08 Maret 2023 11:05
Perkenalkan nama saya M. Rafly kali ini saya akan mereview sekolah saya yaitu SMK N 1 SUKASADA atau biasa disebut SMIK. SMIK merupakan sekolah unggulan yang terletak di desa Sambangan, Jl. Srikandi.sekolah ini merupakan sekolah terbaik bagi masyarakat sekitar karena sekolah ini memiliki sekolah yang memiliki peraturan. Sekolah ini memiliki jurusan Seni lukis, Seni Pertunjukan, Kuliner, Tekstil, dan perhotelan. Sekolah ini adalah sekolah disiplin, bertata krama, dan cara bekerja di dunia kerja.disini saya akan menyebutkan kelebihan dari SMIK. Keunggulan SMIK adalah, - sekolah favorit - disiplin - budaya / adat istiadat moral - sekolah bersih - Mengajarkan tentang dunia profesi adapun kekurangan smik yaitu, bagi saya smik adalah peringkat 5 Pengalaman saya selama dismik yaitu mendapatkan teman sebangku yang sama yaitu dari timur, pelajaran yang mudah dipahami, pernah mengajarkan berbagai macam cara memproduksi dan menjual barang, dan lain sebagainya. Sekian dari saya, terima kasih.
12 Februari 2023 16:35
Nama: Made Yudi Arimbawa
No: 11
1.clean environment
2.the teacher is friendly
3. Each class has wifi
1.the toilet smells
2. Wifi is slow to use
3.desks in each class are not feasible
I really like going to school here because my friends here are very nice and the teachers are very friendly
09 Februari 2023 16:02
Hello everyone today i would like to review SMK N 1 SUKASADA
This school is located in the village of Sambangan
My name: Gede Ardi Anandia

*The strengths:
1. This school is very spacious
2. WiFi in all classes
3. The school is clean
4. Taught discipline
5. The teachers are good

*The weaknesses:
1. In some classes the WiFi signal is slow
2. Throw garbage under the bench
3. There are still some students who lack discipline

*The rate:
*The experience:
I am proud to study here because I was guided to become a successful and educated person
05 Februari 2023 12:41
*Advantages of SMK N SUKASADA:
1 comfortable place
2.strategic location of the school
3. All classes have CCTV
* Weaknesses of SMK N 1 SUKASADA:
1.the small entrance to the student parking lot
2. Wifi network is slow
3.lack of cleanliness of water in the toilet tub
Yes, I like studying here, even though there are a few shortcomings in this school, I am still proud to study here
05 Februari 2023 7:24
Name: putu redi adnyana
no: 30
class: 11 dkv 5

1.no trash scattered
2.teacher teacher is very beautiful and handsome
3.lots of cctv in every room
1.wifi is not smooth
2.broken bench
3.under the bench there is a place for noodles


my impression: i am proud of dismik school
my message: do not litter
31 Januari 2023 2:42
1. Each class or workshop has wifi.
2. Each room has CCTV.
3. The buildings are very nice
1. Wifi often interrupts.
2.in some classes there are some broken desks and benches.
3.the smell of the bathroom is not pleasant to breathe

# Rate:

*# Experience: my impressions, the teachers are friendly, and I really enjoy going to school here the students are also very friendly and I'm very happy to have many friends, thank you so much. *
30 Januari 2023 1:24
Saya sebagai seorang siswa sangat senang bisa sekolah disini karena lingkungnnya yang bersih, nyaman, dan luas, para guru juga ramah baik dan menyenangkan
29 Januari 2023 9:21
Introduce my name odika chyvaaree this time I will review my school, namely SMK N 1 SUKASADA or commonly called SMIK, which is an excellent school located in the village of Sambangan, Jl. Heroine. This school is the best school for the surrounding community because this school has a center for excellence and anti-bullying. This school has 9 majors, namely
- hospitality
- culinary
- dkv
- wood
- dance
- Monday fine
- musical
- textiles
- multimedia

This school also applies p5bk lessons in which students can build knowledge in the modern digital era without forgetting history.here I will mention the advantages and disadvantages of SMIK.

The advantages of SMIK are: - Favorite school
- a center of excellence school
- culture / moral mores
-clean school
- Teaches about the world of professions
- anti-negotiation school

as for the lack of smik namely,

- Students who like to smoke in the toilet
- less internet access
- Facilities are damaged
- hot
- Under the table there
- a bit of a security guard
- less clear rules
- there are some really annoying teachers

for me smik is ranked 4th.
25 Januari 2023 18:44
Saya sebagai keluarga besar SMK negeri 1 sukasada sangat bangga sekolah di SMK negeri 1 sukasada karena tempatnya bersih dan nyaman, di setiap kelas juga sudah dilengkapi WiFi dan cctv, SMK negeri 1 sukasada ini juga sudah menjadi sekolah pusat keunggulan, semoga kedepannya lebih maju lagiii.
20 Januari 2023 6:04
Name: Komang Adi Surya Pratama
no: 6
class: 11 dkv t

1.no trash scattered
2.teacher teacher is very beautiful and handsome
3.lots of cctv in every room
1.wifi is not smooth
2.broken bench
3.under the bench there is a place for noodles


my impression: i am proud of dismik school
my message: do not litter
18 Januari 2023 16:47
1.the school is clean
2.there is wifi in every class
3.there is cctv in every class
4.the teacher and students are friendly
5.there are many plants

1.the security guard is not friendly
2.the catering lab hasnt been renovated yet

experience: comfortable and proud to be at SMK N 1 SUKASADA.
17 Januari 2023 6:22
Saya senang bisa menjadi siswi di smk n 1 sukasada karna pelayanannya baik, lingkungan bersih dan terawat
10 Januari 2023 7:38
Sungguh sangat luar biasa atmosfer belajar di sini, semua bersemangat tidak hanya siswa saja tp semuanya guru-gurunya dan kepala sekolahnya.
Diberikan kesempatan 2 hari di sini utk terlibat dalam kegiatan workshop dan gelar karya siswa, sungguh suatu kehormatan bagi saya pribadi dan perusahaan (PT SCI / Siap Cetak Inspiration).
Semoga SMKN 1 Sukasada menjadi sekolah favorit dan sekolah unggulan di Buleleng dan Bali.
09 Januari 2023 22:28
1) the school is clean
2) there is wifi in every class
3) there is cctv in every class
4) the teacher and students are friendly
5) there are many plants

1) the security guard is not friendly
2) the catering lab hasn't been renovated yet

Experince: comfortable and proud to be at smk n 1 sukasada
06 Januari 2023 19:33
Name: Luh Sutarmi
class: f dkv 5
no: 10
review of SMK Negeri 1 SUKASADA
1.the teachers are very friendly
2. The school is spacious and comfortable
3. There are many trees and flowers

1.the cleanliness of the environment is not good
2.there is no air conditioning in the classroom
3.the wifi is sometimes off, sometimes on

experience: I am very happy and proud to study at SMK n 1 SUKASADA, a central school of excellence
31 Desember 2022 22:55
*Advantages of SMK N SUKASADA:
1. The teachers are very friendly
2. In the canteen provides a lot of food
3. All classes contain CCTV
* Weaknesses of SMK N 1 SUKASADA:
1. There are many computers in the workshop that cannot be used
2. There is no WiFi in the workshop
3. The table is mostly scribbled on
Message and impression I am proud to study at SMK N 1 SUKASADA
29 Desember 2022 21:14
My experience is going to school at SMk N1 Sukasada that is, I got a lot of experience about making designs, printing designs and many other experiences
29 Desember 2022 2:14
Introducing my name is Ketut Tresna Juniawan. This time I will review my school, namely; SMK Negeri 1 Sukasada is usually called SMA, the school is located in the village of Sambangan
mentioning the advantages: this school is very spacious, superior, taught discipline, clean school,
as for the lack of smik:
internet access, students smoke in the toilet, throw garbage under the bench
rating: 4
Impression and message: I am guided by the teacher "to be successful and achieve proudly. I study at SMK 1 Sukasada
28 Desember 2022 2:06
Sekolahnya bagus fasilitas lengkap pelajarannya nyaman bersih para guru sangat ramah para guru sangat sabar dan smk negeri 1 Sukasada merupakan sekolah pusat keunggulan
26 Desember 2022 14:52
Hello, good morning,
introduce my Name is Ketut Panji Sri Lestari
Number: 02
Class: F DKV5

I will review my school namely SMIK (SMKN 1 SUKASADA) which is located in Sambangan
•The advantages of this school:
-Provide smik shop in various departments.
- There is a vegetable garden
- Installed Wifi in some classes
- Installed cctv in each class
- there is a mini-bank

•Disadvantages of this school:
- Combined women's and men's toilets
-There is dust on the computer and a lack of cleanliness in the practice/workshop room
- only 1 entrance and exit to the parking lot
- dirty blackboard
- no literacy culture
-In the workshop there is no wifi, maybe there is/is turned on but there is no internet.

Rate: 4.5


•Impression: I am very grateful to go to Dismik even though I have a little regret but it doesn't matter because I am more active here, improve myself more and have more skills, so that here I also get a lot of knowledge, one of which makes me more enthusiastic is pursuing my goals

•message: hopefully smik is more advanced, and victorious, there are no more fights between relatives/friends, and hopefully smik is bestowed with students who excel.
26 Desember 2022 3:36
- predicated SMK center of excellence
- the teacher is not fierce
- the school is clean
- every class has wifi

- the wifi is slow
- hot class
- the toilet smells
- In Room 9 There Are Bricks To Support The Teacher's Table That Is Not Good

Rate: 4

Experience: the impression that I see at this school is that the school is quite strict in terms of student laws and also quite safe, then the message for this school is to hopefully be better and more responsible in assignments
20 Desember 2022 19:08
Saya sangat suka bersekolah di SMK n 1 sukasada karena guru, pegawai dan teman²lainnya menerapkan 5s
15 Desember 2022 14:56
I Will review my school, namely SMIK

1. The building is nice
2. There are lots of flower and vegetable plants
3. The school schedule is clear
4. There is CCTV in all rooms
5. There is WiFi in all classes

1. There is no WiFi in the workshop
2. There is no AC in the classroom
3. WiFi in the classroom often turns off
4. The security guard is not friendly
5. Grade 11 students are
very slow to pick up motorbikes in the parking lot


Experience: I am proud to be part of SMK N 1 Sukasada.

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