21 Oktober 2023 11:22
It was a nice experience they have only one item in the menu Nasi campur and it is halal. The stuff was very friendly and the price is super good
18 Oktober 2023 13:49
Only 3 dishes on the menu (nasi) but my dish was delicious! The boss is adorable and the price is local! (30,000Rp for a hearty meal and a small bottle of water)
12 Oktober 2023 6:34
One of the best Nasi Campurs we had on our trip to Bali. The owner is very kind and accommodating, served generously and charged fairly.

If you are in Ubud, support these local warungs instead of the fancy food placed every now and then.
04 Oktober 2023 8:23
Tau tempat ini karna dari rekomendasi temen yang dulu sempet tinggal di Ubud. Sumpah ini nasi campur terenak sih! Dan muraah. Sambel matahnya segeeeer! Lahap bgt. Akan selalu dtg ke sini kalau ke Ubud ah!
28 September 2023 17:42
My favourite warung in Ubud! The vegetarian nasi campur is soooo good, especially the jackfruit!
07 Juni 2023 12:04
Nasi campurnya mantab suka dengan sate lilit, kulit yg crisy dan bakwan jagung.sellernya pun ramah
07 Juni 2023 10:28
"Bahagia means happy, " the owner told me. "Because after you eat it, you'll be happy. "


Do not miss the nasi campur here.
06 Juni 2023 10:30
Really one of the best nasi campur. Fantastic mix of spices and taste I can’t believe it. It is SO GOOD.
17 Mei 2023 16:19
Menemukan Nasi Ayam enak di Ubud. Dalam satu porsi dapet nasi, ayam sisit, ayam betutu, kulit ayam krispi, telur rebus, nangka, jukut urab kacang panjang, sate lilit ayam, perkedel jagung, sambal tempe, sambal tomat, sambal matah bongkot dan saur (serundeng).

Rasanya enak pol. Agak beda dari nasi ayam di Denpasar, ini ada rasa manisnya sedikit. Seimbang banget sama rasa base genep dan sambal matah yang seger. Enak, murah, kenyang.
07 Mei 2023 3:39
Uenakkkk coeg.bener2 enak. Kesini gegara liat di gmap makanan2 bali yg murmer tp enak
Keluarlah warung bahagia ini, gilee cmn 15rebu tp ud dpt nasi campur ayam dah gitu enak lagi.

Muantab laaaa, sesuai namanya warung bahagia, seneng abis makan disini ️
15 April 2023 17:02
The best Nasi Campur in Ubud! Have literally only gone here for lunch and I have no regrets
14 Februari 2023 23:46


Laper tengah hari mana lagi ujan, udah paling mantap beli via ojol. Dapat Diskon spesial & cashback dari Gofood bikin makan enak semakin hemat haha. 16K/porsi Nasi Bahagia Medium. Makanan diproses sangat cepat, packaging rapi, lauk melimpah & beragam, rasa bumbu balinya strong, porsi keseluruhan nasinya ngenyangin abis.

Kamu vegan atau tidak pasti feel enjoy saat menyantap Nasi Ayam Bahagia

Semoga selalu terjaga kualitas & kuantitasnya Nasi Campur Bahagia
13 Januari 2023 22:30
Hallo bli terimakasi sudah menciptakan makanan halal diubud seenak ini, sambel matahnya gaada obatnya sih parah enak banget.kalo mau tau sebenar2nya sambel matah ya memang kamu harus makan di tempat asalnya? Saya sampe 2x makan disini sebelum pulang ke palembang, laris terus usahanya ya bli.sampai jumpa lagi ubud kota yang cantik.
07 Januari 2023 5:05
Absolute favorite place to get traditional Balinese rice with chicken. Good assortment of side dishes, and you can really taste the spices coming through.
01 November 2022 3:00
The food is delicious and the price is affordable. Also the staff was very funny, idk his name. Will definitely come back here again for nasi campur
30 Oktober 2022 22:09
A humble place with simple flavourful food, one can tell when it's cooked with heart. I enjoyed everything especially the young jackfruit

Will definitely go back again in future.
30 Oktober 2022 19:11
This is absolutely the best nasi campur in Ubud! The taste of every element in it is so distinctive and together they form the perfect dish that one can dream of! They have meat or vegetarian options, and one should go earlier during the day to get the full set of ingredients, cause it gets sold out pretty fast. They also have some interesting extras like tuna skin chips. And healthy local drinks like jamu, soy milk and more. Price is local, the people are nice and friendly, the taste is like no other! So Warung Bahagia is a must for every street food lover.
28 Oktober 2022 3:18
The best food we tried during our stay in Ubud, it was really close to our hotel, but unfortunately we managed to visit it only once. I can fully recommend, great tasty food, friendly owner and small price for a big portion.
27 Oktober 2022 9:37
Really good prices and super tasty Nasi Campur. Much better than in most other places. Staff is very friendly as well and you can have some nice conversations with them. PS: Let's see if I can get my lapis tomorrow ️
18 Oktober 2022 4:53
Sudah biasa makan nasi campur ayam di Bali, tapi yang ini sambalnya bikin beda. Seperti ada bunga kecombrang di racikannya, tapi lupa nanya penjualnya. Harganya tidak mahal. Porsi nasinya pas nanget, tapi mungkin kurang buat yang sehari-hari butuh energi lebih. Warung makannya tidak luas tapi nyaman dan mudah diakses karena di tepi jalan Pengosekan.
03 Oktober 2022 11:25
Absolutely delicious. One of the best traditional meals that I had I Ubud. This place is really affordable, one plate 25 k and you have a big scoop of rice, chicken, sambal, some fried stuff but every single thing was absolutely fire. If you get close by you should give it a try. And by the way there is no menu, they serve just this tipe of food.
03 September 2022 22:24
It’s a fair and local restaurant that makes everyone happy. The waitress was so friendly that I had to come publicly say it. If you want local food, great price and service this is the place.
20 Agustus 2022 12:26
Sangat merekomendasikan nasi campur ini kalo anda sedang mengunjungi ubud, harga murah utk ukuran makan di daerah ubud (rp. 22.000/porsi), porsi melimpah ruah, suasana warung nya pun nyaman walau dekat dengan lampu merah yg selalu ramai. Penjual nya pun sangat ramah.harus dicoba pabila sdg di ubud.
24 Juli 2022 1:00
Porsi lumayan banyak, harga Juni 2022 Rp. 22.000, untuk harga segitu di Ubud terbilang murah, lauknya macam macam, rasanya enak dan rasanya rame di mulut, nggak pedas kok jangan khawatir buat yang kurang suka pedas, tapi ada sambalnya kalo pingin pedas.rasa otentik makanan Bali.
21 Juli 2022 4:43
Enak sekali! Ayamnya empuk dan bumbunya meresap. Bisa pilih porsi 10rb, 15rb dan 20rb. Sambal bawangnya benar-benar wangi dan enak.
09 Juli 2022 19:10
Best best best! I’ve been looking every where for delicious balinese nasi campur in Ubud, and I found this restaurant. It is also very cheap (you’ll get a bunch for only 20K). Recommended! You should try it.
22 Juni 2022 12:58
Ini tempat wajib kalo mampir ke Ubud, Nasi Campur juara. Semua rasanya keluar dan ketika dimakan balance gak lebih ga kurang. Sangat recommended!
06 Juni 2022 4:38
Honestly, we just look for a simple restaurant in Ubud for dinner.
And fortunately, we tried this restaurant.
The additional food, we got jackfruit and bakwan. The food is delicious we ordered 2 Nasi Campur Medium and 2 hot tea.
Just spent 49k.woww
And back to the food, the taste made my tongue happy and honestly its more delicious than the famous restaurant.
Its why i give 5 point,

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