29 November 2023 11:24
Tables and dining tables are uncomfortable.
The bathroom and interior are not clean.
There are a lot of staff, but the service is a bit slow.
Friendly and delicious.
23 November 2023 6:49
Baru pertama x makan disini, rasa masakannya enak, tapi maaf untuk texture nasi putih nya terlalu keras kering. Ikan bakar, cah cangkung, udang goreng tepung, cumi bakar enak rasa nya enak semua.
14 November 2023 8:57
The taste is great!
However, since it is on the street and outdoors, you have no choice but to eat it along with the dust.
There is also a furniture factory next door…
The location of the restaurant is a bit ironic, but this is Korean standards.
Still, it tastes good so I recommend it…
I added shrimp and clams. The first shrimp tasted a little dry, but the second one was very fresh and more delicious.
The clams seem to be lilies by Korean standards.
There is absolutely no foreign matter in the clam meat and it is a perfect rice thief!
I ate two meals… Highly recommended!
08 November 2023 10:43
It's cheap and tastes good. However, because it is frozen and open, I get bitten a lot by mosquitoes. Of course there is no air conditioning.
16 Oktober 2023 22:19
You can eat cost-effective lobster! If you order lobster, you can see it and choose for yourself, and I ate about 800g of it for about 50,000 won.
Plessing Kangkung had a very spicy sauce, so it was like Bali's Silbi Kimchi. I ate half of this meal.
I was able to taste various sauces in Bali and it was a meal without fail.
29 September 2023 5:28
One of the most delicious and memorable restaurants during our stay in Bali. If you want to eat delicious seafood at an affordable price, I recommend visiting even if it's a bit far away. Clams, lobster, shrimp, etc.are delicious and be sure to order rice. Seasoning is the thief of rice. It has a local feel and the food is delicious. Jimbaran Seafood is a slap in the face.
26 Agustus 2023 3:21
Menunya enak-enak semua. Rasanya pas semua. Ikan juga bisa milih. Sate Guritanya empuk banget
28 September 2022 17:15
Pelayanan awalnya baik, lama kelamaan sering order lewat wa gak di respon, kalo pun respon sering salah jadi kecewa
24 November 2021 5:20
Food and price = a good deal
The clam is definetely a must taste
Will come back for the clam

I was experiencing a slow food service during covid 19. Hope covid was gone and the service is back to normal
21 November 2021 15:37
Pelayanan baik, pelayan menjelaskan jenis-jenis ikan dan perkiraan berat serta harganya. Bumbunya rasanya enak sekali. Pilihan sambalnya banyak.
02 September 2021 0:06
Nice place, affordable prices, good service, helpful staff, fresh seafood except the package one on menu, it's not fresh.it's not recommended to order their package.but the other menu is tasty.
28 Juli 2021 20:38
Excellent for taste and price, if you're in the city, it's a recommended place to go to if you want to have grilled fish as in jimbaran
29 Juni 2021 4:37
Gk recomended.ikan nya jg gak fres2 amat.pesen cumi tepung tp ternyata yg dikasi gurita tepung.dikasi harga nya tetep cumi.dikomplen tp tetep bersikeras merasa cumi tepung.jelas2 itu gurita dipotong panjang2 dan tebel.
25 Juni 2021 16:40
Ikan dan sambal kurang fresh, Cumi goreng tepungnya bukan cumi tapi gurita, Sebagai penggemar seafood, menurut saya tidak recomended.
13 Juni 2021 16:50
Saya pesan paket ikan dan plecing kangkung. Ikan bakar di sini ala Jawa, rasa manis sedap. Ukuran ikan cukup besar untuk porsi satu orang.

Warung ini punya beberapa pilihan sambal. Saya paling suka sambal matahnya. Selain pedas, sambal matah ini banyak bawang merah dan sereh sehingga wangi. Sambal mercon mereka sangat pedas, cocok untuk pecinta sambal.

Paket ikan bakar (ikan, nasi, sambal matah, sambal mercon, lalapan)

Plecing kangkung (kangkung rebus dan sambal)

Harga bersahabat
08 Juni 2021 15:20
Price is whorted with the portion served and ofc the taste.
Menu terbaik: kerang bakar dan kerang asari. Must try.
Sate gurita jg enak, but too small for me. In other side, tempatnya luas & pelayanan baik.
But if you wanna eat in rush, better not come here. They need time 30 - 45 mins to serve the foods, depend on how the crowd are dan sbrp bnyak Anda memesan.
In a nutshell, whorted to try and waiting for!
21 November 2020 4:23
Makanan nya enak, sambelnya enak parahh, harga terjangkau, tempat jg nyaman, adem banyak angin, recommended banget deh!
09 November 2020 13:56
Saya sebagai driver ojol sangat senang berblanja disini selain disambut dengan rama driver ojol juga dapat free minum gratis cuman penyajiannya sangat lama tp saya maklumi krn bahan yg digunakan fresh jadi perlu waktu yg lama dlm proses untung ada wifi gratis jadi nunggu lama jadi gak bete
16 Oktober 2020 23:28
Saya pesan ikan bakar sama kerang

Ikan tidak fresh dan keras di sajikan
08 Oktober 2020 10:48
Untuk rasa lumayan.
Tp ikannya kurang segar, sop ikannya kerasa bgt amisnya penyajiannya gak panas ky udh dimasak td siang.
28 September 2020 7:58
Pesan go send malah disuruh nalangin bayar dulu. Maunya minta murah dan gk mau bayar tax go resto. Ya lo kirim aja sendiri
30 Agustus 2020 14:07
Nice fresh food, for me not 5 stars because the bumbu of the clams and squid is too strong and sweet so you can’t exactly taste the seafood.
28 Juli 2020 16:49
Ikan bakarnya lezat, menyediakan beberapa pilihan menu paket dengan harga yg terjangkau. Tempatnya juga nyaman untuk malan bersama teman atau pun keluarga
08 Mei 2020 16:46
Agak kecewa makan disini
Sambel nya mengecewakan
Ada 4 macam sambel tapi menurut saya yang paling enak cm sambel kecapnya
Yang lain mengecewakan

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