07 Februari 2024 22:08
Sesuai namanya Pura Luhur benar berada ditempat yg tinggi dipinggir tebing
Pura ini sangat indah dan ikonik, Saat sunset tidak jauh sari Pura terdapat Pertunjukan Tari Kecak dan Tari Api
03 Februari 2024 20:42
I came here Thursday morning and it was really nice. There were few people, and really quiet and relaxing. I had heard that you had to look after the monkeys, but I don't think it was something you should think about at all. It stayed in the sides/trees and didn't try to get close. The view is FANTASTIC entrance is 50k
09 Desember 2023 0:25
Sangat rekomendasi Pemandangannya bagus, harus pakai celana dibawah lutut hati2 banyak monyet.
04 Desember 2023 22:21
Kuil Uluwatu di Bali adalah destinasi wisata yang menakjubkan dengan pemandangan laut yang memukau di Bali.
30 November 2023 20:03
Beautiful temple, worth seeing! Better watch out for wild monkeys, they steal things and eat them.
30 November 2023 15:09
Amazing location overlooking a cliff, this temple's location cries for tourist to come visit, and rightfully so.
11 November 2023 8:26
Selain menjadi tempat sembahyang untuk umat hindu, Pura Luhur Uluwatu juga menjadi obyek wisata dimana pemandangan dari atas tebing yang sangat indah dan ada banyak monyet juga suasanya jadi seperti di Ubud
03 Oktober 2023 14:24
One of Bali’s six key temples, Uluwatu Temple, locally known as Pura Luhur Uluwatu (with Luhur meaning ‘something of divine origin’) is one of the most popular spots if you’re embarking on a cultural journey of the region and provides a true slice of Balinese culture.

It’s renowned for its magnificent location. Perched atop a steep cliff approximately 70 metres above the crashing ocean below, it makes for the most beautiful backdrop at sunset.

This place is a must see.
01 Oktober 2023 4:29
Entance fee 50.000. Take care. Monkeys try to steal everything thats loose. Tried to Grab my phone and took a selfie by grabbing it.
30 September 2023 8:39
Uluwatu salah satu tempat yang wajib juga di kunjungi, disini juga bisa menikmati sunset dan tari Kecak

Banyak monyet berkeliaran di sekitar sini tetap jaga barang bawaan anda
26 September 2023 10:19
Uluwatu Temple is a lovely place to experience, connect with, and learn about Balinese tradition.
25 September 2023 0:03
One of temple must visit for tourists in Bali. Best visiting time is around 5pm in the evening. Sunset with Kecak fire dance is good one. Bit boring. They might have changed theme and choreography
24 September 2023 4:49
Uluwatu temple is an amazing place to explore about Balinese culture.
Visitors are captivated by sunset views which is awesome & unforgettable. The natural beauty all around manifest your enjoyment.
Visitors are advised to be careful from monkeys at the temple b’cause they steal your belongings & glasses also.
Here visitors are to abide by rules as it is a religious place where you are to wear appropriate length clothings-to pay respect to Balinese culture.
It is recommended to purchase tickets in advance to watch kecak fire dance in the evening.
Overall your visit to Bali without visiting Uluwatu temple is half done.
20 September 2023 1:40
There is no arguing about the beauty and harmony of this location. Because this temple is so open and spacious,  so you will never get bored in this place,  particularly during the afternoon.
You will meet many mongkeys, and you must be careful around the monkeys because they frequently snag visitors' belongings. So,  you must handle it carefully.
Overall,  my trip was incredible,  and the view is magnificent.
15 September 2023 9:27
Pura yang paling terkenal untuk melihat sunset!

Juga sebagai tempat masuk bagi yang ingin melihat tari kecak.

Jika ingin melihat tari kecak, kita perlu membeli tiket lagi untuk masuk ke Pura Uluwatu seharga Rp30.000. Sebelum membeli tiket, di luar ada antrian untuk memakai selendang (bagi yang memakai celana panjang) atau kain (bagi yang memakai bawahan pendek). Jangan lupa setelah selesai dikembalikan.

Hati-hati dengan monyetnya!
12 September 2023 21:21
The place is beautiful, the ocean is amazing. But the monkeys who steal things and then return them through the workers for fruit (the workers ask for money for this) spoiled the impression.
14 Agustus 2023 10:34
2000 RP the parking for a scooter,
50,000rp for entry.

It's okay as a place, I thought the center of the temple was bigger, but the view with the cliffs is really beautiful.
The place is easy to visit, it is well marked and you can take a short walk on each side of the temple at the edge of the cliff.
You still just have to watch out for the monkeys which I found to be quite aggressive.
A lady in front of me had her sunglasses stolen.

I recommend the place which is quickly visited
26 Desember 2022 18:56
It is a must-visit point when visiting Bali. This temple, which was built about 1000 years ago, has a very high importance according to Hindu belief. According to a legend, Balinese Hindu devotees believe that with a flash of lightning, he reached the highest spiritual level of communion with the gods and disappeared completely.

50 irp entrance fee, about 60 TL
11 Januari 2022 7:43
Beautiful and unforgettable experience. Never been visit place like this.sacred and calm atmosphere, friendly staffs, wonderful view of sea, sunset and cliffs. But beware the monkey they could steal your belongings!
30 Desember 2021 10:03
No doubt, the scenery is amazing. Enjoyinf the sunset while waiting for tari kecak show. Then getting attracted into the heat when the show is started. However it is really crowded, so kindly minimalize what you bring to avoid losing.
11 Desember 2021 4:13
Tempatnya enak, bagus dan guide nya bagus (dia ngejelasin bbrp tempatnya dan history nya) untuk fee nya subjektif (guide nya 100 rb 1x trip utk 1 grup, tiketnya 30 rb/org, dan nonton tari kecak 100 rb per org.overall good place, cocok untuk turis dan pendatang
09 Desember 2021 17:30
Baguss banget teempatnya, akses juga mudah, paling harus waspada sama monyetnya aja yg kadang suka ngambil barang-barang yg kita bawa buat ditukar makanan. Tapi disepanjang wilayah itu ada yg jaga semua, jadi semisal ada barang kita yg diambil sama monyet, bisa dibantu sama penjaga yg standby disitu.
05 Desember 2021 23:35
Menyaksikan tarian Kecak dengan latar belakang matahari terbenam yg terletak di ujung selatan pulau Bali
08 Mei 2021 3:55
Monyet monyet kecilnya sudah agak sepi, tapi tetap mesti hati2 soalnya monyetnya suka usil ngambil - ngambilin barang bawaan kita.disarankan pake alas kaki yg nyaman, karena jalan kelilingnya lumayan bikin cape.untuk tiket masuk nya terjangkau, disediakan juga guide buat temanin jalan-jalan sekaligus menjelaskan sejarah tempat-tempat disana plus jagain dr monyet2 nya.
23 April 2021 23:14
Amazing view pura diatas tebing dan laut.bersih.resik.taman dan rumput terawat.banyak monyet dan sehat.staff nya ramah ramah
15 April 2021 2:53
Pantai karang yang bagus sekali. Masuk ke sini harus menggunakan rok/celana panjang, jika pendek akan diberikan kain untuk dipakai sebelum masuk. Sepanjang jalan menyusuri pantai dan pura akan sering menemukan monyet2, hati2 membawa barang tentengan, topi, maupun kacamata krn akan menjadi sasaran untuk diambil para monyet.
02 April 2021 20:44
Disini banyak sekali monyet monyet berkeliaran jadi harus berhati-hati dan selalu menjaga barang bawaan kita. Handphone, kamera dan apalagi kacamata adalah barang incaran mereka. Salah satu romobongan saya diserang dan diambil kacamatanya
23 Maret 2021 23:39
Obyek wisata yang sangat sepekttakuler dgn panorama laut dan tebing serta pura yg sangat menakjubkan apalagi sunsetnya yg bagus di lihat sambil nonton kecak
24 Maret 2020 8:55
From around the airport to uluwatu will take you around 30-60mins by car (pending traffic). We use Gocar (gojek app) Rp150,000 one way. The driver will drop you at the carpark (car entry Rp2,000 you pay). The entrance fee to the temple is around Rp50,000 per person for tourist. I believe local is Rp20,000. They will lend you sarong if you wear short. There are many section within the complex that are inaccessible for tourist, only for prayers. Nice panorama view of the surrounding steep cliff. If you want to see kecak, line up around 430-500 to get the tickets, Rp100,000/pp. If you arrived by gocar and want to get back using the same means, you can book it but you have to walk 20 mins uphill to pande hill resort because they forbid gojek/grap from picking the customer there. The local taxi and transport monopolised the area so they can charge much more. The gojek/gocar will cost you around Rp150,000 to the airport area. The driver will ask if you prefer for him to take a less traffic route or stick with main road (traffic jam) because everyone is out from uluwatu at the same time. I chose the former, the road was narrow as and you feel like he is kidnapping you but dont worry it will come back to the main road skipping some of the red light intersections. It will take you around 60mins. Go to Kediri road and have a nice satay by the side of the road.
21 Februari 2019 4:56
Beautiful temple perfect time to visit is at 4 so available to see around before watch kecak dance. Lot of monkey so be careful always aware with your stuff
15 Februari 2019 6:06
Lokasinya berada di desa pecatu, kuta selatan kabupaten badung. Pura terletak di atas batu karang yang terjal dan tinggi serta menjorok ke laut. Kita dapat menikmati keindahan tebing bebatuan serta laut yang bersih terlihat dari atas tebing. Di sore hari setelah matahari terbenam kita dapat menyaksikan tari kecak yang biasanya pertunjukannya dimulai pada pukul 18.00 saat sun set. Harap berhati-hati atas barang bawaan karena di lokasi ini banyak sekali monyet yang kadang-kadang mengambil barang bawaan kita.
21 Januari 2019 13:20
Siapkan kamera yang bagus dengan pengikat extra dan tenaga yang banyak. Pemandangan bagus buat difoto dan berhati-hati dengan MONYET perampas kamera.
19 Januari 2019 4:43
Pura Uluwatu adalah salah satu tempat wisata di Bali yang berada di atas sebuah tebing yang menjorok ke laut. Pura Uluwatu tidak hanya menawarkan suasana religius khas Bali, namun juga menawarkan keindahan panorama, terutama keindahan pemandangan matahari tenggelamnya yang sudah sangat terkenal.
11 Januari 2019 17:41
Tempat ni sangat best untuk kita kunjungi, nak datang sini. Sila la datang waktu petang sikit ye dalam pukul 4 hingga 6 sebab boleh tengok permandangan yang cantik dan indah. Kita boleh nampak matahari jatuh. Dan hati2 ye yang mana nak ambik gambar tu sebab nak view yang cantik. Port yang lawa kena panjat sikit tembok tu tapi hati2 ye kawan2.
08 Januari 2019 21:35
Quite far from city.beautiful view.kecak dance is worth watching, basically it's ramayana story retold in Bali style.about one hour show.performers are amazing.and they mingle with the crowd.carry some snacks and water with you.as the stalls around charge little high.otherwise a good place to visit.
08 Januari 2019 18:20
Got bad experience here, when the monkey stole my glasses and it bite the frame. Then the glass is broken but however the view is nice, great wall and scenery of the sea
07 Januari 2019 18:19
Definitely a place that you must visit in Bali! If you do not plan to watch the Kecak Dance and want to avoid the crowd, you can definitely visit Uluwatu Temple earlier like I do. This way, you would not be disturbed when you take pictures around this beautiful place. The entrance fee was pretty reasonable and the parking area was huge. Overall, it is a good visit!
03 Januari 2019 3:43
Hindu temple, jempat foto yang bagus karena dibelakang dapat melihat pantai yang bagus. Tapi disini harus berhati2 dengan barang anda krn banyak monyet yang akan mengambilnya
30 Desember 2018 0:47
A very beautiful place! A place filled with peace, tranquility, calmness, and serenity! I captured so many beautiful photos! You can get the prettiest view at about 5: 00 p.m.

*Although you have to be careful so the monkeys don't steal your belongings.
22 Desember 2018 11:20
One of the must visit places in Bali. This ancient temple covers a vast area. One can spend half a day here. There is monkey forest where one needs to be careful with their mobile phone and gogles. Monkeys are mischievous here. The view of waves crashing against the clif is a breathtaking site. The ancient temple is located on the peak of Clif, a beautiful place. There is plenty of greenery around and its a relaxing place to be in. Evening time its fillled with thousands of people.
20 Desember 2018 2:04
Beautiful spot, didn’t enjoy the fire dance as they over packed the small arena. People sitting on the floor and we were put on plastic chairs on the floor next to a wall couldn’t see any of the dance. Left after 20 minutes
19 Desember 2018 1:06
The views were beautiful, but to be very honest, we did not enjoy this day.

The fire dance was so crowded and they kept seating everyone inside until not just all seats filled, but also the stairs were full, and 70% of the stage.there was barely enough room for the dancers and def no way to get out from your seat.

We didnt enjoy the show and were not the only ones, as people started to somehow manage to climb down in between people to get out early. The more people who did this, the more people joined, including us.

It was quite a far drive from kuta / seminyak and if you havent booked somone to take you back, you have to pay a private driver as there are no taxis allowed inside. Not to mention the traffic back was incredible. It was already a long drive that trippled in time on the way home.

This turned into a very expensive trip with taxi up, entry ticket, fire dance ticket and private driver home, only to be hungry, tired and to have only seen a nice view.
12 Desember 2018 13:47
MasyaAllah begitu indahnya Alam ini, begitu sempurna sekali Allah swt menciptakannya.sy kemari bersama anak anak sambil mengenalkan alam indonesia yg begitu indah ini, juga sambil mengajari anak bersyukur atas apa yg Allah telah ciptakan utk menjaga alam dan menikmati keindahannya.
10 Desember 2018 1:24
Pemandangan wisata luar Pura Luhur Uluwatu sangat bagus, kawasan wisata luar Pura Luhur Uluwatu adalah salah satu spot melihat sunset yang terbaik karna sebari kita disuguhkan sunset kita juga bisa menikmati indahnya samudra. Selain itu setiap jam 6 sore atau pukul 18.00 selalu diadakan pertunjukan Tari Kecak. Namun jika anda berpergian kesini, hindari menggunakan kacamata, perhiasan, topi atau barang-barang yang mudah diambil oleh monyet, karnaasih banyaknya populasi monyet disini karna dijaga kelestariannya.
04 Desember 2018 18:28
Amazing sunset and beautiful temple grounds. This place is expansive but wonderful place to stroll along the cliff edge and take in the view. Can get very busy here so wouldn’t say it is the most romantic place to watch the sunset but definitely an experience. The monkeys are all over the grounds so beware of your personal belongings. One of my favorite temples we experienced in Bali!
21 November 2018 3:53
Pemandangannya bagus banget. Tapi harus hati-hati dengan monyetnya ya. Jangan naruh hp di saku celana. Misal barang berharga anda diambil kera dan pawangnya tidak ada, anda bisa minta bantuan bpk2 yang istrinya penjual gelang/tali kacamata yang deket saung pasti akan dibantu.

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