17 Juli 2023 13:58
Horrible. Avoid at all costs. Bed bugs! We were shown to our room when we checked in. The bed sheets, duvet cover and pillow case were covered in horrible colour stains (pictured below but aren’t great because of lighting). The bathroom was covered in dead ants (I took a video but it won’t let me upload it so screen shots from the video) and there was bed bugs! We found a bed bug on the mattress and then looked with a torch and there was lots of them. We spoke to the man at reception who phoned the owners, and we got a refund for the other three nights we had booked. We left and found somewhere else to stay.
14 April 2023 22:42
If you love lizards, this is the place you should visit.
You'll find giant sized lizards in the washroom, pool, room and even on the bed.
The living room has only one small white light which is even dimmer than the phone flashlight.
The room is surrounded by plants which was the only good and positive thing in the entire stay.

Would request the staff and owner to please work on the lizards being removed/reduced and the lighting in the room. I'm sure one wouldn't want to sleep with a giant lizard in bed.

Nora Rodricks
Stay - 26 Apr to 28 Apr 2023.
24 Januari 2023 13:04
Sebenarnya tempatnya lumayan bagus, tapi servicenya sedikit hancur yaa. Dimana dari pas Check in sudah bikin sedikit kecewa. Kenapa? Karena dimana seharusnya check in jam 2 itu udah ready roomnya, tapi ternyata sampai sana masih nunggu untuk bersihkan kamarnya, sekitar setengah jam baru bisa masuk kamar. Lalu, setelah di kamar, saya dapat no. 307, lantai atas lokasi bednya, pinru belakang ternyata tidak bisa dikunci. Yes TIDAK BISA DIKUNCI. Lalu besok paginya, dimana harusnya staff sudah tau kalau 2 kamar yg saya pesan sudah include dg breakfast, ternyata hanya 1 kamar yg dinoted include breakfast. Yg saya pertanyakan, bagaimana komunikasi antara owner dengan staff? Sehingga staff tidak tau apa saja informasi ttg bookingan tamu yg akan check in. Dan minta tolong dicek secara berkala untuk fasilitasnya, pintu gx bisa dikunci itu parah banget sih.
Jujur kalau tempat dan pelayanannya lebih diperhatikan, villa ini bagus kok.
21 Agustus 2022 8:57
I definitely will come back to this lovely place! It's warm, welcoming, comfy and clean. I love the quietness and the surroundings: paddies, waterfalls, temples, ceremonies. Wayan made a beautiful place; 8 rooms situated in a wonderful garden!
10 Agustus 2022 19:07
Nice and quiet place, between the ricefields. In walking distance of two beautiful waterfalls. The rooms are great, daily cleaned and located in a beautiful garden! I stayed here for a month and the staff was really taking good care of me.
07 Desember 2021 20:43
Over all ok, nyaman tentram dan lokasi strategis kamar sesuai dengan harga.
Ada yg perlu di perhatikan kebersihan kamar, ada beberapa kacoa terbang dan di plafon tempat tidur bunyi2 kresek2 mungkin ada binatang apa di atas. Jadi tidurnya sedikit terganggu. Lampu di dalam kamar kurang terang.
Sunbed poolnya sudah rusak kalau di duduki kurang nyaman.
Staff ramah2.
Semoga semakin membaik kedepannya
18 Agustus 2021 5:05
Penginapan dengan ukuran pas 2 orang. Saya lumayan suka dengan desain bangunan di dalam. Tangganya oke. Akan lebih baik lagi kalo perawatan lebih ditingkatkan kualitasnya. Trims
13 Agustus 2021 3:42
Sisin Ubud View lokasinya sangat bagus masih asri dan sepi di tengah persawahan yg hijau di saat para petani sedang mengolah padinya.kebersihan kamar dan Staff sangat ramah pelayanannya bagus untuk para honeymooner dan orang orang yg sudah jenuh dengan bisingnya keramaian kota.sangat di recommended
27 Agustus 2020 10:03
Milih dsni krn good review ya.tp jalannya dr ir.sutami lumayan kecil, krn kita pke motor jd g masalah.malam2 juga jalannya terang.kanan kiri hamparan sawah bener2 asri.kamarnya bagus, cukup luas, toiletnya bersih ada bathtub besar, lemari, tv dan chanel2 yg oke, welcome drink, sarapanya simple n enak, dg harga under 300rb dah oke banget!
07 Agustus 2020 12:21
Snagat nyaman, bersih, makanan good lah, buat yg mau honeymoon dngan budget minim tp fasilitas & view OKE wajib ke sisin

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