06 Oktober 2023 14:54
Hai kak.apakah Traveloka Bali menggunakan kerjasama dengan maskapai penerbangan untuk menaikkan rating mereka dengan cara top up pembelian koin kemudian bisa di refund? Kata Traveloka pusat ini penipuan. Tolong donk bagi yg tau atau baca pesan ini untuk komen. Terimakasih
07 Mei 2023 17:50
Dear admin, kok bisa alamat email saya dipakai orang untuk pesan tiket? Saya hubungi CS via email tapi sampai sekarang belum di respon. Pelayananannya buruk sekali menurut saya
23 April 2023 9:26
Awful service, they lied to us about a refund and wasted our time. Overall we paid to waste time writing back and forth with them after our ride to the airport got cancelled 15 min before pickup time. We ended up having to pay a lot of money for a grab in order to catch our flight in time, also a very stressful experience. Right away we were promised a full refund, but when they finally responded again two weeks later they wouldn’t give us the full refund. Massive waste of time, energy and money.
Even before when we tried to call them for help with a question regarding the booking they needed five people speaking to us before they took 7 hours to respond to our question via email.
Expect nothing but problems.
09 November 2022 18:52
Worst service! I booked airasia through the app they took my money then rescheduled the flight without saying why and late notice i was in the plain while it was the time for the rescheduled flight and then traveloka said its not our responsibility go to counter i went to airasia counter they made me pay again full ticket! And now traveloka ignoring my refund requests!
09 September 2022 3:20
Pakai traveloka jelek, tidak sesuai, hotel saya bekerjasama dengan traveloka malah dpet uang 58rb doang padahal ktanya pihak traveloka cuma ambil 17% tapi kebalikannya malah traveloka dpet 99% dari hasil, saya yg memilki hotel merasa rugi, tiba tiba juga ada voucher & diskon tapi saya sebagai pemilik hotel tidak dapat uang padahl pihak traveloka sendiri yg memberikan diskon & voucher, dasar s3 marketing!
22 Maret 2022 18:03

Balinese hospitality: to take money, refuse to provide a service, refuse to refund the money. Do not use Traveloka, especially if you're foreigner. Never ever! They are scammers and fraud!
19 Maret 2022 18:18
Bagaimana cara mendaftar traveloka eats? Apa ada nomer salesnya yg bisa dihubungi? Minta tlg dibls ya.makasih
05 Maret 2022 17:49
Untuk fitur traveloka eats sekarang kok kena biaya ongkir? Padahal sebelumnya free ongkir yg jadi salah satu andalan selalu saya pakai dibanding aplikasi tetangga. Tp sejak kena ongkir jadi sama saja deh, jadi bukan alternatif utama lagi
28 Februari 2022 13:50
Sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan traveloka saya booking hotel di bali melalui traveloka dan pas saya tiba di hotel di bilang tidak bisa check in karena book sudah penuh lalu saya tlp Traveloka dan di janjikan untuk dapat hotel pengganti tapi ternyata sampai saat ini tidak ada solusi dari traveloka
14 November 2021 23:35
Saya refund tiket saya bulan juni tgl 7, saya refund karena jadwal penerbangan nya di ubah sehari, jadi sya terpaksa beli tiket baru karna ada acara yg penting di tgl keberangkatan saya, saat itu saya beli tiket dps-bandung flight nya AIRASIA melalui TRAVELOKA. EMAIL DARI TRAVELOKA SAYA DI MINTA MENUNGGU 90 HARI PALING LAMBAT UNTUKK DANA REFUND SAYA KEMBALI. TAPI SAMPAI SEKARANG SUDAH 108 HARI DANA MASIH BELUM BALIK, DAN DI E EMAIL DI MINTA UTK TETAP MENUNGGU. INI SNAGAT MENGECEWAKNA DAN TIDAK SESUAI JANJI. ONI SAMA DENGAN PENIPUAN
30 September 2021 13:23
Dana refund saya kok selalu invalid rekening saat mau di kirim? Padahal nomor rekening sudah benar.selalu tidak diberi kepastian.padahal saya sudah kirim buku rekeningnya untuk bukti
15 Juni 2020 14:35
BOOKING ID 491263377


28 Mei 2020 16:31
Not about the office.but traveloka service is very bad.refund not transferred and no call respons
23 Maret 2020 2:33
I had booked tickets through this agency and everything seemed okay until I needed to reschedule my ticket. The conditions of my rescheduling was that I could do so at no extra cost up to 1 hour before the actual flight, as I had paid extra for that specific ticket. However, once I asked for a reschedule, they asked me to pay roughly an extra $140 and that they could only process this in Indonesian Rupiah because their system was not working and that I needed to have an Indonesian bank account.

The fact that they have asked me to pay an extra $140 when the ticket itself only cost $96 and buying a new ticket from the same website was only going to be $76 was just pathetic. Also, I am from Australia and don't have an Indonesian bank account, how was I supposed to make such payments?

I contacted them via phone and email many times and never could they understand what I asked nor could you understand a word they said as their English was very limited. This had been going for 4 days and nothing had happened. I therefore, asked them to just refund me the ticket, whatever of it they could. Bu this couldn't be processed in time as they kept back and forth with emails. Finally, after my original flight had taken off, they send me an email to say "sorry we can no longer process your claim nor refund your ticket because your flight has taken off.

Never again! It's not the amount of money I have lost, but rather the trust and play around they did with me.
11 Januari 2020 9:33
Traveloka membantu irang dalam memilih akomodasi hotel dan pesawat sangat simple dan easy booking.hanya oastikan uang nya ada.giod luck enjoy vacation
04 Januari 2020 21:31
Saya mendapat supplier Perusahaan sewa mobil lepas kunci terburuk di Bali yg pernah saya temui melalui Traveloka.

Kami dapat sewa dari traveloka yg refer ke perusahaan tersebut karena availibilitynya. Awalnya kami tak masalah atas keterlambatan pengantaran armada, dan proses serah terima kami berjalan lancar dan saya cukup kagum karena mereka membawa mobil dengan kondisi bahan bakar yang full.

Begitupula saat kami serah terimakan kembali ke pihak perusahaan di airport di keberangkatan internasional. Sudah sama2 di cek kondisi bahan bakar sudah full karena memang sudah kami isi sebelum kami antar ke airport. Berikut juga kondisi mobil sudah di cek oleh pihak perusahaan.

Mungkin sampai saat ini kami akan memberikan rating dan review bintang 5 untuk pelayanan mereka.

Namun kejadian tidak enak adalah saat kami sedang menunggu untuk flight kami, kira2 4 jam setelah kami serah terimakan di airport kami ditelpon pihak perusahaan mengklaim bahwa kondisi bahan bakar tidak full dan kondisi fisik ada baret sehingga kami harus mengganti senilai Rp 354.000, - karena hal tersebut.

[Update: melalui traveloka kami hanya diminta mengganti Rp 54.000, - utk bensin, utk Rp 300.000, - belum sampai ditagih via traveloka hanya via chat personal]

Bahkan kami juga terima laporan pengaduan via traveloka soal hal ini. Saya tidak mengerti apa ini memang praktek bisnisnya supaya ada uang lebih atau bagaimana tapi review ini tidak hanya akan dilihat disini saja dan traveloka koq, karena kami sangat kecewa sekali terhadap kejadian ini dan kami harap teman2 yg membaca tidak perlu ada sampai kejadian seperti saya.

Jadi hati2 juga sama supplier yg disediakan dr pihak traveloka. Pastikan cari yg qualified.

Dan setelah kami coba resolve dengan pihak traveloka by phone itu sama sekali tidak membantu atau bahkan menjelaskan utk resolve masalah ini dengan enak lebih kepada mengganting permasalahan. Jadi untuk traveloka kami kecewa juga terhadap pelayanan resolve customer service anda
01 Juni 2019 13:22
Located in a pretty crowded street, Traveloka Bali office is located in a "ruko" in dewi sri.
26 Mei 2019 15:03
Thieves and scam artists. They refuse to refund my ticket money for a booking I was going to be denied boarding for medical reasons and cancelled days before the travel dates. I have spoken to the airline customer service involved and was assured our tickets are refundable and Traveloka has received this refund but they are responsible for issuing it to us. Traveloka is refusing to refund our money. They continue to lie to me via customer service.

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