16 Juni 2021 12:32
I've bought a few things from this store. One of them was the insta360 Pro 2 camera. I had major issues with the camera and the manufacturer was very difficult about it. However, the owner of Hasco went beyond helpful and made sure that the problem was solved. One of the best service experiences I have had in Indonesia in the past 10 years. Recommend these guys 100%!
13 Juli 2020 19:13
Hit and miss. One time I requested a flight test with one of their drones, the CS ran through a flight of 5 mins and by the time I wanted to try it, the battery was dead. I didn't feel respected at all by the staff, quite hilarious that they agreed to a flight test yet they didn't reserve enough decent battery. Was going to buy on the spot but the experience to try out the drone was so poor I ended up deciding against it. But in general they've got quite a bit of stuff to look at.
08 Juli 2020 0:11
Info dari pihak Hasco Magicsky, awal tahun 2020 akan pindah lokasi ke ruko di kawasan alam sutera.info lebih lanjut bisa tanya mereka
15 Juli 2019 21:45
By definition it is a nice store, but probably because not a lot of people visit this showroom it is not maintained well.
09 Juli 2019 3:06
Pelayananya ramah, tempatnya gampang dicari, l okasinya depan Mall Alam Sutera.saya niat beli Battrry mavic pro, lg kosong, lalu saya ditawari battery bekas dengan harha 1jt. Pdhal br 10 x charge.malah mavic saya dicek scara keseluruhan, mulai dr body, kalibrasi IMU hingga tes terbang
22 Juni 2019 18:34
Tempat penjualan resmi dari DJI di Indonesia. Selain ditempat ini ada juga di Mall Ratu Plaza. Pelayanannya baik dan barang yang tersedia cukup lengkap.
16 Januari 2019 21:06
Pelayanan disini sangat tidak menyenangkan, setiap bertanya dijawab dengan sangat ketus itupun dijawab dengan sambil mengobrol dengan teman kerjanya dan kurang memperhatikan konsumen. Yang tadi niat untuk membeli disini pun jadi urung karna pelayanan yang tidak baik.
20 Agustus 2018 15:19
Tempatnya tidak lengkap, kalo mau repair tidak lengkap utk drone Tello. Sevice tidak ramah sama sekali, perlu di training basic customer service

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