18 Oktober 2023 19:48
Apakah ada yg pernah ngalamin hal sama di Anvaya Resort Kuta padahal jelas2 kita anter tamu check in dan udh konfirm ke security tamunya hanya Check in.kemudian mau keluar lgi ke Tp bberapa saat security menyuruh ke Basement dengan alasan tdk boleh mobil menunggu dan parkir lama di Loby Hotel, Eh bisa2 nya stelah muter basement, Driver Hotelnnya malah melobi tamu saya.untuk kalo keluar Hotel bss dengan Transport Hotel Sekelas Hotel Bintang 5 bisa2nya sperti ini
Apalg karyawan reception jual kyk tourist informasi itu.jelas ga boleh.
18 Oktober 2023 0:02
This was our second stay at Anvaya in Bali and it was great! The hotel grounds are beautiful and immaculate. The staff could not be more friendly and helpful. This time, our server Putu Harris went out of his way to make our evening memorable. The only reason for the 4 stars, instead of 5 was the room we had was considered “delux” but was on the back (street) side and had a loud hum noise all night long. Maybe from a broiler or something? Anyway, we would definitely come back for the staff, location and ambiance. We’d ask for a room closer to the beach/front area.
16 Oktober 2023 9:45
Hotel yg recomended banget kalo nginap di Bali, kamarnya bagus, lokasinya pas banget di tepi pantai Kuta, service excellent apalagi dibantu juga sama Mba Sastri selama saya dan rombongan menginap di Hotel Anvaya.mantapppp
Terimakasih The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali.
12 Oktober 2023 8:48
Wonderfull Vacation on Anvaya in Bali! We enjoyed your Time very well! Nice Hotel Room, very good Breakfast and amazing Location at the Beach. Service at the Bar the Restaurant Sands was always good. The Waiter Putu Haris was very courteous and gave us a lot of Informations:)
10 Oktober 2023 17:20
In one word, it is amazing. The breakfast is amazing. The hygiene is top notch. We left very satisfied.
09 Oktober 2023 20:56
Rooms a bit old, beach small but nice. A bit away from the hustle and bustle, but that's good. 5 min to restaurants and mall.
07 Oktober 2023 19:04
Hotel bersih n luxury
Menu breakfast enak n byk variasi masakan western, nusantara. & lokal food.
Paul manado
07 Oktober 2023 13:47
Very bad stay experience
Forget about Delay checkin
First, there were mosquitoes when I slept at night! In addition to being bitten and scratched, your ears will be filled with screams.and you didn't sleep well all night.
Second, the sound insulation is very poor
Footsteps upstairs, coughing next door, sounds in the corridor
Will you still want to come and stay?
Third, poor personnel training quality
There was no water in the room and we were told to go to the lobby to get it.
First time encountering such a hotel

Please evaluate carefully before moving in! ! !
10 September 2023 15:08
Very very very rude front disk!
The room doesn’t maintained well
Bad management you feel u r in school
U feel they threaten you:)
every where they hang a regulation when you checking in you sign a paper the hotel is not responsible about your stuff if they lost in your room whhaaat!
They charge u if you lost a cheap room card:)
And there rude front disk would not tell you that even in polite way
I asked front disk when checked in to get any room except ground floor rude stupid girl told your room already good when we get there it was in ground floor + in the path for other rooms which is very noisy even in late night with some noisy guests.
Good housekeeping
Good room service
03 September 2023 14:43
Although it said we could have X2 children they ended up on the couch and it was a bit squashy. They could have been clearer about the sleeping arrangements. Our kids were 5 and 9 and I wouldn't recommend this sleeping arrangements for older kids.
Appart from that I can not fault anything else it was amazing.
24 Februari 2022 16:57
Super clean hotel. The staff and facilities are great.
Our room it's not ready when we arrive and check in the hotel, but they provide us a waiting room with TV and snack for free so we can wait for our room to be ready
11 Februari 2022 2:55
It's a very nice place to stay in Bali it has a beach also a nice restaurant for breakfast and for food can get the view of the sea while having good.
22 Januari 2022 20:49
We had an absolute pleasure staying at Anvaya for 5 nights. The staff are excellent and very accommodating, facilities are great, and we especially love the kids club where my 6yo had a blast making crafts and playing board games with the staff.

We booked a beach front suite. It was located right in front of Kuta beach, with private pool for our room, and semi private bigger pool for other private residents of beach front suites.

The only downside is the beach is not a private beach. There are many sellers who tried to offer you their goods and services when you walk out from your suites compound to the main hotel area.

Other than that, we loved our stay at Anvaya. The pool was great, beautiful landscape and lighting especially at night. Would love to stay here again, and probably try the villa?

Thank you, Anvaya for amazing services
13 Januari 2022 5:21
Pelayanan Prima, Staff sangat ramah, view pantai sangat mengagumkan, desain kolam renang dan tamannya juga bagus.
08 Januari 2022 7:11
Hotel yg keren di pinggir pantai Kuta, lokasi strategis di pusat keramaian, dulu sekali pernah menginap 1 malam, so far semuanya memuaskan.
Lokasi parkir mobil pribadi ke lobby agak jauh dan agak minim sign, tapi staff sangat friendly dan helpful, area lobby keren dan banyak pilihan untuk duduk, cuma pantainya saja yg kurang nyaman buat saya.
Ballroom OK banget, bersih dan nyaman, toilet juga bersih dan wangi, tata suara dan tata cahaya bagus, menu coffee/tea break serta lunch OK banget, so reccommended untuk group event.
05 Januari 2022 12:32
Hotel yang sangat elegan dan mewah dengan dekorasi yang pas untuk hotel dekat pantai dan central kota
03 Januari 2022 11:25
3hari 2malam staycation di Anvaya rasanya masih kurang. Pelayanan terbaik, tema hotel sangat asik. Cocok untuk family staycation plus kolam renang yg amazing
27 Desember 2021 14:27
Bintang 4
Perbaiki fasilitas

Cek in Jumat 19 Nov 2021, pukul 9 malam. Semua berjalan layaknya fasilitas hotel dgn bintang tertentu, hingga pada akhirnya smp kamar.

Jangakan sebatas handuk dan fasilitas lainnya di hotel, utk nyamuk dan serangga pengganggu lainnya (karena di daerah tepian laut) pun ada.

Namun, TV dan Wifi tidak berfungsi. Setelah lapor ke FO, datang petugas engginering mulai pukul 20.45 wita, yg sempat pamit ambil tangga portable utk mengecek jaringan hardware. Pukul 23.45 wita, petugas menyerah dan di putuskan utk disudahi saja karena harus istirahat mengingat ada kami ada business trip esok harinya. Dengan tv yg tak berfungsi dan wifi yang tak bisa terkoneksi.l, kami tidur. Sekilas info, Petugas IT ternyata tidak ada yg stand by malam itu, Ya sudahlah.

Noted, sebelum kamar dilepas ke customer, di hari kedepan selayaknya dan sepantasnya jika cek list HK, IT dan Engginering benar2 sdh comply utk di sell oleh FO atau Marketing.

Sedikit terhibur, krn bukan sdg berlibur, dengan lengkapnya menu sarapan dan fasilitas disarapan ditemani deburan ombak pagi.

Ayo, diperbaiki
Bali Bangkit
24 Desember 2021 16:58
Hotel yang nyaman dengan pelayanan yang sangat memuaskan dari semua stafnya. Sarapan paginya tepat disisi pantai, jadi pemandangannya sangat indah. Banyak fasilitasnya juga. Cukup direkomendasikan untuk liburan bersama keluarga maupun kegiatan bisnis krn ada fasilitas ruangan yang cukup bagus juga.
19 Desember 2021 1:57
Berlokasi dekat ditempat yang strategis dan lengkapi oleh pantai nan elok anvaya hotel menawarkan sebuah pengalaman yang simple anti ribet. Fasilitas yang ditawarkan jempolan paket lengkap. Makanan dan suasananya juga nyaman, anvaya secara ga langsung mengajak kita untuk sehat, karena jarak dari kamar ke resto atau pun ke pantai.kita musti jalan dengan jarak yang lumayan, bagi yang malas jalan kaki bisa ada sepeda yang bisa di pake. All the best yess buat anvaya
17 Desember 2021 2:30
I stayed for 2 nights in The Anvaya. They welcome us with a warm hospitality. The amenities were decent and proper. The private pool was so clean! It was an amazing experience. Would come back again after my 4th back visiting this property
10 Desember 2021 3:13
Menikmati pelayanan yang ramah untuk fasilitas yg di miliki. Perpaduan arsitektur klasik n modern u bangunan.
06 Desember 2021 22:21
I like the open space concept, how most of the rooms face open space park or pool except some rooms that face the trees adjoining the neighbouring hotels. The minus, however, the main pool is situated in the very open area, so that it is uncomfortable to swim because everyone passes it by. If you look at its website and see a pool by the sea that seems more private, its only for those who stay at the suites:)
02 Desember 2021 0:31
Hotel bintang 5 beneran, dr fasilitas, pelayanannya ramah, tersedia sepeda buat keliling pantai
24 November 2021 18:01
14 November 2021: Pelayanan invoice sangat lama, sehari sblm checkout (13 November malam)! Sudah request untuk disiapkan, tapi pas paginya blm ada. Proses checkout jadi memakan waktu satu jam lebih hanya utk menunggu invoice yang harus disiapkan terlebih dahulu sama pihak accounting.
16 November 2021 3:33
Tidak terlalu ada yg menonjol dari service yang diberikan. Namun untuk kelengkapan mandi dan fasilitas lainnya patut diajungi jempol
15 November 2021 7:16
Pengalaman menginap yg sll menyenangkan. Staff yg sangat ramah dan sll sigap membantu. Hotel yg sangat bersih dan indah d pandang dari segala sudut. Maju terus Anvaya. Jaga dan tingkatkan kualitasnya.
19 Oktober 2021 16:08
The Anvaya beach resort still open with the best standard and good services and the sunset view is the best, love it a lot
17 Oktober 2021 12:45
Loving the restaurant and the staff hospitality. The place is very likeable and it's beach front. The food is great, the sweet is delicious. Best place to watch sunser
22 September 2021 21:34
Great hotel. A very good choice for vacation or business. This hotel has big ballroom for event. The room is neat and clean. The beach view is beautiful that directly in front of the hotel. Strategic location too that only 10 minutes to airport.
27 Juli 2021 13:56
Luxurious hotel with private beach is my fave place. Clean, calm and good service. They have a lot of room and type. Its good to bring your family here. Definitely will visit here latter. Lets go to Bali?
26 Juli 2021 19:27
Saya suka The Anvaya beach Resort Bali. Keren banget. Nyaman dan tenang. Pantai ya pas di belakang Resort The Anvaya Beach
17 Juli 2021 21:56
Very nice place and so silence. But becareful with the pool on the lobby. So dark n no different colour with floor. So you may slip into the pool. Pengalaman pribadi tercebur.
05 Juli 2021 6:46
Hotelnya nyaman terutama kasurnya sangat empuk, staffnya ramah sebelumnya saya ingin memberikan nilai penuh namun ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya sangat perlu diperbaiki diantaranya:

1.security saya kecewa dengan sikap security yang memandang sebelah mata, mungkin karena saya naik mobil avanza dan memakai kaos oblong dengan kulit lokal yang hitam jadi setiap kali saya mondar-mandir selalu di tanya "mau jemput pak? " Sejujurnya saya tidak merasa tersinggung pada saat pertama bertanya, namun beberapa kali saya mondar-mandir karena ingin jalan2 keluar naik mobil sendiri dan satpam selalu berkata "mau jemput pak? " Memangnya tidak di data yah setiap mobil yang menginap sama satpamnya? Sekali lagi saya tidak merasa tersinggung jika di kira driver taksi online, namun alangkah baiknya jika kalimat pertanyaannya di ubah menjadi "selamat sore/siang, apakah sudah reservasi atau apakek?

2. Security lagi, security membeda2kan warga lokal yang mana lokal dan kulit putih, ketika saya mau check out saya disuruh maju ke pintu checkin dengan alasan bukan tempatnya kalau mau parkir silahkan di basement, lalu saya bilang saya mau check out pak lagi pula saya tidak melihat tulisan pintu checkout dan checkin dimana? Masa saya mau checkout harus nunggu antrian mobil checkin dulu (dengan pintu yang sama) ? Saya buru2 ngejar pesawat kali pak, dan yang paling tidak mengenakan adalah saya melihat banyak mobil berwarna hitam sekelas alphard dsb yang parkir di area sekitaran lobi dari awal saya datang sampai pulang namun tidak diberi teguran. (IRONISSS)

3.untuk area parkir masuk dan keluar juga, terlalu sempit ada baiknya diberi busa padat agar kalau ada orang yang kurang ahli dalam berkendara merasa lebih aman, dan juga di beri petunjuk serta lampu bagi pelancong yang menginap menggunakan mobil pribadi di area pintu masuk loby.

4. Untuk pintu balkon ada baiknya diberikan tulisan hati2 terkunci dari luar (baiknya pintu dibuka sedikit). Karena saya sempat terkunci di balkon jam 10an, udah telpon ke front office yang angkat cewek katanya room office saya akan kesana membantu bapak di tunggu 30menit ngak ada respon, padahal lagi nahan kencing. Akhirnya saya telpon lagi buat suruh segera datang yang angkat cowok saya lupa namanya dan asli saya salut sama masnya terdengar suara lari dari lorong ke arah kamar saya. Terimakasih banyak mas sudah fast respon.
26 Juni 2021 10:52
The hospitality in this hotel has been nothing short of “Service Excellence” The rooms are spacious, clean and super comfortable.

Also there are a bunch of place that so instagramable?
20 Juni 2021 18:49
Spent my time for 4 days/ 3 nights. This hotel was amazing, love everything in this hotel. Get the plus point from this hotel below:

- The staffs were great, I thought they got well-trained
- Food taste never regret
- Hotel location is right next to the beach (beach access)
- Pool is great
- Deluxe room is compact but enough for me as a single traveler
- Hotel health protocol was great
- They gave me a mask and sanitizer on daily basis TOPPPPPPPP banget
- Nice coffee
14 Mei 2021 10:06
The hotel is so nice and well maintained event during the pandemic. And the food is all delicious.
28 April 2021 3:00
Have stayed at this hotel twice, always pleasant and all good, hopefully next time we can stay again.
22 April 2021 1:13
Di belakang hotel menghadap ke pantai, lumayan bagus tempatnya. Kamar lumayan.sayang kemaren pas pandemi, makanan standar menunya dan terbatas
18 April 2021 22:39
Pelayanan dan Fasilitasnya buruk. Rencana mau nginep seminggu, tapi 1 hari aja kapok. Jadi pindah ke hotel yg lebih bagus. Jangan tertipu oleh bintang dan foto di medsos.
18 April 2021 20:06
We came at 4 pm, and our room it's not ready yet. And the room is so smelly and bit dirty, and they just say sorry for the inconvenience, omg. Definitely will never comeback to this hotel, worst ever
17 April 2021 10:59
I was looking for hotel to stay for 2 nights March 13-15, Silent Day, also called Nyepi. March 14,6 am for 24 hours. Cost for Nyepi Package 1,200,000. Included Breakfast and 1 meal on Silent day. Movies on Sunday Mar 14, Swimming Pool. You are not allowed to leave the property. For 5 star property, I thought it should have included more. The staff were very informing
25 Maret 2021 6:00
Ini top
Pas dapat rate promo tpi servisnya malah ditambah
Breakfast super lengkap

Sayang aja pantai Kuta di belakang kotor
26 Oktober 2019 14:25
Fabulous resort facilities and room. We had a Lagoon room which was lovely. Staff at all levels exceptional. Many thanks for a wonderful 10 day stay. Wish it had been longer. Lots of other resorts similar but the people who work at the Anvaya make it amazing. A special thanks to Suriyana who introduced us to true Balinese food and memorable breakfasts. Thankyou Suriyana you made our stay extra special.
16 Oktober 2019 6:02
Hotel yang bagus, mulai dari pelayanan petugas hotel ramah2 s/d tempatnya over all bagus banget arsitekturnya masih menyesuaikan atau mewakili khas / adat budaya Bali yg kental walaupun Hotel lama, tapi masih tetap paling direkomendasikan
14 Oktober 2019 16:54
My husband and I had an amazing stay at the Anvaya! The lagoon room was amazing! Breakfast buffet was awesome and the staff is incredible! Highly recommend it:)!
12 Oktober 2019 5:10
I had a bad experience with the staff of this resort. I was walking in front of the resort on the board walk (which is a public place). There was some sort of musical function happening on the beach (which is also a public place). I stopped on the public boardwalk to see the show. The security staff from the hotel came to me and told me to leave from the public boardwalk because I was not staying in the hotel. I told him that the boardwalk is a pubic place and he called his superior who also told me to leave the boardwalk in front of their hotel. I told him that I am on a public place. He told me to then move away from the front of the hotel, which I did. I left in about five minutes but would like to ask the management of this hotel, if they instruct the security staff to remove tourists from the boardwalk?
18 September 2019 20:09
The Premiere room is nice. Mattress is comfortable and air works well. Rain shower is nice.we were in building 2 room 2342 and it is nice, at the end so little noise

We have traveled in 5 star accommodations for most of our adult lives and I can say the breakfast at the Sands (included in our stay) was the most impressive we have ever experienced. You have to see it to believe it. Sunset was great right from the hotel. Beach is the weak spot but the pool makes up for it.
03 September 2019 3:48


Menarik juga untuk yang punya anak kecil, karena ada day care. Dengan pelayanan yg cukup baik.

Mungkin masih menjadi hotel termewah di Kuta.
01 September 2019 2:14
Overall the pool villas are nice. Not a private as I would hope in that you can see over the walls from the group pool area, but staff was excellent and diligent on your needs
31 Agustus 2019 14:23
The rooms are nice and clean.
Breakfasts are classy and include service exquisite.
For sure may be recommended to the demanding customers.

It is highly difficult to find any minuses in that hotel.
Every day there are 2 litres of water delivered to the room.
31 Agustus 2019 2:30
10 glorious days and nights at this luxurious Resort, serviced by an endless muster of professional well groomed friendly staff. Two amazing restaurants, the Sands, that steps directly onto the beach, and the Kunyit a more formal Balinese restaurant that overlooks the street. This holiday fulfilled every desire I had, a peaceful luxury resort, beach frontage, sparkling clean, swimming pool outside our room, fine dining, offering a vast variety of freshly prepared, cooked on the spot delicious food, happy pleasant staff providing a fantastic service and so much more. Ten days was too short. Thankyou Anvaya I will be back.
28 Agustus 2019 0:56
Breakfast is huge and very good, restaurant is average price for most and is very good.
There are activities like yoga, cycling, Which some are free!
Chamber is good. Good hotel overall!
26 Agustus 2019 17:50
Hotel yg bagus banget.saya ini bukan tamu, cuma guide saja.tapi perlakuan staff mereka terhadap guide ramah dan baik.saya selalu rekomen tamu bila kembali lagi ke bali.hotel ini adalah yang terbaik.karena service bagus dan view oceannya luar biasa.begitupun kamarnya.kalau ga percaya silahkan ke sana
24 Juli 2019 9:43
The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali adalah hotel yang sangat bagus. Terletak di jalan Kuta sehingga sangat strategis ke mana-mana. Jarak dari Bandara Ngurah Rai hanya 10 menit. Ketika memasuki hotelnya akan disambut dengan nuansa air seperti kolam dikiri kanan tapi tidak ada ikannya. Jadi rasanya sangat sejuk. Hotel ini juga dekat pantai. Sangat menyenangkan

Tulis Ulasan

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