08 Oktober 2023 21:41
Sampe sini kalap mata haha. Pesen sate2an, mulai dari sate b2, sate cumi, jamur enoki, sosis telur, sampe chikuwa. Sambil dimakan pakai mie goreng or nasi. Sedaaap. Jangan lupa cobain es lobi-lobinya. Juaraaa! Manisnya pas, seger pulaa. FYI es lobi-lobi bisa ngurangin kadar kolesterol lhoo.
30 September 2023 21:07
Tempatnya enak buat nongkrong ngemil bisa, makan berat juga bisa. Parkir mudah, tempat duduk banyak. Service baik & sopan.
29 September 2023 3:07
The foods are great and have the authentic taste of China's street food. Mala soup is also to my liking, not too strong and still balance. Their iced lobi-lobi is also nice and refreshing. Will come back again for sure
09 September 2023 4:51
Sampe sini jam 17: 04. Buka pintu malah ditegor ama karyawannya "blom buka, ntar lagi"

Cari karyawan yg lebih sopan please
13 Mei 2023 2:58
Food taste lumayan ok untuk sate2annya, tp service nya bad banget. Hot kitchen super lama karena yg masak cuman 1 dan pancinya 1 juga wkwk padahal lagi rame. Karyawan super sedikit. Mba nya lelet semua kerjanya.

Saya pesan nasi goreng kampung surprisingly beda banget sama di foto menunya. Kaya saya bisa bikin sendiri di rumah hahaha nothing special. Masak dan plattingnya sangat ngasal.
Nasi gorengnya manis bgt bisa diabet gw makannya. Sampe enek dan ga habisin. Worst nasi goreng ever.

Selain itu saya pesan rice omelete apa gt. Dagingnya juga alot banget kaya gigit sendal jepit kali hahaha ga ada yang bisa kemakan
03 Oktober 2021 7:00
Lokasinya di pinggiran jalan raya boulevard green lake city menuju ke flyover karang tengah. Rasa memang gak seenak ‘tetangga’ tapi untuk harga sangat bersahabat, dan serunya makan disana karena gak berbau rokok ruangannya.
28 Agustus 2021 9:44
Menus we tried:
1. Wagyu
2. Samcan
3. Pork meat
4. Pork cheek
5. Otak otak
6. Maling
7. Pork Sausage
8. Potato Tornado
9. Beef Tongue
10. Usus
11. Telor Gulung
12. Shimeji
13. Lamb meat
14. Nasi goreng Kampung

Personally the taste is ok but could be better. Jinten they used is fine powder while the originator use coarse one. We also found insect when we poured the powder.
Chili powder is good one.
The samcan and pork cheek was the worst.
It's not done grilled yet and basically no differences in between. Same fat same ingredients.
Pork meat also a bit stink.

My choices here, an anti zonk menu is: nasi goreng, wagyu, telur gulung (could be better if you add a lil pinch of salt more), potato tornado (if not burnt), Maling (which is standard)

We spent around IDR 450K. Service is good. We got all information we need.
17 Agustus 2021 22:06
Good place for hangout. The satay choices are quite a lot with some beer that you can choose.

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