25 Januari 2019 1:11
Gudangnya nyari perlengkapan olahraga terlengkap & harga yg affordable. Tp jgn berharap menemukan barang2 branded kya nike, adidas dll disini. Walaupun merk2 nya masih asing n blm pernah kedengaran sama sekali, tp kualitas materialnya oke. Tempat parkir luas, gratis, ada mushola, lapangan olahraga (basket, tenis meja, inline skate - yg semua nya free to used).
D semua section ada berbagai alat olahraga yg bisa d pakai gratis buat pengunjung (golf mini, badminton, long board, soft arrow, mini wall climbing, sepeda), jd anak2 ga bosen ikutan belanja Nice concept!
19 Januari 2019 2:24
Lengkap berbagai macam peralatan olahraga, dari olahraga indoor, outdoor, darat, air, kemping, tenda-tenda berbagai ukuran dari yang kecil sampai yg berukuran besar. Ada juga berbagai perlengkapan fitnes, jam tangan kesehatan, dan berbagai pernak pernik lainnya. Harga relatif murah karena ada banyak pilihan harga tentunya sesuai dengan kualitas barang, tapi yang paling murahnya juga kualitas lumayan baik. Fasilitas lainnya: parkir cukup luas, ada lapangan untuk mencoba barang yang sudah kita beli, toilet, dan musholla.
11 Januari 2019 8:46
Shopping is quite troublesome, you need to go around the store and browse carefully to get what you want. There are also tester goods to know exactly what you need and fitting rooms to try out sportswear.
May beware of any shoppers who come there trying out the sporting goods such as badminton, tennis, archery, etc.
Price is okay not too crazy expensive.
Also, shoppers must bring their own shopping bags due to eco-friendly system (if you want a bag, you must pay for it).
There is an open courtyard to play some sports and an indoor mini rock climbing too.
Overall it is the most (so far) complete sporting goods store in Indonesia.
29 Desember 2018 12:30
This place was great and amazing! You can buy anything you need for your outdoor activites. Shoes for tracking, hiking, or for any sport you do. And camping stuff also you can find and buy in here. For climbing mountain, jackets, clothes and pants for your any outdoor sport or activity! The place? So huge. So cozy. So relax. So clean. You can find any motive, shape and color in here. Price? This is what I like the most! So cheap if I have to compare to other brands! This brand Decathlon is from France but they sell a good quality in cheap price. What I could ask more if I can get anything in here? ! Bring your family, coworkers or anyone here to shopping together. The staff also friendly and warm to greetings us.
22 November 2018 14:55
If you're looking for sport and sport related equipments, you should check this place. They don't have major brand like adidas, nike, etc but they have almost every product. I bought running bag, microfiber towel, running hat, etc. Regarding the quality of the product, i can't give a review since i haven't use it. If it's good then they deserve full 5 stars.
18 November 2018 10:46
It's great they sell a ton of things at lower prices (on my opinion) the people there are friendly my only problem is that I cannot find a certain brand for basketball which is either spadling or molten but they do have tarmak so.if you are going to ask me the shop is not so bad. But the restroom is always full I think you need to extend it maybe add by 2 more stalls that way people will get a faster chance to use it. Note this is just my opinion.
01 November 2018 3:45
The best place for people who love to exercise. We can found anything kind of tools of sport. And there is place that we can play any sport.
24 Oktober 2018 21:11
Sports supermarket. Everything your needs for sports activities in one place. All staff are specialized in their field. Good response and very helpful. Very recommended.
23 Oktober 2018 10:20
Enak buat belanja dan cuci mata perabot lenong olahraga.siapin kantong belanja sendiri ya, di sini kalo mau pake kantong kudu beli totte bag.ada alat olahraga yang bisa dipake gratis.ada parkiran sepeda.mau pake lapangannya juga bisa.
17 Oktober 2018 9:45
Tempat belanja keperluan olahraga lengkap gila. Modern dan ada tempat olahraganya di selasar luar, kualitas Eropa lahh pokoknya.
05 Oktober 2018 2:23
Disini tempat belanja kebutuhan olahraga dan outdoor super lengkap. Harga terjangkau dan barang berkualitas tinggi. Semua yang dicari untuk olahraga ada disini mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki. Begitu pula dengan konsep dagang decathlon yg baik. Karyawannya ramah ramah dan asik asik. Disini kita dapat mencoba permainan mini seperti tenis meja, badminton, basket, skateboard/longboard, futsal. Semua disediakan disini.
23 September 2018 9:53
Good place to buy any outdoor activities stuff.good price compare to the other stores.the best thing is they have a ground for people doing sport and for free.with so little public space in tangerang, they give something more to the society by provide a free space for people to doing sport.keep up the good work
20 September 2018 21:25
Such a nice place to hang out. I bought two running accessories there (as well as swimming kit an a heart-rate monitor). As a teen on a journey to my first triathlon race, I love their mission to bring the best sporting experience for everyone:)
16 September 2018 2:21
The best ever sporting goods store ever. Comprehensive, spacious, well priced, variety of qualities and a mini play area as well. Staff are very friendly and helpful and a great place to go to if you want to buy any sporting goods. More branches will be great for general public to have better access to better quality goods.
15 September 2018 21:51
Toko perlengkapan olahraga yang super lengkap, dengan merk terkenal dan diskon untuk barang tertentu, ada perlengkapan olahraga lari, renang, fitness, basket, futsal, berburu, mancing, dll.kereen
15 September 2018 16:40
Berbelanja 64 cabang olah raga paling lengkap ya decathlon alam sutera.best item produk tas quechua 10,20,30 liter n running shoes.barang dan kualitas bagus dan garansi
13 September 2018 19:11
One of its kind. An all in one sporting good's store. They work hard on making available the A yo Z's of sports for the customers @ reasonable prices. Even provides a playground opens till the shop closes. Provides skateboards, balls, bball hoops etc. Very well lit at night time.
09 September 2018 4:25
What a great experience, staffs are helpful, plenty of parking space and got various kind of your sports need. Most are in-house brand though (similar to Ikea) but reasonably priced.
02 September 2018 5:00
Terimakasih kasih banget dengan decathlon sangat bertanggung jawab bangat atas kerusakan barang, padahal cuman jahitan terbuka sedikit dan cover bag tidak sesuai size tapi tetap bisa retur hihihi pelayanan sangat baik sopan ramah saya pun puas dengan pelayanan decathlon see you kaka
28 Agustus 2018 15:56
Buat sports lover.ini lokasinya di samping IKEA ya.disini lengkap banget.setiap jenis olah raga tersedia outfit nya utk wanita, pria, dan ANAK.wow.jarang ya ada yg lengkap tuk anak begini.harga pinter2 pilih saja ya.ada yg murah meriah.ada juga yg cukup tinggi.pilih sesuai kantong aja.kualitas barang? Baru beli kemarin sih.blm coba durabilitasnya.tp brand Decathlon ini dari Perancis.seharusnya kualitasnya bisa dipertanggungjawabkan yaaa.
25 Agustus 2018 22:08
Tempat jual perlengkapan olah raga yang sangat lengkap. Dari yg murah sampai yang mahal ada. Tinggal sesuaikan budget saja. Walau murah qualitasnya masih premium.
25 Agustus 2018 1:09
+Etalase barang berdasarkan jenis olahraga
+Promo diletakkan pada bagian yg mudah terlihat
+Terdapat penjelasan dan perbandingan produk
+Harga bervariasi dari yg murah sekali hingga jutaan
+Parkir gratis
+Terdapat lapangan untuk berolahraga dan mencoba langsung produk
+Proses pembayaran cepat meski antrian panjang

-Crowded pada saat2 tertentu
-Anak2 berseliweran dgn otoped yg cukup mengganggu
-Siap2 kelaparan karena hanya tersedia vending machine minuman
-Lokasi hanya bisa dijangkau kendaraan pribadi

Shopping experience:
Surga bagi yg mencari perlengkapan olahraga, tidak lebih dari itu. Jangan ke sini jika mengharapkan rekreasi kuliner
23 Agustus 2018 5:11
Limited stock, non functional fitting rooms, and the place functions more like a kids fun park than an outdoor shop. Would expect more from a reputable international company that's already open for a year.
20 Agustus 2018 20:24
A pretty pleasant place to shop various kind of unique sport equipment with really worth it prices, and like cheaper than the others
18 Agustus 2018 4:10
Toko olahraga yang sangat lengkap, tempat mudah dijangkau, kualitas barang bagus sesuai dengan harga, fasilitas lengkap, bisa mencoba peralatan olahraga di tempat, suasana nyaman, dan pelayanan yang ramah.
12 Agustus 2018 5:15
Pusat toko olahraga yang harganya terjangkau dan itemnya banyak, untuk jual alat olahraga termasuk sangat luas, banyak jual produk olahraga dengan harga yg terjangkau dan bahkan ga ditemukan di pasaran sih, ada lift dan tangga buat naik ada fasilitas lapangan bebas pakai buat olahraga, parkir gede dan luas dan GRATIS 100%

keunikan juga bayar belanjaan bisa self service loh yg pertama di Indonesia, bisa tes sepeda disini ada tempatnya kok pokoke seru kalo kesini banyak yg bs dicoba
28 Juli 2018 2:51
Perlengkapan olahraga yang lengkap berkualitas dan harga terjangkau.
Toko yang memiliki cabang di 42 negara.

Disarankan membawa tas belanja sendiri atau membeli tas daur ulang @10.000. Sua barang tanpa kotak ataupun bungkus plastik. Sepertinya menganut konsep go green.
Pelayanan yang serupa di seluruh cabangnya.

Parkir luas, bersih, bebas dan nyaman.
10 Juli 2018 13:19
️Good place to buy your sporting equipment. They have everything from camping gear, footwear, sports rackets, exercise outfit, sunglasses, scooters, bicycles, frisbees, roller skates, the list goes on and on. Best of all, they let you try out their equipment. The prices are pretty affordable too.
I visited today (my third time) and quite disappointed with the state of the store. As you can see from some of the pictures, there are a lot of boxes that are left on the aisle. Hoping that it's just because their staff has just come back from the long holiday.
10 Juli 2018 11:32
Berbagai macam alat olahraga tersedia di sini. Semacam IKEA tapi untuk alat olahraga. Ada lapangan basket outdoor yang bisa dipakai untuk mencoba alat atau bola
09 Juli 2018 23:48
One stop place for all of your sporting equipments. However do not expect any well known brand here as they only sell their own brand.

Not only store, they also provide a field to try out different types of sports such as basketball, futsal, roller blade, etc for free. Parking is free but unfortunately for such a big store, only small customer toilet is available.

The price itself is considered quite standard and you can even find some items which is incredibly cheap.

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