih. Haha.
Tarif masuknya pun cukup terserah pengunjung, ada kotak donasi di joglo paling akhir.
20 April 2019 20:12
Berkunjung ke sini karena acara kantor untuk meninjau Museum di Bali. Museum ini menarik karena mengumpulkan topeng dan wayang dari seluruh dunia. Ada coffee shop yang menjual berbagai produk olahan kopi, coklat, sampai jamu tradisional. Bila berkunjung ke Ubud, jangan lupa sempatkan melihat koleksi museum ini yang kadang membuat merinding.
14 Maret 2019 8:46
Sering ada pagelaran seni selain topeng, termasuk konser musik budaya bersama artis lokal maupun internasional. Sayangnya lokasi jauh dari jalan utama.

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