24 September 2023 7:00
It's beautiful. It's a small area. It takes about 5 minutes to walk around. There is a boat for you to sit and admire the view, but there are also boats. Stopping a little is enough.
20 September 2023 2:14
Mesmerizing beauty!
Hard to compare with anything else!

Must go place.

We had burger and hotdog as well which was good too!
19 September 2023 10:26
The temple is very beautiful, but the landscaping of the temple is very bad. They placed very poor quality and unpleasant plastic statues.
19 September 2023 10:11
Very nice and worth seeing place. The whole facility is very well maintained. Unfortunately, the temple itself is closed to tourists.
19 September 2023 5:15
Nice place and will be really good if you have atleast half day in your hand to cover the place without rush.
Big space, so many photo taking areas/spots.

Don't forget to take additional clothes as the temperature of the place is quite low and yow will surely feel cooling effect.
18 September 2023 9:16
View udah pasti bagus, klo travelling sendirian bisa minta tlg fotokan dg tukang foto disana dan harganya murah juga
17 September 2023 11:48
Nor do you go in search of spirituality, this temple has become a tourist attraction park where you can find many local fast food restaurants and children's play areas. Despite this, the places are very pretty but half of the park was set up for Instagram, I personally find that this place no longer has any authentic charm.
15 September 2023 9:45
Only one word ; HORRIBLE! I only stayed 5 minutes in this temple because we were so uncomfortable there.
I'm copying/pasting this review which includes everything I think:
“Big disappointment with this temple! It's smaller than I thought. The view from the temple over the lake is very beautiful but the atmosphere of the place is spoiled by too many tourists, the lack of obligation to wear the sarong (which loses the authenticity of the place and its sacred character) but especially by all the attractions within the temple grounds: restaurants, children's air, areas for feeding rabbits, owls and snakes etc.it is the typical example of a site which has been destroyed by tourism.mass. Unfortunately, I don't think it's even worth going to visit anymore. It feels like an amusement park. »
09 September 2023 13:24
The temple was completely overcrowded with tourists. So many buses, cars and scooters in the parking lot. And the temple was completely overcrowded. The temple was also not particularly beautiful. There are much nicer ones out there.
31 Agustus 2023 2:59
The famous tourist destination in Bedugul. Always crowded, but very worth it if you enter this place. There are some temples inside and still used for religious ceremonies.

The parking space is spacious for both cars and motorcycles. The fnb stalls are exists inside this place.

Unfortunately, some spots have lots of trash, and this situation makes these tourist places become less beautiful.
27 Agustus 2023 4:10
Amazing place. Location and climate was fantastic. Temperature and sceneries were excellent. The best place i visited in bali
19 September 2022 21:21
Very scenic with the mountains in the backdrop. You can surely click some great DP worthy pics. You must visit the Munduk Waterfalls enroute.
18 September 2022 22:28
Temple is looking nice. Not too much to see, but it's ok. There are some fun mini parks for kids. As it is far from Ubud - I would say you can skip it and visit some closer temples.
17 September 2022 20:52
Great escape in Bali to have a fresh air, beautiful view and crowded for sure.
Datang lebih awal untuk dapat clear view dari banyak pengunjung.
08 September 2022 20:10
It's costs 75,000 rupiah to visit this small and photogenic temple. Viewing the temple takes 3 minutes, but there is also a nice garden around with places to buy food and drinks. It's nice and all, but I do think it is expensive for what it is
06 September 2022 18:33
The ride to the temple is awesome. Try to wear some warm clothes incase you planning to go on bike. Temple is also nice and serene.
17 Agustus 2022 22:20
To me, this is the ultimate destination in Bali for your healing needs. Good height, nice breeze of wind, thus, tranquility.
13 Agustus 2022 12:31
Too many people and too few things to see.also there is entry fee 75000 rp, 2000 rp for bike parking and 2000 rp for toilet
11 Agustus 2022 0:25
Tempatnya indah sekali, berada di ketinggian jadinya dingin dan sejuk. Untuk transportasi kesini lumayan terjang, terutama bila pulang ke arah utara. Tapi di sepanjang jalan menuju utara sedang ada kontruksi jalan, dan bagi pengedara diharapkan berhati-hati
Sempat kecewa karena di stand makanan tidak ada yg menjaga, semoga bisa ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya
07 Agustus 2022 7:55
Nice view and a very distinct temple on the lake, however the whole complex is very touristic with "cheap" attractions which was definitely not in line with our taste.
02 Februari 2022 21:31
It is symbol temple of Bali.but in there is speedy boat tour with loadly and it is not suitable for mystical environment.
24 Januari 2022 2:21
It was a great place for family outing. Unfortunately, it was raining so we couldn't stay longer.

Despite the rain, the weather is really nice. Not hot, not too cold, it was really comfortable.

We paid 30 IDR for ticket, free entrance for children. It was included welcome drink, a warm cup of tea and cookies.
15 Januari 2022 11:59
The temple and the place in which it is situated is really beautiful. But you cannot go inside the temple as it is restricted to foreigners as it is with all the other temples in Bali.
07 Januari 2022 2:17
Pura Ulun Danu Beratan adalah ikon pariwisata Bali, selain patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana. Lokasi pura Ulun Danu Beratan berada di sisi barat Danau Bedugul. Alamatnya berada di jalan Raya Bedugul, Candi Kuning, Kecamatan Baturiti Kabupaten Tabanan. Apabila anda memilih menginap di salah satu hotel yang berada di tepi pantai Kuta, maka akan memerlukan waktu tempuh sekitar 2 jam perjalanan untuk sampai di kawasan tempat wisata Bedugul Tabanan
09 Desember 2021 18:59
Very beautiful scenery, one of the most beautiful temples in Bali, located in Bedugul. The weather is quite cool with heavy fog surrounds the temple. There is nice park with playground for the kids. The toilets are clean enough for the public area with the spacious parking lot. The access toward the temple is easy to reach and smooth. Relaxing
08 Desember 2021 23:47
Wajib wajib wajib datang disini juga utk yg pertma dtg ke Bali!

07 Desember 2021 18:44
Tempat paling dingin selama ke Bali setelah Kintamani. Viewnya sangat berkesan dan recommended place to go
02 Desember 2021 8:04
Salah satu destinasi wisata yang wajib dikunjungi di bali. Tempatnya di atas gunung, jadi luangkan waktu yang cukup untuk perjalanan pulang perginya.
26 November 2021 23:03
Pura di tengah danau, bagus bgt, udaranya sejuk, taman bunganya jg indah. Di dalam area taman ada rumah makan yg harganya reasonable. Dekat masjid (ada di depannya) jd enak kl mau sholat
23 November 2021 6:47
Tempat yang sejuk dengan pemandangan yang indah. Tidak salah jika ingin ke Bali maka ini salah satu tempat yang patut di kunjungi.ajak pasangan Terbaik ke tempat ini
22 November 2021 17:47
Pura yang wajib dikunjungi karena sangat iconic di Bali, pura ini terletak di tepi danau Beratan sehingga yang unik adalah pura ulun danu yang terlihat mengapung di danau Beratan. Pemandangan indah dan hawa yang sejuk serta taman yang luas untuk berjalan-jalan. Terdapat jasa fotografer di dalam pura dan foto bisa langsung dicetak sebagai kenang-kenangan.
18 November 2021 10:09
Pemandangan bagus.dg spot foto danau beratan. Udara sejuk.cocok utk rekreasi orang yg ingin menghirup udara segar
16 November 2021 12:29
One of the most iconic place in the island, comes with beautiful lake and temple. We took the boat/water activity and love the experience and photos!
08 November 2021 8:45
Piodalan atau ulang tahun pura pada wuku anggara kliwon julungwangi 20 hari sebelum hari raya galungan
30 Oktober 2021 23:14
Bali is famous for its temples. But hands down this is one of the most beautiful temples. Geographical it is situated at a very beautiful place. It is right next to a lake and in between the mountains. If the weather is right you will practically be walking in between clouds. You cannot go inside the temple, but it has very beautiful garden as well. I would highly recommend this place.
30 Oktober 2021 20:36
Berada ditepi danau Beratan, bersih sangat tertata rapi dengan fasilitas resto dan wisata danau dengan speedboat, tiket masuk 30 ribu dan cukup ramai dihari libur. Tapi jangan takut karena luas dan setiap sudut bisa jadi tempat berswafoto dengan view yang bagus
10 Oktober 2021 18:40
Tempatnya bersih dan asri sekali. Waktu itu untuk masuk saya beli paket-paket yang mereka sediakan. Saya pilih paket termurah seharga 30 ribu dapat 1 cangkir teh. Setelah pesan paket, kita bisa masuk untuk jalan-jalan dan foto-foto. Spot fotonya pastinya instagramable. Kamu bisa ambil minuman atau makanan (sesuai paket yang dipilih) setelah jalan-jalan.
08 Oktober 2021 22:37
Another huge extravagant and expansive temple.

Apparently this place is usually overrun by visitors to the extent that you need to queue to take a picture at one of the 100s of scenic places at the temple.
26 September 2021 14:58
Many beautiful temple in Bali but this one is the most beautiful temple in Bali I reckon due to it's location and the beautiful cool temperature area surrounding, also easy to get to this place. Watching the temple from distance, in a beautiful garden. Only local Hindu can go inside the temple, it's a holy sacred place restricted only for praying. Totally recommended to visit this place.
06 September 2021 20:49
Came to this place while pandemic is actually good idea. Not many people so you can get clean picture. Come early to get full experience of this place.
08 Juni 2021 19:52
Wonderful, exciting place, Peacefull, fresh, suitable for recreatiin, taking photos and videos. Top!
08 Juni 2021 2:43
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan atau Bratan.

Pura ini merupakan sebuah candi air besar di Bali,  Indonesia - candi utama air lainnya menjadi Pura Ulun Danu Batur.

Kompleks candi ini terletak di tepi barat laut Danau Bratan di pegunungan dekat Bedugul.

Candi air memenuhi seluruh wilayah di daerah aliran ; di tepi hilir ada banyak candi kecil air yang spesifik untuk setiap asosiasi irigasi (subak).

Candi ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk upacara persembahan untuk Dewi Danu, dewi air, danau dan sungai.

Danau Bratan merupakan salah satu danau penting dalam hal irigasi. Danau Bratan dikenal sebagai danau "gunung suci", kawasan ini sangat subur, terletak pada ketinggian 1.200 meter, dan beriklim sangat dingin.

Pendiri Pura tersebut adalah I Gusti Agung Putu. Didirikan pada tahun saka 1556 (Tahun 1634 Masehi) dan dipelihara oleh empat “satakan” dari desa-desa di sekitar area Pura ini, yang terdiri dari: Satakan Candi Kuning mewilayahi 5 bendesa adat, Satakan Bangah mewilayahi 3 bendesa adat, Satakan Antapan mewilayahi 4 bendesa adat, dan Satakan Baturiti mewilayahi 6 bendesa adat.
03 Mei 2021 3:19
Jika berkunjung ke bali.
Agendakan juga berkunjung ke pura ini.
Atau kalau tidak mau repot ikut paket wisata saja.
23 April 2021 13:12
This is the firs time i can see one of the iconic temple in Bali.even long time ago i was here but only at the lake and didnt come in to the temple area.
Well i gues this is beautiful temple in Bali.you can see the restaurant and a garden with many vary of flower inside.and when the cloud comes down you can feel cold temperature.and for me that was such fresh feeling.
And one thing more.the way to get over here so crowded on sunday or day-off.
04 Maret 2019 23:38
Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, atau yang kerap disingkat penyebutannya menjadi Pura Ulun Danu, merupakan pura terbesar di Bali setelah Pura Besakih. Nama pura ini merujuk pada lokasinya yang berdiri di tepi Danau Beratan. Lokasi pura ini cukup istimewa karena berada di dataran tinggi Bedugul, yakni sekitar 1.239 meter di atas permukaan laut (dpl). Kondisi yang demikian membuat lingkungan pura cukup sejuk, dengan temperatur udara antara 18-22 derajat celcius. Selain itu, lansekap Danau Beratan yang asri juga menambah suasana indah di tempat ini

Objek wisata Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Bali, pura Hindu yang terletak di tepi Danau Beratan Bedugul Bali, Indonesia. Tempat yang indah dan wajib dikunjungi
28 Januari 2019 5:59
One of the most beautiful places in Bali. It has a great array of things to offer. The temple is just stunning which is further enhanced by the lake and mountain backdrop. Landscaped gardens just adds to its already complelling beauty. The island like temples located in the shore of lake is a great place for photography. You can walk around the neatly landscaped garden and simply have a peaceful time. A must visit place in Bali.
27 Januari 2019 17:06
Beautiful temple and surrounding area, there are three lakes on this road, circling volcanos. It is much cooler on the mountain lakes than anywhere in Bali.
There are many fun stops and great photo opportunities along the way on this road.
18 Januari 2019 18:37
Salah satu pura ke 2 terbesar di bali, yang terletak di ujung danau beratan, tepatnya di desa candi kuning bedugul, pura yg terletak di danau beratan, sehingga terliat seperti pura yang mengapung di air. Suasana pura yang sejuk, cenderung dingin dan berkabut, berada di ketinggian 1200 m, dengan suhu berkisar antara 18 -22 derajat, pura ini merupakan pura suci yang terkenal di Bali dan merupakan salah satu objek wisata di Bali
02 Januari 2019 2:37
Bagus bnget. Namun ada suatu tempat ibadah, dimana kita orang umum dilarang masuk ke dalam. Hanya org" bali yg boleh masuk. Kita boleh masuk setelah mereka melaksanakan ibadahnya
31 Desember 2018 6:28
Awalnya susah nyari parkir tapi masih semangat. Pas udah beli tiket 70k berdua ternyata baru dikasi tau harus pake sarung yang sewanya 50k atau kalo beli 100k. Okelah sewa aja karena kita berdua dan ternyata kita juga cuma sebentaaar banget disana. Terus pas pulang dan balikin sarung, dipaksa beli souvenir dong sama pedagang disana yang sebenernya lebih seperti menodong. Bahkan kita diikutin sampe kendaraan buat beli dagangannya. Tapi overall tempatnya lumayan bagus si tp ga terlalu banyak spot buat foto bagus. Udaranya sejuk meski agak terik. Ya semoga para penjaja souvenir nya bisa di kasi pengarahan/sanksi karena bikin jadi bad mood. Dan rasanya bukan cuma kita doang, banyak turis asing juga di todong gitu.
26 Desember 2018 15:39
This is one of the most famous lake in Bali. Don't be confused it's not another temple where you will have to wear Sarang. This is primarily a lake.you will have to pay the entrance fee of 50000 IDR per person. It's a kind of mixture of garden cum Lake cum restaurant. Here you may spend around 2 hours easily. As a tourist you are not allowed to enter the temple and no one seems to be interested in that.

The view of the lake is amazing and mesmerizing. The view of the mountains which is most of the time covered with cloud is beautiful.
26 Desember 2018 2:23
Pura ini adalah ikon pariwisatanya indonesia dan bali. Kudu wajib dikunjungi ketika sedang berlibur ke bali. Lokasi sekitar 2 setengah jam perjalanan dengan motor dari daerah kuta
14 Desember 2018 3:14
Tempat ini menawarkan pemandangan Negeri diatas awan.udara dingin yang sejuk dan rumput menghijau membuat asri mata yang memandang.apalagi dengan budaya culture yang masih kental.rekomendasi banget.harus kesini
09 Desember 2018 14:53
Salah satu dari jajaran elit destinasi wisata di pulau Dewata Bali.pemandangan yang sangat mempesona ditambah suasana sakral, karena masih digunakan untuk upacara adat istiadat masyarakat bali.waktu yang cocok untuk mengunjungi adalah pagi hari sampai siang, dikarenakan sore hari kabut sering turun.tentunya belum lengkap mengunjungi pulau Dewata tanpa mampir disini
09 Desember 2018 14:32
Pura ulun danu berada di desa candi kuning, Tabanan Bali atau tepatnya di pinggir danau bratan. Merupakan pura terbesar ke 2 di pulau bali setelah Pura Besakih.
Berada di ketinggian 1239 MDPL membuat susasana disini begitu sejuk dan segar, suhu berkisar antara 18 - 22 c. Disini bisa menikmati keindahan danau beratan melaui tepian atau yang ingin mengekplore danau dapat menyewa speed boat Rp. 150.000 (5 orang) atau sepeda air Rp. 35.000 (30 menit).

yang paling unik menurut saya adalah berfoto dengan pura yg sangat iconix karena pura ulun danu masuk kedalam uang pecahan 50.000 yang lama.
28 November 2018 14:32
This temple located at village Bedugul so beautiful temple because the temple on the lake, ulundanu temple dedicated for DEWI DANU God of fertility before you go this temple you can visiting Royal Temple
09 November 2018 2:11
Temples are humbling to visit.but this place was crowded, hot and frustrating. Paying to enter and then paying again to use the toilets seems ridiculous. I'd research more moderate Temples next time
01 November 2018 7:34
Tempat wisata yang sangat recommended jika anda berada di Bali. Bertempat di daerah kawasan wisata Bedugul yang memiliki hawa sejuk yang membuat anda betah berlama-lama di tempat ini.tempat ini begitu bagus untuk memanjakan mata anda dan melepas penat anda. Tempat ini memiliki fasilitas fasilitas yang mendukung perjalanan wisata Anda, seperti parkir, wc, pasar seni, kantin, dll. Disini anda bisa mengetahui sejarah danau Beratan Bedugul Bali, berfoto-foto, menyewa but/sampan dan berkeliling danau, atau hanya sekedar duduk duduk di taman. Biaya tiket masuknya pun terjangkau cuma 20k untuk satu orang, sedangkan parkirnya 3k, itu sudah murah, motor anda dipastikan aman karena sudah dijaga oleh petugas security.

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