03 Oktober 2023 8:29
The salmon soup was absolutely tasty. The nasi campur salmon and fried salmon are also delicious. They serve the food fast.
26 September 2023 10:17
Servicenya cepat. Ga tau kenapa hari ini makanannya kurang menyenangkan. Saya pesan nasi goreng salmon, mereka menyajikan cepat sekali tapi temperatur makanannya aneh, ga begitu panas, seperti baru aja dihangatkan tapi dihangatkan cuma sebentar jadi rasa teksturnya dilidah seperti nasi lama, karena lapar saya tetap makan tapi tidak habis, rasanya juga kurang sedap, manis karena mungkin ditambahi kecap, ga semua orang suka nasi goreng kecap. Saya makan sup Iga juga, rasanya ga begitu enak, enakan sup iga-nya beberapa tahun yang lalu, masih sedap dan ngangeni. Sup iga yang sekarang bukan pakai tulang iga tapi daging sapi, dan di sup nya dicemplungi kentang goreng, aneh rasanya, kentang habis digoreng dimasukkan ke sup, ini ga recommended, lebih baik kentangnya tanpa digoreng, direbus aja bareng supnya.
08 September 2023 9:27
The food are awesome! All with salmon ingredient mostly.the salmon soup is the best, with clear soup, and thin cut of salmon, it’s fresh and very good soup to eat with rice (or not)

The fried salmon and fried rice are also good. But the these past few weeks the restaurant decided to modified the taste of the fried rice, but i love the first old taste one. I hove they change it back to the old taste one
06 September 2023 6:26
My go to place to get salmon soup. The broth is so refreshing and clean-tasting. You still can taste the spices and salmon flavour, but it doesn't linger to your palate. Very nice.

I had nasi campur salmon which is as good. They serve you with urap (balinese mixed vegetables), pieces of fried salmon, sambal and also the soup. I also order Sop Iga which is surprisingly nice and aromatic. Highly recommended.
20 Agustus 2023 15:16
Real harga warung dengan rasa dan kualitas masakan hotel lima. Pesan sup salmon kuahnya seger banget. Sekilas kaya kuah pho.

Recommended untuk dikunjungi kalo lagi di sekitar Seminyak.
22 Maret 2023 20:41
The service is quite good, friendly staff and the food is well priced and amazing! Definitely recommended and will come back!
16 Maret 2023 13:59
Really happy to find this place. Most of the soup I had in bali were bit too salty for me, but this place has right taste. Friendly price for salmon dish in Bali.
But the staffs are neither friendly nor helpful.
31 Desember 2022 10:05
Pesan lewat aplikasi online, sop salmonnya enak dan segar. Salmon bakarnya juga enak dan porsinya lumayan banyak.
20 Desember 2022 17:12
TONS of Salmon, fresh and taste great but what a shocking price.

Are they making profit selling 150gr Salmon for 25k?
Crazy right?

This is the most hidden gem for Salmon meat so far, YOU MUST TRY!
24 November 2022 15:48
Paket komplit, harga murah, enaaaaak, puas, resto bersih, pelayanannya oke banget. Di mana lagi nemu menu serba salmon dengan harga 25 ribuan
22 Juli 2022 13:45
SEMUA MAKANAN UUUUENAKKKKKK CAN'T DESCRIBE IT WITH WORDS LOL! Even my aunt, who said she hates fish, ordered 2 portion
15 Juli 2022 14:53
Langganan kesini, harga sangat terjangkau dan rasanya selalu enak, terutama sop dan sayur urap.
01 Juli 2022 7:42
Soto ayam enak
Salmon goreng - agak amis kalau digoreng.
Toilet tamu perlu diperbaiki
Harga terjangkau
06 Juni 2022 9:38
Warung Padi, alias warung spesialisasi ikan salmon.

Saya datang bersama rombongan, tempatnya cukup luas dan jarak antar meja tidak terlalu dekat. Sehingga tidak terganggj percakapan di meja lainnya.

Untuk menu yang jadi andalan saya?

Sup Salmon!

Segar sekali, aneka ragam kombinasi dedaunan dan rempah khas nusantara dituangkan dalan sup yang mereka sajikan.

Jangan lupa, dilengkapi dengan kerupuk kulit ikan ya!
12 April 2022 1:36
Big space inside. They have a varied menu (not just salmon btw), not pricy, and taste good too.
05 April 2022 6:10
Ikan salmon yang biasanya dimakan mentah seperti masakan Jepang, di Bali direbus bersama bahan-bahan herbal sehingga rasanya segar. Harga satu porsinya 25rb saja, murah dan enak. Rasa kuahnya tidak terlalu asin, pas dimakan sama sayurnya malah makin enak. Perut yang tadinya terasa tidak nyaman, makan ini langsung enakan.
04 Maret 2022 18:42
Enak banget sop nya, kuah nya kusuka, ditambah ada sayur nya, lalu di lain hari saya juga makan nasi campur nya, ternyata dapat kuah sop salmon nya juga, sedap, gurih, ciamik laa!
26 Februari 2022 17:11
Enaklah. Menyehatkan. Dan harga terjangkau.
Selalu ramai setiap hari, dari anak muda sampai yang berkeluarga.
Salmonnya bener2 nyegerin.
Recommended deh!
31 Januari 2022 6:16
This was one of the surprisingly good dishes I've found in Bali. Their Salmon soup is THE best I've ever tasted. Their soup tastes very rich with many spices put into it, which also has many healthy benefits. The salmon meat is very tender and juicy, without any bones at all. The aroma is also wonderful, without any smelly fish that usually comes in seafood dishes. Highly recommended!
30 Desember 2021 17:10
It’s really a super healthy soup.with many herbs ingredients.good price with good value of foods…
18 Desember 2021 17:31
Baru pertama kali makan disini, tastenya rich banget. Ditulis sama ownernya kalo dia pake beberapa macam herbs sama rempah yang ga umum (teh rosella, daun jati cina, etc etc). Wajib cobain sup salmonnya, flavornya asem asem gurih nambah selera makan. Sambal matahnya dominan tomat mirip2 dabu dabu atau pico de gallo. Boleh jadi pilihan setelah gumoh makan babi guling di bali. Recommended!
13 November 2020 16:54
The food is great and delicious. Place and price is good. The staff.mmmp.not so friendly like normally other restaurant services, especially the lady in chasier counter, many time eat in this restaurant no smile at all (uppsss maybe she is the owner)

Btw will keep coming for the foods and dont care about your smile hahaha
13 Mei 2020 11:44
Really gewwwdddd! The portion is quite big and the taste of salmon is amazing The soup is really good and refreshing
08 Mei 2020 7:32
Saya sebenarnya sangat suka olahan ikan salmon ditempat ini, saya bberapa kali ke sini tapi minggu lalu saya nggak tau knapa tumben habis makan malam disini trus malamnya koq saya diare dan agak mules padahal nggak ditambah apa2 selain yg disajikan. Mohon supaya tetap dijaga kebersihannya dari lalat, kecoa dll. Utk menghindari hal2 yg tidak diinginkan.
Sya tetap rekommen tempat ini meskipun saat ini saya kasi bintang 2 aja dulu.
07 April 2020 11:02
Yummy food.my first experience eat salmon soup and it was so delicious. I like it. The price is also affordable. It is recommended place to eat with your family. It has a parking area.
22 Maret 2020 13:37
The food was great. The soup tasted fresh and nice. But the place was a bit too dark I think. I had brunch there.
19 Maret 2020 13:47
Steak salmon dan sup ikan salmonnya khas banget.kuah supnya segar. Uenake poll. Ketagihan menu ini sampa bolak balik ke sini selama liburan di Bali
11 Maret 2020 1:36
Highly recommend this place! Perfect combo: soup+rice with salmon! Delicious! And you should try green smoothie with lemon! ️ staff very bad in English and pretty dark inside BUT it’s not a problem. I saw a lot of reviews about mad workforce and I guess it’s bc of language:)
29 Februari 2020 3:38
Great & healthy food. I can eat everything on the menu without modifying nor add anything to the taste.
28 Februari 2020 20:59
Saya seminggu bisa 3 kali makan disini. Sup ikannya enak bgt, bumbunya apalagi, tempatnya tidak berAC tapi sejuk. Lagu khas yang diputer disini adalah iwan fals dan Ebiet G. Ade hahaha
28 Februari 2020 19:04
One of the best salmon seafood I ever tasted. The soup was so fresh and herby. It said the board that the soup uses different kind of leaves or herbs. And the prices was still affordable. The soup was 25k IDR
11 Februari 2020 5:31
Great price and taste very good! Love the Salmon Nasi Campur, 25k and the portion also big! Two thumbs up!
21 November 2019 16:22
One of the best beach club in Bali. Good food and good atmosphere with spacious day beds, cabanas and sun loungers for everyone.
04 November 2019 18:27
Tarif tres correct. Bonne nourriture, mais Warung bruyant, route et circulation importante devant.
04 November 2019 11:52
A nice spot warung with decent food for lunch. I try sup salmon, it was refreshing and tasty! Humble and clean set up, most of the menu definitely local price.salmon sup taken from head part which I wasn’t crazy at all. A delicious tipat plecing was my preference.
26 Oktober 2019 18:10
Menu khas tempat makan dengan khas ikan salmon. Bergizi dengan omega ikan. Harga masih terjangkau.
05 Oktober 2019 21:20
Delicious affordable menu focused on salmon. The restaurant can look a bit gloomy inside, and it is on one of Kerobokan's/Bali's ugliest roads, but it's all about the food and the food here hits the spot. Highly recommended
25 September 2019 17:52
I love their salmon and iga soup so much!
Very generous with the meat!
Vety cheap!
Very tasty!
A must go for when Im not feeling well and crave for warm for my tummy.
11 Agustus 2019 12:01
The best warung for salmon in Bali. Try the salmon soup and the grill salmon. Basically everything with salmon super cheap
27 Mei 2019 11:36
Sup salmon nya enak banget & harganya bersahabat banget. Will be back there soon! (25K for Salmon Soup)
15 Mei 2019 2:42
Rather romantic place with wooden interior and rare menu with salmon. Alao fine for vegeterians. Serving from table.
Grilled salmon made with lemon leaves was tasty, but some bones left from head makes it cheap, not for the price though. Salmon items approx. 4,6 euros. No card payment. Parking for only 3 cars.
28 Desember 2018 21:13
Sop salmonnya enak dan ada daun daun obat yg jadi bumbu penyedap nya menambah cita rasa.nasi goreng salmon nya juga enak

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