05 Januari 2021 3:06
This is a great place for you to come by and get something special as a gift. A jewelry with history and indonesian culture as their philosophy. While you eat lunch/breakfast at Warung Made, you can spend some time to shop in here. My fav jewelry store so far in Bali!:)
23 Oktober 2020 14:03
Semua design sangat indah dan cantik. Pelayanan juga sangat baik semua staff membantu dan ramah. Sekarang Tulola sudah pindah ke Warung Made jadi lebih luas parkirannya dan anak2 bisa sambil makan siang selama mama nya belanja di Tulola.
13 Mei 2020 9:29
They have unique designs very classy but the quality isn’t good however they’ve 1-2 years guaranteed. Purchased 3 items, my gold earring got tarnished super fast and other earring was broken after 2-3 months they usually have them repaired and I’m satisfied with results!
Tulola have excellent services, friendly staffprofessional and the boutique is superb
05 April 2020 5:09
Love the collection. There are some simple ones up to lux ones, but still keeping its traditional touch. Handmade and traditional and unique. Even the staff are so friendly and helpful
28 Agustus 2019 3:47
Tempatnya strategis, di pojokan jalan cendrawasih Petitenget, tapi sign/tanda nama galerinya kurang besar dan kurang terlihat.
15 Juni 2019 5:36
Handmade jewelry, tempatnya bagus dan ada parking slot nya juga. Shop keepernya juga ramah memberikan rekomendasi untuk kebutuhan anting yang saya cari
26 Maret 2019 2:36
Most excellent art work of jewelry with helpful and kind staff. A place of inspiration and delight! Unique one of a kind, a must see!
21 Maret 2019 10:43
It's so pretty! The designs are beautiful. However, if you think of going for gold jewellery and not just gold plated, this isn't for you.

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