17 November 2023 15:56
Blanco obviously loved women from looking at his art. No books or cards are available with reproductions of his art sadly. The building is unique. It’s circular inside with three levels. In the middle when you look up to the ceiling is a wonderful mosaic. The staircase is like something from Hollywood movies. The gardens are beautiful with a number of parrots or similar who will sit on your arm for a photo. These are exotic birds. The statues in the garden and on the building are balinese designs I imagine. Really pretty.
There is a cafe here but I didn’t try it.
06 November 2023 22:03
An interesting museum; note that many picture frames are made in the same style as the painting itself, and this makes the work deeper and more interesting.
26 Oktober 2023 10:24
Mempelajari history dari pelukis Blanco. Guide nya seru dan banyak memberitahukan kisah Blanco, seperti sejarah lukisannya, arti dari lukisan, mengenai keluarga Blanco.

Penjelasan yang diberikan mudah dimengerti orang awam, interaksi dengan pengunjung sangat baik.

Tidak cocok untuk pengunjung dibawah usia 17 tahun, karena kebanyakan lukisannya vulgar.
21 Oktober 2023 8:18
Yesterday I wrote regarding Neka Museum that usually I don't like museums. But this Blanco is really worth to visit, birds are splendid. 100k entrance fee. No photo inside the museum itself.
01 Oktober 2023 11:47
Expensive entrance ticket.
I love the drawings but i didn't like the context around. It seems that the exposition place was designed by the artist but i haven't really enjoyed.
25 September 2023 19:21
Antonio Branco Family Museum for Ubud. It's a place worth visiting in Ubud, which has nothing to see.
Highly recommended.
22 September 2023 17:09
**Blanco Renaissance Museum, Ubud, Bali - A Resplendent Jewel of Artistry**

Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Ubud, the Blanco Renaissance Museum stands as a testament to the intricate tapestry of art and culture. The ambiance of this hallowed sanctuary is one that beckons visitors into a realm of splendor and awe.

What strikes you first, beyond its meticulous cleanliness, is the sheer magnificence of the artwork housed within. Each painting is a masterpiece, echoing tales of passion, dreams, and unparalleled talent. Yet, what sets them apart, what truly makes each piece singular, is the artistry that goes beyond the canvas - the frames. A testament to the attention to detail, these frames aren't mere borders but integral parts of the narrative each artwork conveys.

The staff, with their genuine warmth and hospitality, ensures that your experience is nothing short of magical. Their knowledge, combined with their amiable nature, adds depth to every interaction, making the visit all the more memorable.

As if the visual feast wasn’t enough, the museum gracefully introduces you to a culinary one. The plant-based restaurant on the premises is a gastronomic revelation. Each dish we sampled was a harmonious blend of flavors, presenting plant-based cuisine in its finest avatar.

In essence, the Blanco Renaissance Museum isn't just a visit; it's an experience. A symphony of art, culture, and gastronomy that resonates deeply with all who walk its halls. A perfect 10-star destination, this museum is a must-visit when in Bali. Indeed, it's not just a showcase of art, but an embodiment of perfection in every facet.
Sharad Sharan
20 September 2023 19:59
Spanish artist Antonio Blanco has been called the Dali of Bali.

He settled in Bali lured by the bare breasts of the nubile native women. He certainly did justice to them on canvas.

The Museum is an eccentric, eclectic place of fascination.

Piped 1920s music plays and you are greeted by parrots, cockatoo and goldfish. There is an ice-cream parlour and a gorgeous rooftop restaurant nearby.

If you are Arty and enjoy the quirky, you simply must visit!
26 Agustus 2023 3:17
I go there often. Obliged to remove stars as long as they do not illuminate the canvases. They can't get LEDs! It's not an excuse. My visit was ruined
12 Juli 2018 20:53
Karyanya sangat luar biasa. Gedung dan musik yang diputar juga sangat mendukung suasana. Bernilai seni tinggi. Tiket masuk sudah termasuk welcome drink, jadi gak perlu takut kehausan. Selain lukisan, disini juga terdapat burung yang bisa diajak foto bareng. So funnn!
23 Juni 2018 2:10
This is the amazing story that you have to enjoy and I hope you can witness the journey through the painter through its wonderful paintings. Mr Blanco was a lovely father and a very good husband and a very happy person. Travelled to Indonesia from far away and to find a wonderful land with mesmerising amazing looking women and aroused as no one around there. The only thing we have seen in the past are a few days away from the happening in history. The place is pretty good and it's a very happy and satisfied little one with the weather here in blue skies and scenery.
14 Juni 2018 22:03
Untuk rekan yang suka lukusan. Tempat ini salah satu yang wajib dikunjungi bila ke UBUD BALI. Koleksi lukisan yang ada di Museum menggambarkan jiwa sang pelukis yang sangat romantis. Pemuja wanita kelas wahid. Serta memiliki hasrat seksual yang luar biasa yang di torehkan dalam lukisan secara terbuka. Ruang terbuka diluar Museum juga sangat alami. Coba duduk duduk di bawah hutan bambu sambil minum sirop strawberry disitu, sangat nyaman luar biasa.
05 Juni 2018 8:37
Berlokasi di atas bukit tepi Sungai Campuhan, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, tidak lengkap rasanya bila jalan-jalan ke Bali tanpa mengunjungi museum ini. Dibangun pada tanggal 28 Desember 1998, Museum Antonio Blanco sukses menarik perhatian kalangan pecinta seni dari berbagai belahan dunia, dengan kunjungan musim liburan rata-rata 150 orang perharinya.

Antonio Blanco yang lahir di Manila, Filipina, pada tanggal 15 September 1912 dan meninggal di Ubud pada 10 Desember 1999 itu terkenal dengan karya seni lukis yang menggambarkan eksotisme kaum perempuan di Bali. Museumnya menyimpan sekitar 300 karya seni yang digemari para kolektor dari berbagai kalangan, sebut saja penyanyi dunia Michael Jackson, ratu telenovela Thalia, Mantan PM Kamboja Norodom Sihanouk, dan masih banyak lagi. Berbagai fasilitas menarik lainnya yang ada di sini, diantaranya, toko souvenir, toilet, ruang santai, dan restoran dengan menu utama dari Asia dan Eropa.

Museum antonio Blanco merupakan sebuah museum yang berdiri diatas tanah pemberian Raja Puri Saren Ubud sebagai penghargaan atas hasil karya seni lukis yang telah dibuat Antonio Blanco selama beliau tinggal di Bali. Dalam museum ini akan terlihat jelas kemampuan sang maestro menggambarkan keindahan seorang wanita. Museum ini terletak di atas bukit tepi sungai Campuan Ubud, Gianyar Bali. Halaman museum tertata dengan rapi dan asri, lengkap dengan koleksi burung-burung jenis golden macaw dan kakak tua hal ini menjadikan suatu pemandangan yang menarik bagi wisatawan yang datang. Jika anda akan memasuki museum, anda akan melewati gerbang yang besar serta menaiki anak tangga yang di kedua sisinya terdapat relief ular naga. Sesampainya di dalam, perjalanan menikmati lukisan dimulai dengan iringan musik opera klasik yang lembut sehingga membuat suasana berubah menjadi sangat romantis. Adapun sebagian besar lukisan-lukisan hasil karya sang maestro bertemakan wanita yang bertelanjang dada dengan estetisme yang tinggi sehingga tidak terkesan pornografi. Salah satu wanita yang dijadikan objek lukisan oleh Antonio Blanco adalah seorang penari Bali Ni Ronji, yaitu istri sang Maestro sendiri.
30 Mei 2018 15:14
Blanco was an over-indulged pervert with some talent but painted only variations of nude women in his limited style. The Dali of Bali.in his own mind only! Museum is only worth a visit if you want to climb to the roof of the house for some decent views of Ubud.

Tulis Ulasan

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