16 November 2023 12:25
Went there 3 times at high tide to see the water blow. Each time I was told it was not occurring and they couldn’t tell us when it would. Was far better when you could see it for free!
14 November 2023 20:37
Water Blow in Bali is a natural spectacle that harnesses the power of the ocean, offering visitors a front-row seat to the raw, untamed beauty of the sea. My recent visit to this unique site left me awestruck by its dramatic setting, the powerful waves, and the mesmerizing dance of azure waters that create a captivating and unforgettable experience.

Unique Setting:
Water Blow is nestled along the rugged Nusa Dua coastline, a destination that stands as a testament to the sheer force of nature. The natural rock formation channels the energy of the ocean, creating a unique setting where waves crash against the cliffs, producing a spectacular display of water surging upward.

Azure Waters:
The waters surrounding Water Blow are a stunning shade of deep blue, adding to the allure of this natural wonder. The contrast between the vibrant blue hues and the white froth of the waves creates a visual symphony that is both soothing and exhilarating. It's a perfect canvas for nature's artistic prowess.

Powerful Waves:
The highlight of Water Blow is undoubtedly the powerful waves that crash against the cliffs, generating an impressive spectacle. The sheer force of the water creates plumes that shoot skyward, making it a dynamic and unpredictable show. Standing at the water's edge, one can feel the raw power and energy of the ocean in its unbridled glory.

Sensory Experience:
Visiting Water Blow is not just a visual treat; it's a sensory experience. The rhythmic sound of the crashing waves, the salty sea breeze, and the refreshing mist that engulfs the area add a tactile dimension to the visit. It's a place where nature's elements come together to create a symphony that resonates with the soul.

Nature's Erosion Artistry:
The surrounding cliffs and rock formations bear the marks of nature's erosion artistry. The intricate patterns and textures tell a story of time and the relentless work of the elements. It's a reminder of the ever-changing landscape shaped by the perpetual dance of water and stone.

Photographer's Paradise:
For photography enthusiasts, Water Blow is a paradise. Capturing the dynamic interaction of waves and cliffs, freezing the moment when water meets rock, and preserving the vibrant colors of the ocean offer endless opportunities for breathtaking shots. It's a place where every angle is a frame waiting to be captured.
10 November 2023 21:35
Symptomatic Bali experience. Getting squeezed out of money for tourist trap.
Sure. 25kIDR is virtually nothing. But it represents well the state of tourism on the island.
05 November 2023 8:44
Unfortunately, in Nusa Dua, tourists are asked to pay for everything. Here we just wanted to go to the beach and check out the stretch of coast with the water blowhole and found out on site that you even have to pay an entrance fee for this.
I would be happy to donate to preserve nature. But not when it feels like tourists are really being squeezed for every last cent. The prices in Nusa Dua are already 3x-10x more expensive than in the interior of the island. Unfortunately, no exaggeration.
25 Oktober 2023 11:49
Unfortunately when I Come The wave doesn’t blow because of The Weather. Make sure you came at The perfect time
18 Oktober 2023 15:02
Don't waste your money (25k/person) for this site. It doesn't worth it, we paid for it and didn't see anything. Nobody told us there won't be waves. We were waiting there for 30 minutes at least. Find another spot for free.:)
31 Agustus 2023 19:10
Nice place to hang out for 20-30 minutes. The entrance is paid, but not very expensive.

Beautiful view and the blowholes are fantastic - every so often you get a huge spray into the air. And droplets from that drift and hit your face which is refreshing.

Would recommend if you are in the area. Probably not worth making a trip just for it. Combine it with shopping at the Bali collection nearby.
23 Agustus 2023 15:00
Cool natural spectacle. Should see it. But inform first when there is high tide in nusa dua.
03 Juli 2019 5:10
Neat place within Peninsula Island. IDR25,000 entrance fee with two viewing areas. Earlier is the morning is the best time to see the higher blows.worth a look in my opinion.
16 Juni 2019 2:45
Laut dengan ombak membentur karang.khas pemandangan Waterblow.untuk menuju ke sana melewati taman yang luas banget jadi lebih baik pilih pagi ato sore hari, jika ingin melihat ombaknya pilih waktu ketika air pasang.
12 Juni 2019 2:58
An entrance fee of IDR15K (local residents), IDR25K (foreigners) applicable as of May 1st, 2019 onwards.

The place is poorly lit at dusk/night, so use the torch in your phone or step cautiously. Hopefully th2 new applied entrance fee could be used to improve the place.
09 Juni 2019 12:06
Sekarang masuknya berbayar, malah terasa tidak spesial lagi. Ombaknya jarang muncul, dan saat laut tenang tidak ada pemberitahuan sehingga sia-sia bayar tiket
08 Juni 2019 19:23
Waterblow masih tetap indah walaupun lebih suka waterblow yang dulu, suasana yang baru, sudah ada beberapa spot yang lebih tinggi dan mulai tanggal 1 Mei 2019 akan dikenakan tiket masuk, 15k untuk tamu domestik, 25k untuk wisatawan asing
28 Mei 2019 6:28
Prefer on cold time. Day time is extrimly hot.peaceful environment. Lots of happning places are surrounded there for food or drink and bery clean garden he here.very clean enviroment all around south bali.ideal for spending quality time with your loved ones or familiy.
22 Mei 2019 4:50
Nice place to go.there were no waves when we have been. The entrance is free until 1st of May.dont remember the price. Walking in the area park is so relaxing.bring sun lotion and hat.
21 Mei 2019 3:32
Saya pikir tempatnya bagus sekali, tapi ternyata standar saja. Waktu terbaik menurut saya siang hari, karena kemarin ke sini pagi pagi ombaknya tdk begitu besae
09 Mei 2019 18:53
View nya menakjubkan, suasananya nyaman cuma kalau ke sini siap2 uang banyak soalnya harga yang dipatok harga untuk turis asing jadi lebih mahal banget
11 Februari 2019 22:54
Waterblow terletak di kawasan Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC). Berada dibelakang hotel Grand Hyatt Bali. Pantainya hanya berupa tebing karang yang sangat indah. Apalagi jika terdapat ombak yang kencang menghempas batuan karang yang besar sampai menyembur ke atas. Semburan ombak yang kuat karena berhadapan langsung dengan samudera hindia. Pesona yang sangat indah jika diabadikan. Pantai di waterblow tidak ada pasir pantai. Terdapat tempat seperti dermaga dengan gazebo dibagian ujungnya untuk duduk-duduk sambil menikmati indahnya batuan karang dan semburan ombak. Tidak ada tiket masuk ke waterblow. Hanya biaya parkir saja.
23 Desember 2018 10:20
Spot foto unik di kawasan Nusa Dua, Bali. Terdapat batuan karang dengan gradasi warna hitam, putih, cokelat dan biru dari laut membuat tempat ini sangat "Instagram-able". Dan pencahayaan alam yang sangat baik juga membuat tone kulit terlihat fresh di foto.

Kawasan ini bisa ditempuh kurang lebih 1 jam berkendara dari Denpasar menuju selatan (Nusa Dua). Cukup lurus saja dari jalan bypass ngurah rai.

Waterblow ini sangat cocok dikunjungi di pagi hari atau sore, mengingat alamnya cukup terbuka dan cenderung panas.
14 Desember 2018 11:38
Waterblow, tempat yang recomended untuk anda yang ingin mengajak keluarga atau teman yang ingin melepas penat dan keramaian kota. Tempat sangat tenang, bersih, selain dapat dijadikan tempat berolahraga (tersedia jogging track dan lapangan basket) anda juga dapat piknik dan bersantai disini (dilengkapi dengan penjual minuman berupa mesin) di sini juga sering dijadikan venue acara acara besar seperti festival sehingga pembangunan terus dilakukan, fasilitas makin memadai dan semakin bagus tentunya
26 November 2018 12:22
Kecewa. 2 hr yg lalu sy kesana. Air tenang, tdk ada ombak. Tdk seperti yg saya tonton di you tube. Plang jalannya juga bohong, arah ke hotel sy 20 M, ternyata 2 km. Kalo musim hujan gimana ya.tdk ada tempat berteduh.
15 November 2018 10:05
Water Blow Nusa Dua merupakan tempat yang wajib kita kunjungi jika kita sedang berada di itdc atau Indonesia tourism development Center. Kawasan ini sudah dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas yang baik serta di kawasan ini merupakan tempat berdirinya hotel-hotel berbintang sehingga kawasan ini terkenal sebagai kawasan yang eksklusif
12 November 2018 4:05
Beautiful place. Nice approach to reach the destination. Leave early to enjoy the area around as there is lot to see. Also attached to a walk-in beach. Water really blows to your face as the name States. It's mind blowing when it happens.

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