08 Oktober 2023 19:56
Beautiful place for an entrance fees of 20k, do note that there is a steep stairs to climb up & down to reach the waterfall.
Remember to bring an extra set of clothes if you wanna take some amazing shots!
29 September 2023 21:17
Beautiful waterfall in a beautiful valley, until humanity thought it was better to commercialize this with a swimming pool, bar, 100 shops and some Ibiza style. After looking at the top for 10 minutes I decided it was too painful to continue any further. Too many ego trippers and Instagram models want selfies and to be filmed. There was also a Bali swing somewhere like everywhere in Bali. Disappointed looking for something else on this overcrowded and over visited island.
22 September 2023 9:31
Air terjun nya bagus, cukup ramai bila siang hari dan hari libur.
Akses masuk cukup mudah karena sudah dikelola dengan baik.
Utk warga lokal tiket masuk seharga 20ribu.
Untuk anda yg ingin menikmati ketenangan di air terjun, anda sebaiknya datang pagi.
Setahu saya bebas parkir utk motor, kurang tau klo utk mobil
Spot foto lumayan banyak.

Datang pagi hari, karena semakin siang semakin ramai
Bawa sandal dan baju ganti.
Selalu perhatikan papan pemberitahuan
Hindari area red flag.
12 September 2023 19:58
The waterfall is beautiful, but it has nothing to do with the pure form of nature. The built-in club with loud music is also completely unnecessary. The descent and ascent should not be underestimated (especially if you are not yet used to the climate or have difficulty walking). If you want to go further up (e.g. To the swing) you have to pay extra. Classic overcrowded tourist hotspot.
12 September 2023 1:32
Mother nature at its finest! Bali is a beautiful island as it is but Tegenungan falls adds up to its beauty. This place has breathtaking views and surrounded by the natural greenery ofcourse.
10 September 2023 16:53
We have to walk down n up many stairs to reach there but it is worth the effort. Beautiful waterfall …
04 September 2023 18:09
The most instagrammable waterfall in Ubud, and I seriously don't understand what's all the fuss about? It is a beautiful waterfall for sure, but there are so many others out there that are also mesmerizing and unique. The amount of tourists trying to take pictures in every single corner is very annoying, that it prevents you from properly enjoying the nature of this beautiful waterfall
04 September 2023 10:22
A place to have great view but don't expect it to be a dudhsagar of Goa you have climb down more than 100-120 steps that are sloppy but while coming up if you take some food at the restaurant down (omma) there you can come up by lift but as always the price was super high so plan accordingly
28 Agustus 2023 18:48
Many shops in the parking area, then you go down and you are at the waterfall, where you can get off. There is a club with a private pool and cocktails with music
02 Maret 2022 17:04
The waterfall still great but not the environment because there's some building that ruin the view and scenery.
19 Februari 2022 4:55
Air terjun pendek dan pengunjung dilarang berenang. Undakan menuju sungai bagian bawah bagus dan aman. Air terjun tidak terlalu tinggi dan terdapat larangan untuk mendekati.

Toilet hanya ada di bagian loket masuk. Parkir cukup luas. Udara terasa agak panas. Arus air cukup deras. Pengunjung harus waspada saat hujan.
26 Januari 2022 20:25
Pemandangan yang asri dan tenang namun jika kesini perlu memerlukan tenaga ekstra ketika naik kembali ke parkiran karena tangga yang cukup curam.
25 Januari 2022 5:01
A bit crowded, with steep paths so there's really no time and space to fully enjoy the galvanizing power of running water. Overpriced ice-cream and chargeable toilets and showers.
On your way back from main waterfall you could see a way leading to a smaller one, I suggest you take your time and see it from up close how running water eats through the stone creating angular patterns on the rock!
23 Januari 2022 18:51
If you like natural attractions, this will be perfect for you. The waterfall is quite huge and there's no trash around the area

If you want to get close to the waterfall, you have to walk down the stairs, although you cant swim near the waterfall, its still a beautiful view

Parking space is also spacious and entry price is reasonable too
20 Januari 2022 21:25
How was the waterfall?
It was beautiful!

Can you swim there?
Yes, you can. There is also a place for you to rinse after swimming in the river.

Is it a good place to take pictures?
Yes, they have designed a few photo spots. You can also take pictures next to the river bank or near the waterfall. You can also take pictures at the restaurants.

Are there restaurants?
Yes, there are a few. There are a few near the entrance. There is also a restaurant next to the river called the Omma Restaurant.

Was it tiring to walk down the stairs to reach the river bank?
It was but it was worth it:)

Why 4 stars?
The place is beautiful, neat, and clean. I just hope that there are more attractions here.
05 Januari 2022 13:03
Air terjun Tegenungan berada di Desa Kemenuh, Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar. Tingginya mungkin sekitar 15 meter dan airnya deras banget (mungkin karena lagi musim hujan ya). Airnya terlihat jernih dan lumayan bersih, kalau bawa baju ganti/renang sih saya njemplung juga Cuma karena kebetulan kesana sore2, sekitar jam 17: 30 wita, tanpa rencana.jadi ya, harus puas dengan photo2 aja.
Mungkin krn sore, jadi lumayan sepi. Hanya ada beberapa wisatawan dr luar Bali dan beberapa penduduk sekitar. Tidak seperti perkiraan saya semula, tebingnya ga terlalu tinggi, dan tangga turunnya eegonomis. Jadi nyaman lah ya buat naik turun.
Harga tiketnya Rp. 20.000,00, Jam operasional 06: 30-18: 30 WITA.
05 Desember 2021 4:55
Beautiful waterfall, easy to access that the stairs to go to the waterfall is not really steep, Ticket 20.000 rupiah is a lil bit expensive.
03 Mei 2021 13:55
Truly a breath taking site, so incredibly lush you have to believe me that the photos don't do this place justice. Definitely a Bucket list destination!
19 April 2021 10:35
The waterfall was pretty beautiful. You can see the fall from the top as well. Picture perfect view from the top with lush green surrounds. For the closer look you have to do a bit of exercise as you have to take a lot of steps to reach there. There are gorgeous photo-op spots on the journey from the entrance to the waterfall (and waterfall to the entrance). There's one small waterfall too.

Visited in March '20, Before Lockdown.
08 April 2021 18:59
So majestic with the heavy volume of water during rainy season. Nice to sit nearby and absorbing the energy of the nature. Though can't dip into the water, you can still enjoy the view and few tourist are taking pictures.

Please use shoes since it's slippery and many stairs to the bottom. There are few "break" spot just to sit nearby the stairs. There's few cafe on the top, and they're building a new one on the bottom.
04 April 2021 16:56
Good location, easy to reach by car.
I visited it after a rain, thats why water color changed to brown
31 Maret 2021 20:37
Terlalu bnyak biaya, parkir, tiket masuk, n klo mau naek lihat view dri atas airterju, bgi kntong backpacker gk rekomended bget,
30 Maret 2021 17:56
Excellent visit no crowds, drink at top of steps really welcome as takes an effort! Very restfull experience.
05 Februari 2019 17:26
Overrated! Five mins max, and you're done. Unless you have never ever experienced a waterfall in your life. Trust me, your vacation world isn't going to come crashing down if you skip this. Overall, the area has been kept clean by sincere locals, parking is free of charge, and there are enough places for you to eat/rehydrate. You can take a bike from the city on your own, no need to rely on a guide or big van - it's easily accessible via Maps. The river is clean (possibly gets dirty during heavier rainy season). Be prepared for a LOT of crowd. It's a tourist spot so there is no peace and quiet. The walk up and down the cliff towards the river is manageable for all age/physical fitness types.
19 Januari 2019 10:50
If you want to go for a little adventure, just a little, choose this place. The stairs are little bit steep, going up from the waterfall is crucifying if you skip a lot of leg day, but the view was outstanding. Trust me
16 Januari 2019 1:51
Kalo berkunjung kesini, jangan lupa cobain ayunan yg berada di atas tebing, dan menikmati makanan di restoran yg menghadap waterfall dekat spot selfi pertama yg anda temukan apa lagi datang ditemani kekasih, di jamin akan sangat berkesan tempat ini sangat indah
10 Januari 2019 2:44
Nice waterfall with different picture options. Food and drinks are a bit over priced. 15k to go down the main entrance an 15k to go up the other side by the waterfall. It can get a bit crowded just like any other place in Bali. If you order a grab make sure to get picked up right outside, away from the taxi drivers as they can get a bit aggressive and some drivers wont want to pick you up.
08 Januari 2019 9:54
Perjalanannya kurang dari 1 jam dari Denpasar. Lokasinya berdekatan dengan tempat wisata lainnya seperti Ubud, Bali Butterfly Park, Bali Zoo, Pasar Sukawati, dll. Jadi bisa sekalian mampir ke tempat pariwisata lainnya juga. Waktu itu saya kesini ketika musim hujan, jadi volumenya meningkat, airnya keruh, dan arusnya sangat deras. Jadi tidak bisa berenang di air terjunnya dan juga menikmati keindahannya 100%.
Di sini juga ada baby waterfall dan kolam yang bisa dipakai untuk berendam, airnya yang bersumber dari air tanah sangat jernih walau musim hujan.
Saya merekomendasikan menaiki sepeda motor untuk kesini, karena ada jalur jalan arah pasar sukawati yang rawan longsor ketika musim hujan & hanya bisa di lalui sepeda motor, kalau dengan mobil harus kembali ke jalan datangnya dan memutar jika ingin lanjut ke sukawati.
Have a nice day and have fun.
05 Januari 2019 7:17
Great time wandering down the steep staircase to this incredible waterfall. Along the journey you'll have plenty of opportunities for amazing pictures and quick impulse purchases. Finally, once down by the waterfall you have the opportunity to swim in the fresh waters around and at the base. Great experience
31 Desember 2018 10:01
The water fall is okay. You have to walk up and down quite a few steps to get there, then it's crowded by a ton of people "swimming" in the little pool with loud dance music playing. I thought it was kind of a waste of time and if I didn't go there I wouldn't have missed on anything.
29 Desember 2018 18:14
Very nice place. The view is like you are wapking in a jungle. The mountain, plants and the water fall with the river. There is bali swings over there also a hot spring that you can swim in. A must visit place in bali
29 Desember 2018 3:55
Nice waterfall, unfortunately couldn’t swim due to fast currents. Great river club on top of the waterfall with a pool! 15k to get into waterfall 15k to go up to the top.
20 Desember 2018 17:46
Way too touristy, dirty, not much to see. I really do not understand why you need to play loud club music next to a waterfall. I believe that you should be enjoying the sound of the waterfall and not some terrible music.
13 Desember 2018 13:29
Sudah banyak perubahan. Tiket masuk 15k menurutku lumayan mahal. Peluasan sungai agak disayangkan sih (atau memang airnya yg besar jdinya daratan menipis?) Jembatan untuk melewati sungai juga agak berbahaya. Mungkin kalau dibuat lebih rapi bisa dijadikan spot foto ️
06 Desember 2018 22:51
Air terjun yang indah sekali. Untuk masuk ke sini bisa masuk dari dua arah (ada 2 post entry) pintu masuk air terjun bagian atas dan yang bawah. Untuk harga masuk sekitar 10rb (untuk orang lokal), dan untuk masuk ke bagian satunya dari air terjun harus bayar lagi 10rb.
03 Desember 2018 11:05
Unfortunately we could not swim here due to the water level, still the view was amazing. We were lucky to see rainbow in the waterfall. Also, there are spring water to have a bath. Overall, this place is worth a visit.
26 November 2018 22:28
Awesome Waterfalls, would have really nice if we could go into the water for a swim. This place being famous is always crowded. There is a swing there as well as a restaurant on the top.

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