08 Oktober 2023 9:10
Very impressive show. Great story line, easy to follow, if you read the paper before the show starts. Definitely worth the wait. Bring water as it is a bit cramped. Lots of people, easy to get "overheated".
03 Oktober 2023 1:08
There is also a summary of the story in Japanese, so I think it will be more interesting if you read it first. It was great to be able to see the magnificent scenery in the background.
11 September 2023 22:08
Jika kalian menyukai budaya, mungkin kamu wajib datang kesini budaya yang sangat kental menyatu dengan alam di senja kamu dapat melihat tarian didalam sunset. Ini benar benar sangat menarik. Tiket masuk membeli tari kecak cukup Rp. 150.000 namun saya sudah reservasi jadi tidak perlu antri lebih lama lagi karna cukup banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung untuk melihat tarian ini. Dan terlebih lagi kalian harus berhati hati yah sama monyet disana hahahah my phone sempat dicuri olehnya syukur panitia uluwatu sigap membantu saya mengembalikan handphone saya. Cukup konyol waktu itu tapi ini merupakan pengalaman yang paling menarik bagi saya.
07 September 2023 8:26
Sebagai turis lokal kecewa sih, dengan harga tiket diatas 150rb per orang tapi tidak mendapatkan tempat duduk, penyelenggara tidak memperkirakan dengan pasti berapa kapasitanya jadinya banyak yg berdiri selama pertunjukan, pertunjukannya juga agak membosankan, saran saja dengan harga seperti ini mungkin bisa ditambahkan tarian api, jujurly kecewa tidak sebanding dengan perjuangan kesananya, sayang banget padahal pemandangannya bagus banget. Saran mendingan beli tiketnya online saja karna jika langsung di lokasi antri sekali takutnya ketinggalan pertunjukan
03 September 2023 17:19
Very nice traditional dance. Without spoiling it, the music comes from the 70 men that are performing the show, without any instruments! Try to get there 30 mins before the show to get good seats. I would recommend the 7pm show, that way you can catch the sunset off the cliff at the temple.
03 September 2023 7:49
Keren banget karena aku suka banget perwayangan seperti kisah rama sita, pandawa lima, dll
31 Agustus 2023 22:15
Beautiful surroundings and the Kecak dance, if you are in Bali you should definitely do this! Culture, dance fire.just beautiful!
30 Agustus 2023 23:02
The show was well organised and we went to a sunset show. It was very beautiful and sunny initially. During the sunset the whole place was so beautiful. Performance was very energetic and vibing. Performers are so good. They made up the stories interesting.
30 Agustus 2023 8:47
Keren abis tariannya, sangat seni dan ada selingan humornya. Ada adegan2 tidak terduganya spt hanoman yg menaiki gapura dan menendang api ke arah penari lain. Mengajak penonton selfie dll. Sangat berkesan menghabiskan waktu sambil menunggu sunset disini
30 Agustus 2023 0:35
Tremendous show at sunset within the grounds of Uluwatu temple.

Many people will be disappointed to hear the monkeys within the temple grounds are only for show. None of them can perform the Kecak dance, they leave all of that hard work to the humans. Clever monkeys.
30 Juli 2023 6:20
Super hot arena (temperature), you can actually see equally well from every point. Start is at 6 p.m, many even came after 6 p.m. They'll fill the arena to the last inch, so everyone should get a seat. Duration about 1 hour and there is some wind at the top. You can only get in via the temple, so there is an entrance fee and then the ticket office inside opens at 4: 30 p.m, but many are already waiting. I think it's enough if you're there at 5: 30 p.m, then there's less going on at the checkout and you can get in anyway.
12 Januari 2022 1:28
Even in heavy rains, the performance still go on. During the Covid- 19 pandemic, the dancers wearing faceshield and face mask for the kecakers.
Buy the ticket via online, yuo will get Rp. 10.000, - discount.
10 Januari 2022 8:02
Lokasi ada dibagian Pura Ulu Watu, tempat duduk pengunjung dibuat seperti tempat duduk di tribun melingkar dan bersap dari bawah keatas.

Tarian yang energik dan magis, dimainkan oleh beberapa pria dengan lantunan bersaut-sautan. Dipentaskan sore hari menjelang sunset, dengan latar belakang laut selatan yang curam dan Pura. Sungguh suatu pemandangan yang eksotis.

Disarankan bila membawa barang berharga mohon hati-hati, usahakan pegang erat-erat, karena banyak kera liar disekitar panggung.
31 Desember 2021 11:12
Good view and great place to visit with family. Just be careful with monkeys there, they almost stole my sandal
24 Desember 2021 3:31
Performa yg bukan hanya bagus tp indah.
Sayang pas kesitu mendung dan hujan.
BTW tetep sangat bagus...
14 Desember 2021 7:44
Even when the show isnt started yet, you will provided with beautiful sunset. For the show itself, please just come here to enjoy it by yourself. However, kindly minimalize what you bring here to avoid losing it since it is very crowded.
13 Desember 2021 14:32
Almost four years ago my last visit to this sacred temple. Still performed one of the best traditional dance in the world
29 November 2021 21:35
Dikelola dengan baik, tempat yg indah, diakhir makin lengkap dengan menyaksikan Tarian Kecak. Oya banyak monyet disini, hati2 barang2 anda ya.
19 November 2021 7:55
Watched the famous Uluwatu Kecak & Fire Dance show in 2018. It is, I believe the most iconic art show in Bali. I was really amazed by their featured fire dance, human vocals and use of gamelan gongs.
08 November 2021 2:00
Menonton pertunjukan tari kecak ditemani sunset di pura Uluwatu memang sebuah pengalaman yang sangat berkesan. Walaupun harus merogoh kantong agak dalam, 30k untuk tiket masuk Uluwatu dan 150k untuk menonton pertunjukan kecak.tapi sesuai dengan keindahan dan fasilitas yang disediakan, terlebih lagi dengan suguhan pementasan drama dan tarian khas Bali yang sangat indah. Sebaiknya datang lebih awal supaya bisa punya waktu berjalan jalan dan menikmati keindahan alam di kompleks pura Uluwatu. Pertunjukan tari kecak dimulai pukul 6 sore dan pertunjukan berlangsung kurang lebih 45 menit sd satu jam.
03 Oktober 2021 0:55
Better contact them directly through their website for discounted tickets. Come around 5PM for redeem your vouchers and some short sight seeing at the temple before picking best view seating at 5.30PM.

Show starts at 6PM sharp.
25 September 2021 8:06
Tempat yang wajib dikunjungi saat ke bali, lokasinya indah terutama waktu sore hari, kita bisa menikmati sunset dan menyaksikan pertunjukan tari kecak khas bali, dan cerita ramayana yang diiringi musik gamelan khas bali. Pertunjukan ini bisa dinikmati oleh berbagai khalayak baik warga lokal dari anak-anak hingga orang tua dan turis mancanegara pun juga banyak yang menikmati pertunjukan tersebut. Diarea luar ada banyak monyet liar, perlu kewaspadaan terhadap barang bawaan anda.
20 September 2021 14:02
Mesmerising and unique performance along the coastline during the evening hours. Worth a watch while on a trip in Bali. Show occurs in evening hours. No musical instruments in use and its pure combination of vocal tones, physical actions bringing life to the Ramayana enactment.
03 September 2021 7:43
It's an interesting interactive experience. Unfortunately, most Indians from our audience left before it ended as Indians are already aware of the story. The actors and dancers are extremely talented and well-known for the Kecak dance at Uluwatu. Having said that, I preferred the show at Tanah Lot temple as it also had a slight comedic element to it, making it a more memorable experience.
18 Agustus 2021 19:48
If you have to sum up the whole experience in one word, it would be MESMERISING. The show starts at dawn and the sunset view is just amazing. The performers are so talented and narrates the story of Shri Rama and Sita with great zeal. You can have a tour of the Uluwatu temple before the dance show.
30 Juli 2021 23:06
Extreamly recommended to watch this. The story, the talent, and the vibe. Really beautyfull… Carefull with the monkey when we entrance
26 Juli 2021 18:44
To experience real culture is must see this kecak dance in uluwatu temple. The atmosphere is just.brilliant and sitting on the cliff is stunning. The only thing.i recommend is to come a bit earlier so you can get perfect.spot for sitting and enjoy.it even more.
19 Juli 2021 14:19
Pertunjukan yang sangat menarik, pemandangan alam yang indah serta kental dengan kebudayaan khas Bali. Lain waktu saya akan berkunjung lagi ke tempat ini
26 April 2021 19:25
Tempat terbaik, jika kebali harus berkunjung dan melihat tari kecak beruntung saya bisa melihat dengan tenang melihat dengan berbagai view duduk nya sepi juga karna tidak ramai di april 2021 ini, jika normal pasti ramaii
06 April 2021 6:23
Wow what a great show! The sunset was masked by a cloud but the performance is outstanding. Definitely a must see! Traffic after is horrible but the performance is worth it. Hindu epic of Ramayana
08 Maret 2021 22:34
During pandemic they changed the movement to be more simple and they remove the fire dance. Dont hope much.
03 Maret 2021 8:58
Kesini pas malam tahun baru 2021, semua penari pakai masker atau faceshield dan pengunjung dibatasi maksimal 400 orang karena pandemi covid, jumlah penari juga dikurangi.
Harga tiket OTS 150ribu, harga tiket online sedikit lebih murah, bisa lewat shopee atau traveloka
25 Februari 2021 20:15
Datang kesini sebelum pandemi. Lokasi pertunjukan berbentuk tribun penuh sesak bahkan sampai mendekati lantai tempat penari perform. Jumlah penonton terkesan dipaksakan.
Pertunjukn dimulai pukul 18.00, tapi sebaiknya datang lebih awal biar leluasa memilih tempat dan punya banyak waktu buat foto. Btw tiket yang dibeli online lebih murah ketimbang beli on the spot
02 Januari 2021 15:54
Pertunjukan budaya yang sangat indah dibalut dengan nuansa magis yang kental.selalu ingin melihat lagi.dan lagi.
28 November 2020 8:39
While I had seen videos of part of the traditional Indonesian kecak dance, this was my first live performance and I greatly enjoyed the powerful chanting voices, riveting dramatic interpretation, and stunning costumes of this retelling of one of the stories of the Ramayana Hindu epic. The performance started just before sunset in an open-air theatre that held about 600-800 people, who sat in bleachers in a 3/4 circle before the main stage. The performance last about one hour and afterwards we got to mingle with the performance for a photo opportunity afterwards, just as the sun was setting.
19 November 2020 1:15
Teater outdoor yang menampilkan kisah hanoman yang diselingi dengan humor dan lawakan, seru banget ceritanya.worth it deh.
09 November 2020 3:29
Wonderful show of epic Ramayanam. Wonderful performance by all especially hanuman. Background view of sea is the best. Its performed as sun sets.
16 Oktober 2020 8:45
Di mainkan Saat matahari terbenam, membuat suasana Agak merinding, tariannya cukup variatif dengan diiringi Musik Dari tangan Dan suara Tanpa Alat Musik modern, Harga Tiket tahun 2018 100.000 per Orang. Setelah sekesai acara bisa poto poto sama pemainya.
16 Oktober 2020 7:57
Destinasi wajib yang harus dikunjungi jika wisata ke Bali terutama daerah Bali selatan. Tiket murah, cukup worth it. Datang jangan terlalu sore agar dapat view terbaik
29 September 2020 10:00
Dengan denga pura luhur uluwatu.setiap sore akan ada pertunjukan taari kecak biasanya disebut sebagai tari cak atau tari api yang berasal dari ritual sanghyang. Ritual hyang yaitu tarian yang bercampur dengan cerita pertunjukan.jangan salah memilih bulan seperti saya karena akan basah kuyub kehujanan.kalo pas sunset bagus pasti bagus
26 September 2020 16:23
Visited this while visiting Uluwatu Temple, it gets very crowded and therefore make sure you get there in plenty of time to get an excellent view. The show was interesting though its recommended to understand more of the backstory first so that way you can be more touched by the story. One thing that make me uncomfortable with is just there are soooo full of people until reach more than maximum capacity of the venue.
25 September 2020 16:11
Salah satu destinasi wajib jika berkunjung ke Bali. Pemamdangan sangat indah khususnya ketika matahari terbenam. Tak pernah sepi pengunjung terutama di hari libur. Harus hati hati dengan barang bawaan karena terdapat banyak monyet liar yang berada di samping kanan dan kiri jalan menuju tempat pertunjukan.
31 Mei 2020 20:32
Kecak dance, the fantastic performance that tells story about Ramayana. Without musical instrument, just accompanied by shouting of performers.
What a great experience.
27 Mei 2020 16:35
You have to enjoy this dance, sit down in the three row from first row and sit on front of gate of gapura, so you will get the best picture and sunset.
04 Mei 2020 1:17

I didn't experience the overcrowding situation like other people. However, the show was astonishingly boring. Lots of people left a few minutes after the show. I decided to stay, hoped for a better performance but no, a whole hour with a group of men chanting annoyingly and a few moves from other actors with some cheap laughs. It's called a dance but actually rather a boring play. Sooo disappointing. I wish I had seen the reviews before I went. Totally torturous! DON'T GO!
29 Juni 2019 7:37
Tari kecak nya dimulai pukul 18.00 sampai 19.00 wita. Tiketnya Rp. 100.000.bisa juga dipesan on line 85.000.tp walaupun pesan on line, kita tetap harus antri tukar tiket di loket pemesanan tiket juga. Antri tiket dimulai pukul 17.00.sebaiknya bawa kacamata dan topi. Hehe
26 Juni 2019 20:08
Nor recommended • this show isn’t worth the money! People started to leave this show after 25 Minutes. We as well - the men’s are sitting on the floor and are singing / screaming “hucka-shaka “ all the time. This has nothing todo with a fire show!

The place is beautiful, go there but without show!
Be there at 5pm for sunset and take water with you.
05 Juni 2019 4:53
Good place on elevated height. The Kechak dance is also best performance in something different and innovative manner based on Ramayana in Indian culture. Yes, there is something monkeys for free movement but they don't disturb to the tourist.
31 Mei 2019 2:15
Bagus banget tari kecak disni
tiketnya 100ribu per orang
mulai sekitar jam 5 sore lebih
pas sunset lah pokok nya
sedia payung aja deh bisa melindungi dari hujan dan juga panas matahari, sumpah ya meski jam 5 sore, panasnya menyengat dan bikin silau
tapi wajib nonton kalau pas ke uluwatu
28 Mei 2019 4:32
Don't feel like you need to see this, as its probably not even worth your time and effort. The reviews make it sound far better than what it actually is. You are warned about the monkeys here, but surprisingly not warned about the free for all when it comes to buying tickets. There is no information regarding buying tickets, or how to do so. All there is, is a desk where staff say "you buy tickets here at 5". You would imagine a line to form around 5 or something but this is not the case. From about 4: 30 people start gathering around the desk in all directions, and when the tickets arrive it turns to madness. There are about 8 staff who stand behind the counter and people start charging and pushing their self to the front of the counter, waving cash furiously at the ticket sellers. No queue or order, just madness, uncivilized chaos. If you are fragile or old then you will be trampled and pushed out the way. I witnesses local males pushing their selves in front of female tourists with no regards to their safety. How hard can it be to put up some barricades and form a line? It feels like you are 500 years back in the past! So basically, be prepared for a mosh pit just to get a ticket. If you get one, you will then be squeezed shoulder to shoulder in the arena, they literally over fill it by 200%. People are forced to sit on stair wells, then behind the stage on chairs, then even sit on the stage floor itself its that packed. It really feels like the organisers only care about getting your money. The performance itself was nothing special, and was disappointing - as was confirmed when people started leaving after 5 minutes. By half way through I'd say around 20% of the people had got up and left. By the end another 20% had already left. It was so bad that when the sun was setting, everyone stopped watching the performance and started watching the sunset instead, literally turning around and facing away from the performance. Strange also it being called a kecak fire dance when there was only 20 seconds worth of fire. You will have a much more memorable time if you skip this performance and instead watch the sunset from the cliffs overlooking the ocean, and also won't get trampled to death or squeezed into a tiny arena.
25 Mei 2019 0:01
Great to experience! I love it! Kecak fire and dance started 6 pm till 7 pm. If u wanna get ticket and seat, u have come and but the ticket 1 hour before, so u can get good seat. Because so many people there. I like it.
18 Mei 2019 2:51
Worst show we ever seen:
A noisy and tiring performance, lots of people left the show after 10 minutes. Just worth to visit sunset If you are here in sunny weather.
Overall, don’t come here!
17 Mei 2019 5:01
You can enjoy watching sunset during the dance. The area is not enough for everyone and some couldn’t see because no place for them even they have tickets, dance starts at 6: 00 pm finish around 7: 00 pm. If you want to attend go not later than 5: 30pm to have a good place. Very busy traffic so you will spend long time on the roads.
16 Mei 2019 22:45
Enjoy a great show with many people from different country, excellent performers make the show not just in a traditional way but have fun inside, nice!

12 Mei 2019 18:07
Tempat yg bagus untuk menikmati sunset, hanya perlu berhati" dengan banyaknya kera liar disekitar. Namun jangan khawatir karena banyak penjaga yg akan menjaga dr gangguan kera" tersebut.
11 Mei 2019 19:53
Very nicely and superbly performed group dance. The dance themes are based on Hindu Ramayana stories of Shri Ram, Sita and Hanuman. A printed paper with the details of the storey to be performed on that day is distributed so it is easy to understand the dance sequences. The most awesome is no musical instrument is used, only vocal music during the entire performance. Dresses, costumes are superb. Tickets are available at entry point and i noticed that management kept selling the tickets without bothering about the seating capacity so many tourists had to stand during the show. Arrive early to get a seating place.
04 Mei 2019 8:08
When you visit Uluwatu temple there in the evening during sunset you can see this dance. You will have to buy tickets separately for this dance and also run to secure yourself a seat because it’s really crowded. Sometimes people don’t find a seat and they have to stand to see the dance. Kecak fire dance is intense and done with a lot of strength. It depicts the story of Ramayana and it’s beautiful.
01 Mei 2019 20:16
Good performance but the venue is not big enough to accommodate everyone. This leads to people sitting on the exit aisles, at the back of the stage and even on the stage itself! Naturally, some people need to leave during the performance which is very distracting as they clamber over hoards of people trying to reach an exit. And this was on a Monday night in April! If you want a good seat, get there early and expect it to be jam packed.
23 April 2019 6:12
They oversell the tickets, resulting in around 10% of the people not having the mini amphitheater seats and are seated on the floor. Over and above there could be a guerrilla warfare by monkeys trying to steal something. For an Indian this depicts the story of Ramanya, you may want to avoid if you are familiar with watching Ramlila.
16 April 2019 18:15
Very nice, the performers are professionals, this Kecak dance is based on the story of Rama saving his wife, Shinta, whom kidnapped by the giant king, Rahwana. The performance itself is magnificent, with around 80 dancers, one thing I found quite disturbing is a lot of people left before the ending.the ticket is 100k, and I think, it's worth every cent
14 April 2019 10:05
Untuk dapat menyaksikan "Kecak & Fire Dance" di Pura Uluwatu merupakan salah satu tujuan utama wisatawan datang k tempat ini. Pura dengan view langsung ke samudera hindia dengan ombak berwarna biru kehijauan.sangat indah dnikmati dkala sore hari. Tari kecak dan Api dpt dnikmati dgn membayar tiket Rp. 100k/org. Tiket d jual mulai pukul 5 sore, pementasan dmulai pukul 6. Segera tempati aphitheater yg trsedia. Duduk dengan menghadap samudra hindia, bagian atas, merupakan tempat terbaik utk menikmati tarian ini. Terasa sakral dan mistis. Keren dan tiada dua'y!
10 April 2019 22:53
Perhaps the best and the most unique experience I've had during my first trip to Bali. Watching kechak dance in front of beautiful sunset and twilight was really great. The dance is longer than expected and part of it has been quite funny. When I was there the place was occupied with the right number of people.

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