05 Oktober 2023 1:11
The teachers (Mr. Yudhi and Mr. Joseph) are very friendly, they explained everything in easy way to understand. After all, I was so happy during the class. I really want to join this class again!
02 Oktober 2023 20:56
Joining English Today was such a great experience. The teachers helped me a lot to become better at mastering English. Hopefully, my IELTS score will improve.
01 Oktober 2023 18:43
Sangat menyenangkan bisa bergabung dengan kursus ini, guru yang mengajar juga punya metode masing-masing yang cukup menarik untuk membiasakan kita sebagai student dapat berbahasa inggris dengan terbiasa secara baik dan benar. Thank you Joe and Dan…best
30 September 2023 15:59
Thank you very much English Today. I really appreciate every lesson from ET teachers (especially: Daniel, Joe, Amber). I learn a lot of useful vocabulary, phrases and idioms. They also increase my confidence. I cannot thankyou enough. ET the best
29 September 2023 8:57
Amazing teachers, friends.play and learn with great team!
Pada intinya ya sangat menarik dan asik belajar bahasa inggris, cepat dan benar benar paham.
Mantap pokoknya
28 September 2023 23:59
Great place for study english for Employe.thank you English Today
Thank you English Today for the experience, the teachers are friendly, easy to understand, and very helpful.
28 September 2023 19:29
Lita is very Good teacher, easy to understand in class, and make us more confident to talk in front of the class or other people
24 September 2023 20:33
English Today is a good English courses and the teachers are very professional and friendly, especially Joe, Daniel, and Joseph. During the pandemic covid-19 learning english online really helped us to improve our english.
09 Oktober 2022 15:22
I liked the way the instructors took forward the course. JOE & JWR conducted the course in almost the same way what they were teaching, they were a live demonstration of all the concepts taught.
07 Oktober 2022 4:54
The class was so fun. I learnt a lot from it, especially about pronunciation considering that it's very important for me at work to avoid miscom between ATC and Pilot. Thank you very much, Mr. Martijn.
27 September 2022 1:02
Overall I enjoyed the course. I liked that everything was straight forward. The lecture Joana Nucci is awesome.
11 September 2022 22:29
Thank you for the experience Mr. Martijn we are so enjoying the session with you for the whole week.hope all the good things continue.uraaaaa!
11 September 2022 14:09
Thanks miss for your teach us well. Hope we can meet again in the next level

Best Regards,
04 September 2022 1:32
My experience learning speaking English with Miss Frida was very comfortable and impressed me as a friend, the impact was that when I spoke I did not feel ashamed for fear of being wrong, she also provided motivation and steps to understand vocabulary & sentences more quickly, because the key is to be confident with what do we say
24 Agustus 2022 4:01
Done such a great time with English Today Indonesia. The teachers are really good in letting us convert our ideas into conversation, games, etc. Their methods are interesting enough to keep us focus yet entertained in class.
21 Agustus 2022 23:42
The mentor is very competent, friendly, encouraging, and understanding the needs of student.it is a very pleasent having a chance to be a part of ET. My english is getting better so i become more confident to speak english.
19 Agustus 2022 17:06
I have a great experience in this course and the teacher also really good.i really have fun when learning english in here
08 Agustus 2022 12:21
Very helpful to can speak english more fluent, and the teacher have a great method to teach.thank you
29 Juli 2022 18:45
I had a great expirience with english today, everyday it is a fun day in class, the teacher was so good and really help us improved our english.thank you mr.patrick
03 Desember 2021 7:07
Pengajarnya asik bgt cuy! Belajar rasa diskusi
Materinya cukup komprehensif sesuai tingkatan
Keren lah English Today! Mantab!
19 November 2021 5:28
Cukup senang belajar dengan pengajar dari ET, menarik, dan sangat informatif sekali, sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan
07 November 2021 7:11
Very comfortable and fun to study here, the quality of the trainer is very good, can make the atmosphere comfortable and fun
07 Oktober 2021 7:49
Joseph Barns is one of the best tutors in English Today. His way of teaching was very effective & professional. Highly recommended!
02 Oktober 2021 13:02
Good place to enhance english skills because the materials are relevant for the participant and the practice use real life example
30 Agustus 2021 3:10
I would like to say that this English class has a great opportunity for me. It's good to meet friends and study together. Especially for our teacher Ms. Nani, I was lucky to get teachers like you, not only to learn about english, but you were able to set up a rhythm when to be serious and when to joke. Thank you very much for the time and place you made me learn English more and more.
24 Agustus 2021 20:03
Sangat menyenangkan belajar di English today, especially thank to MS NANY who is very funnnnnnnyyyyyy Patient and good teacherrr, the best FANTASTIC
19 Agustus 2021 8:53
Alhamdulillah, selama mengikuti pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di English today saya mendapat pengalaman dan pengetahuan bahasa inggris yang baik sekali begitupun pengajar mr.daneel dengan cara penyajian yang mudah dipahami, karena mempunyai wawasan pengetahuan bahasa inggris yang memadai, jadi saya rasa tidak salah memilih English today sebagai tempat kursus dalam menambah pengetahuan bahasa inggris, terima kasih.
14 Agustus 2021 4:50
Sangat bagus belajar disini. Suasanya yang dibuat ketika proses belajar juga enak banget jadi ga bikin canggung karena kebetulan dapet group yang berbeda pekerjaan
20 Juli 2021 20:17
Metode pembelajaran yg sangat profesional, mudah dipahami dan dipelajari. Mentor yang ditugaskan mengajar juga sangat ahli dan paham dari tiap kemampuan anak didiknya
17 Juli 2021 15:26
Kursusnya menarik dan karena didukung oleh tenaga pengajar yg profesional, komunikasi dua arah, dan porsi latihan yg >50% sehingga kami bisa lebih paham dan lebih lancar berbicara dalam bahasa inggris
14 Juli 2021 13:16
Pengalaman belajar saya di ET menyenangkan dan memberikan saya pengalaman baru dalam pembelajaran. Pengajar di ET berpengalaman dalam hal kegiatan pembelajaran, bagaimana memberikan materi, pemilihan bahasa (komunikatif) dan bisa menyesuaikan dengan siswa.
13 Juli 2021 6:16
Guru nya bener dari Bule dan ngomong Inggris trs setiap hari. Bagus, tumben dapet kursus langsung dari Bule, dan gampang dimengerti bahasanya.
09 Juli 2021 17:46
I am very enjoyed learning with English Today, especially our teacher Ms. Kiky making our class fun and making a lesson easy to understand. I like it ️
04 Juli 2021 12:07
Sangat menyenangkan, serius tapi santai cocok untuk belajar tanpa terasa digurui, wawasan juga berkembang teknik pelatihan tidak membosankan.
30 Juni 2021 17:23
My experience study with English Today, I feel happy and very interested in learning English online.it's very effective
25 Maret 2021 3:09
I had a really great experience with English Today! Thumbs up for good quality of the lessons that is adjustable with my daily needs, as well as the qualified teacher that they have. We were so lucky to have Joseph as our teacher. He's not only capable of delivering the lesson, but also a genuine listener who always trying to comprehend of what his students' needs. Thank you English Today!
11 Maret 2021 2:47
Saya diajarkan oleh Miss Ernani. Pelajaran yang diberikan mudah dimengerti dan komunikasi juga nyaman banget, tidak membosankan. Terima kasih Miss Ernani.
10 Maret 2021 5:28
Kegiatan yang dilakukan sangat menyenangkan, interaksi yang dilakukan juga mempermudah bagi saya untuk memahami materi karena mengingat saat ini bahasa inggris sangat penting
05 Maret 2021 17:33
This course is very helpful and valueable for me to increase my English, especially speaking.
Thanks a lot to Joseph as teacher, the class to be more interactive and interesting. You are a great teacher, Joseph:)
24 Februari 2021 4:53
Saya sangat beruntung mengambil khusus bahasa inggris di english today karena sangat bagus sekali dlm pemberian pelatihannya dan saya dapat mengaplikasikannya sehari2
15 Januari 2021 15:27
I love this program. Very useful for me to understand how to speak English language very well and make me more confidence to speaking English.
16 Desember 2020 20:25
I took an online class in English Today because my job requires conversational english skills.

I was matched with Lita as my teacher. Every class began with a speaking section and she would naturally make me practice my present, past, future tenses by asking about how i’m doing, how was my day and plans i have for that day.

She planned the courses based on what I need for my job but she is also very open for any requests I have. She made plans but she wouldn't force me to go into the next topic if I haven’t quite understood the present topic. She also helped me with pronunciation which sometimes I found difficult.

Lita too is a bright and cheerful person whom you can speak too and never run out of things to talk about. So in conclusion, I enjoyed Lita’s class and learned a lot from it.
13 Desember 2020 13:40
Got a chance to improve my English skill with English Today. Guided by professional teacher with fun and interactive lesson, can help me to understand more about English. But only 1 thing to improve, maybe we need to decrease time in opening so we can move to the topic directly since we only have 1hour 30 minute lesson and dont need to spend much time in opening.
01 Desember 2020 11:01
They know how to handle the class when we have different level of english knowledge and make it easier for us to practice it within the class, make us more confident outside the class.the class is very enjoyable and interactive.the teachers know how to break the ice and relate to the students.even though I only have 2months studied, I am now more confident to speak, and understand better when other people talks to me.thank you English Today!
19 November 2020 20:39
Pembelajaran dimulai sejak sebelum pandemi, dengan trainer berpengalaman, komunikatif dan profesional. Setelah pandemi pembelajaran dilanjutkan secara online dan dengan berbagai kendala namun pembelajaran tetap berjalan dengan lancar. Sukses selalu.

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