20 Maret 2023 8:34
We booked villa Kama for 3 weeks, as a result we lived here for 4 weeks.
There is a great staff with impeccable service: polite and decent guys. Our numerous luggage was brought to the villa and taken out to a taxi during check-out, daily cleaning, every repair (water or internet) was resolved very quickly.the villa itself seems to me to be remembered for the rest of my life: a real jungle! And there is so much vegetation on the balcony that you can study it every day and discover something new, the eye rejoices at the variety of shades of green. And taking a bath outside was amazing!
of the minuses: the breakfasts are very monotonous and for three weeks I wanted not only to choose an eggs sunny side up or an omelette, but you have choice not to take breakfast if you extend living there.there were a lot of insects in the room every evening we had an insect cemetery on the floor and this was with daily cleaning. Anyway for me it was an interesting experience of living in the jungle.recommend!
19 Januari 2023 14:54
Untuk mereka yang menyukai ketenangan, Villa Rimba adalah salah satu tempat terbaik diarea Ubud. Suasana alamnya yang masih alami terjaga menjadi salah satu daya tarik terbaiknya.
04 Oktober 2021 19:07
Terima kasih buat villanya yg cantik, suasana yg sepi dan tenang untuk tafakkur.lanjutkan diskonnya, nanti akan balik lagi
04 Oktober 2021 4:30
Tinggal di villa Rimba berasa dirumah sendiri, saking nyamannya. Jalan menuju villa juga gampang, jalannya pun mulus.

Semoga bisa kembali lagi

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